Farting so hard that you vomit
This happened to me after feeling sick and gassy in my intestines for a couple of hours. Is it related and/or normal?
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This happened to me after feeling sick and gassy in my intestines for a couple of hours. Is it related and/or normal?
That reminds me of that time I rushed to the toilet for Diarrhoea, and the smell was so bad I threw up in the toilet before I flushed and the smell kept making me throw up - good fucking times....I'm a pretty lonely guy if you haven't already realised.
Bet you felt better after you peeled off a couple of loud stinky ones, huh? Maybe some kind of stomach virus. Maybe you ate a piece of meat that had turned rancid. Maybe you got totally fucked up on imported German beer. As long as you felt better after. Then normal.