Fat ugly women are jealous of slim pretty women
These whales are super jealous. They can't stop stuffing their faces. I'm also sick of their entitlement they feel everyone should cater to them.
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These whales are super jealous. They can't stop stuffing their faces. I'm also sick of their entitlement they feel everyone should cater to them.
It's not ok to bully fat people, but for many, it is a choice to be fat.
People who can't control the urge to eat and are harming their body as a result have an eating disorder.
It doesn't make them bad people, but sick people, and it would be better to support these people and be factual, impersonally.
There's nothing more beautiful than a huge fat woman walking very aggressively with her big dangly tits squeezed into a top that's 5 sizes too small. At least according to ads for women's clothes.
Fat people get the short end of the stick in life. This is an example of a way they can be perceived by others. I used to be fat when I was young and I was treated sub-human. Beautiful people on the other hand get every perk and get spoiled. I have been on both sides of the spectrum. You ought to appreciate the hardships unattractive people have instead of hating on them so much.
Everyone thinks others should cater to them.
Besides, who cares how someone else wants to live?
If your big I don't care. But if you are fat I'm talking a fuck ton of shit about you in my head. Judging every roll even the structure of your fat disgusting face. The way you waddle stupidly and cant work a real job. The disgusting way you eat. Really I could go on.
Tldr fat people disgust me
My fat rolls are beautiful, bigot!
If someone's fat then Idc (I'm a fatty bum bums myself), but it's ludicrous when people try to push that it's health or beautiful, or that fatties should become some kind of protected group fighting "fatphobia". Nah bro, your clogged arteries and fat rolls aint hot, it's not fatphobia, it's evolution.
Also, I never came across people who hated fatties until all this "body positivist" stuff started. The fat/body positive people are pissing people off, and rightly so, and that's leading to some people directing that at fatties in general; rather ironically, the body/fat positive people are the ones creating the problems here for both fatties and normal people without a fat fetish.
Yeah we have a lot of single mums on welfare like that over here. They are so loud and entitled, the sound of their voice makes we want to kick someone in the head. We call em "bush pigs"
Being skinny isn't exactly healthy either and theres a possibility that big people can be healthy, they just need to eat the right things and I don't think its plus sized people giving slim girls crap. I think skim women may feel that way, and feel it necessary to point fingers, when in actuality there may not be any one reason. Social media,for example tells women to be perfect all the time so does tv,magazines even our own parents can sometimes put this idea in our heads that skinny equals healthy. You can be skinny and healthy that means having a fast metabolism. But there are people who don't know how to stop from either adding to their weight or adding to their lack thereof. Then it becomes an eating disorder. I won't disagree with you about there being some outsider involvement into the pressure of being skinny, but I don't think its just down to a particular group as nowadays all people seem to care about is being fit and trendy.
When my wife use to work at a doctors office they'd have pizza and fried chicken sometimes at the office and she wouldn't eat it because she was on a diet (she takes care of herself and works out, keeps a nice body) and all the fatties would roll their eyes and be like "you're too skinny as it is you dont need to get skinnier you're like a rail". Or "you dont even need to diet".
I think theyre projecting because they know deep down they should be on a diet and when they see someone already inshape on a diet it hits close to home. So instead of "if shes inshape and dieting i really should be, becausenim actually fat." then they think "i dont need to diet so she REALLY doesnt. Im not fat im big boned ect."
Fat people are trying really hard to make fat the new normal.
Maybe it is.
Maybe being a fat american, wearing pajamas, and house shoes riding a courtesy car in walmart is the new normal.
But you know better.
Deep down, under all those layers.
Fat is not attractive on anyone.
if youre chest or breast or ass are smaller then your mid section.
You are not attractive.
Only other fat people or desperate people tell you otherwise.
Moms I know we all get a little pouch.
But thats not an excuss for a huge spare tire.