Fattening my girlfriend

Long story short, I want to fatten up my girlfriend.

I care about her health and that's why I want to stuff her with relatively healthy food items (with a few expections).

I want to go about this without the "Are you fattening me up?" question arising.

Any ideas? I don't want her knowing, and I like her healthy. But I want her to have a nice, sexy, belly squeezing out from under her top and some nice, large, jiggily arms and legs.

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Comments ( 146 )
  • 10binary

    Trying to fatten her in secret is a bad idea. If you tell her she would look better fatter then it's a different story.

    but if she agrees to it then everything is great!

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  • teehee

    WELL DONE for not wanting a stick thin girl!

    but you CANNOT fatten her up. no. its jst not gona work mate.

    is this a fetish of yours? maybe u should share it with her to get it off your chest.

    i promice you, if u go behind her bak and try to make her fat, she WILL get scared and WILL dump you ¬.¬

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    • Bloodcat

      He can he just shouldnt

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  • overcomerthruChrist

    What you are doing is morally wrong.It is no different from a doctor who secretly and subtly medicates a patient without his or her knowledge, much more consent.It would have been better to be honest and let her know how you feel, (tactfully that is) than to be trying to "fatten " her.
    I don't even understand which part of fattening someone is healthy, unless of course the person is Anorexic which you did'nt indicate that was the case.
    Your girlfriend has a right to her body type and size, just like you.Imagine her trying to do the same to you but giving you the reverse of the body type you are comfortable with.
    You didn't mention whether this was how you were brought up culturally but if this is so (meaning; liking or appreciating a thicker/fatter body in a woman), you should bear in mind that love means "accepting me for who I am not what you want me to be".
    I would say sir, please look beyond her phisical body and concentrate on the qualities that drew you to her in the first place.DO NOT CARRY OUT YOUR PLAN,she may eventually resent you afterwords for this infringement on her right to be the body size she now is.
    If this will make you any happier, after you too marry, settle down and have children-she may gain the few pounds you crave, anyway but don't tell her I told you so. God's blessings to you and her and don't be a "control freak" now.Love and best wishes.

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  • Fizzy

    Fat chicks do it better.

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    • jandkb

      not necessarily lol.

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  • ramdom

    I am skinny and want to fatten up. I want a big sexy belly. I am also single. Please someone feed me and rub my belly. I love very fattening foods...so it should be easy to become plump. Here`s a secert: I love to stuff pillows up my shirt and pretend I have a plump belly. One time I even went to the mall with a pillow. Plese someone feed me and rub my belly...and other places. :)

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  • prettyfatgirl

    I know you said you would like to feed her healthy food but I recommend chocolate. Lots and lots and lots of chocolate.
    It's done wonders to my body. Take a peek! ;)

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    • poopie

      lol no girl wants to be a big fat fatty...

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    • lalalala123

      shit your weird!

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      • Bloodcat

        No she just has a fetish a lot of ppl have fat fetishs and other fetishes as well

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    • tbenedix

      you like gaining:)?

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    • WarLord

      Jesus Christ, that picture almost made me puke!

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  • nozza26

    You should accept her how she. if she is too thin then maybe talk to her but changing someone for your own sordid needs is just wrong.

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  • Xelsae

    Usually boys are shallow. Congratulations for being different. I also like how you said, "Healthy". I don't know how to help you though. Sorry. D:

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    • xathira

      Uhhhh how is liking fat women NOT shallow?

      He obviously doesn't appreciate his woman the way she is. That's pretty damn shallow. Moron.

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    • Omnomnominous

      this is super shallow, he doesnt give a shit about what she wants

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  • purple_lilies

    You. are very stupid.
    Alot of you guys are.

    Some girls , including me, are NATRALLY skinny, meanigthey have high metabolism, i bet alot of you guys have no idea what that is.

    its okay if you like big girls, hell theyre as beautiful as skinny ones, but it makes you a bad boyfriend for wanting to change how she is.

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  • slm89

    lol... I love guys who dont mind some chub on a girl. I am not fat but I seriously think it is so nice, because most guys are douche bags and make fun of or put down girls who dont live up to their expectations. I wish guys would get a life and stop watching porn, so that they can see what girls are really about.

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  • amoronorma

    God Bless YOU!!!! I love a man who doesnt mind some fat on a woman!

    Take her to Planet Smoothie and get a Chocolate Elvis or to Baskin Robin..they have a milkshake with 2200 calories ...she'll put on at least 3 pounds to 5 pounds a week

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  • poopie

    your girlfriend should kick you in the fucking eye... if you dont like how she is for being her then you truly dont love her for who she is fat or skinny you should love someone for who they are not what you want them to be

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  • Painful1

    I applaud your embrace of the fat. Though I don't think it's a good idea to be fattening up your girlfriend unless she's ok with it. She might get pissed when/if she finds out.

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  • HugeDong87

    Sounds like she needs a new man. Your a slime ball

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  • okay I'm pretty chubby lol I feel bad now because most of the comments are "i think fat women make me wanna puke"
    anyway i wish everyone would put a picture on here.
    i wanna see whose writing what lol
    I put one on!

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  • leelee12

    dont listen to them! i think its so cute that u like fat chicks... if their wre more guys like u around, there wuldnt be soo many low self esteem girls in the world and alot less eating disorders.

    but u shuld find away to talk to her bout it... at first she mite be a lil mad or confused but after som thinking she'll turn around... shit i wish i culd find a guy like that. im stressin every day to stay fit and in shape for my man.

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    • randomname14

      Eating disorders are caused by many more things then that. Trust me.

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  • dwe

    Although I think you're crazy, your woman is lucky to have an accepting guy like you.

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  • zii

    Go date a fat chick instead of trying to change someone.

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  • Gabriell

    O suppose he doesn't want her to be overweight but NOT TO BE SKINNY.. that's normal!

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  • normalnormally

    That's fucking sick. You people disgust me. I don't care what kind of fetish you have, endangering the lives of others, and yourselves is horrible. Gainers and Feeders need to get some real psychological help. No, it is NOT normal.

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  • loviex102

    If she's underweight and you want her to look healthy or a little chunky, that's perfectly normal!

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  • theguy704

    you should watch a movie called 'Feed' before you try this. don't do anything to her without her knowing, that's fuckin criminal dude.

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    • hotmama50

      did the movie bother you?

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    • wtf..........

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    • stjimmy

      I saw that movie. It had one messed up ending.

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    • gears14

      lol i watched that

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  • ThatKidTotallyRocks

    That's just horribly mean. Being fat is not healthy. It will just make her have more health problems down the road and she'll be extremely uncomfortable. I'm not fat, but I have to monitor my weight closely, because if I get over 130 pounds my knees and back start killing me. But, that part is just me. I used to pop my knees out as a child.

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  • Real


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  • looner

    if u are a chubby chaser, then dont feed her healthy food. take out a lot of candy and make her eat that. salads won't fatten you up.

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  • egyptiangodjokessuck

    I'm pretty sure you didn't listen to the majority of these people's advice, and your girlfiend has gained 15 lbs since then, am I right?

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  • YuppItsLee



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  • combatgal856

    Go and find a fat woman if you want someone who is fat. That way she will be stuffing herself and you can help. Every girl wants to loose weight, not gain weight, once she see's she is gaining weight she is going to go on a diet and your plan will back fire.

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  • jben4president

    hey if you can get away with it go for it

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  • soulflyer9

    there are a lot of different thoughts on this topic; what men want vs. what men really want. I think that you should sit her down and talk to her about this. tell her that her health concerns you and that you think that she should gain more weight.

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  • private420

    lol why are there so many posts about fat women >.> the only reason this fear is justifiable is the childhood story.

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  • JanieKaykes

    You have absolutely no right to make that decision for her.

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  • Adrii

    well i think its okay if shes okay of you trying to thicken her but if she doesnt then just find another girl thats the size you want

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  • ithinkiminsane

    thats diabolical!.. GO FOR IT!!!!!!

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  • chocolate_123

    Maybe you should find a girlfriend with more curves instead of trying to change the one you have now ...

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  • this-charming-girl

    my ex was exactly the same, he'd used to think i was anorexic and fatten me up with disgusting foods, wheras in truth, i'm a fussy eater and it doesn't take much to fill me up, ask her what she wants!

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  • catgirl

    Suggest she eat foods like creamy soups and salads with fattening dressings. She might not realize that they have a lot of calories. Buy her some chocolate bars she likes. You could buy the little ones and she will more likely eat a few which are more than one regular sized one. Or buy a medium sized bag of M&Ms or whoppers. Cookies are always good for eating a few more than one serving.

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  • Heybroyodogsupman

    weird that you want her to have jiggly arms and a fat stomach but w/e floats your boat.

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  • WildRose

    hey poeple, may be his girlfriend is super skinny and he wants to put some flesh on her and not to make her fat,

    any way, i think you should tell her the truth, may be she wouldn't mind!!

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  • Starofhisheart

    well, i think that if she wants to be fat, let her be.. but don't make her change her body to suit your fantasies

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  • Takoon

    Don't try to change her. It's fine if you have a fat fetish or whatever, but don't force it on her secretly. Just tell her if that's the problem, but don't go behind her back to heighten your fetish.

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  • aropak

    just leave her alone. if she likes her body the way it is let it be! don't ruien your relationship like that! and i you do it any way, i hope she dumps your low life ass!

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  • TheLegendaryOne

    well just take her out to lunch or whatever...buy lots of foods and tell her to cook....and if you like them chubby than thats fine

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  • unmarkedbeauty

    My ex boyfriend fattened me up. I used to be bulimic but we were together for two years, and then I began to recover after intensive therapy, and I gained the weight back + more. He wouldn't stop buying me junkfood, and I didn't notice how much weight I gained until people were like "wtf". I am still trying to lose the weight, and this made me cry because he did it all secretly and never told me, and he dumped me, and now I have all this fat that he allowed me to gain. He was pushy with his junkfood, we'd get into fights because I refused to eat and I loved him.

    He'd always come home with shit food, and I was 16 at the time so I didn't know better. Now I am a health freak and go to the gym, I will never accept anything with calories from another man again. I hope she dumps you, freak.

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  • spacerandy

    I don't know if it's just me, but sounds like you're talking about some farm animal like a cow or pig, not a human being. WTF.

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  • chickenlicken

    don't you dare fatten her up! it's great that you don't want a stick thin girl but it's her right to have her body, the way she likes it. you do not posses her and never will.
    also, trying to feed her tonnes of unhealthy food to make her big isn't good as far as health goes. do you really want to give your girlfriend heart disease or even diabeties?

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  • nymphetaminegirl420

    That is fucking hot! I am going for the same thing. My husband and I are mutual gainers and loving it!!

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  • plumpbelly

    fatten me instead...im 247 lbs and growing..all my fat is in my belly....i need a feeder...i want to be immobile

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    • Lol I'll do it.

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    • gubec

      It is so sexi.

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  • your a horrible and disguting person i hope she dumps your sorry ass

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    Not fat :|
    But not skinny either.
    Size 14 to 16 is perfect :P

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  • starforce

    Feed her fried food and food high in sugar. Also try to give her big meals near to sleep time. Make her lazy, and not do any exercise.

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  • pink_apple

    Thats wrong to do that for your own reasons, accept her for who she is and let her know it and if she puts on weight because she is comfortable so be it but thats wrong to plan to fatten her up!

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  • luffymaxxie

    What's wrong with you? No one wants to be a fatty. Unless there's something wrong with you...........

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  • i_love_religion...not

    Aaaaahhhh!! hahahahahahhahaahaha!! Good stuff. WAIT A MINUTE!... Are you serious!??

    OMG! hahahaha! loooool!

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  • Healthy is fine - but what you describe - that doesn't sound very healthy to me. Obesity is such a growing problem and you should NEVER just try to "fatten" someone up for your own sexual pleasure without them knowing. It's just pretty disgusting.

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  • Maags

    You might be extremely insecure and afraid she will leave you for someone else unless you fatten her up. Is this it ?

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  • you like fat girls? umm... you should let your gf know about it cause it's not your right to do that to her you know.

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  • amberinboston

    Hold up, why attack this man when all he did was say he wanted his girlfriend to gain weight and be healthy? He never said he wanted a HUGE WOMAN FROM THE CIRCUS. YOU PEOPLE ARE JERKS.

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  • shwam

    remember when she is shamu, have competitions to see how long you can get each roll to wobble for with every thrust

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  • MapleSyrup

    If thats what your attracted to you should have looked else where. Woman especially these days are more self concious than ever and doing this to her could give her a bad self image, which in turn could be bad for you because she may not enjoy sexual activities with you as much because she is disgusted with the way she looks.

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  • you deserve a non-stop anal itch.

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    • lalalala123

      haha this made me lol

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    • arrowhead

      lmao. you just made my day

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  • Maceinface

    That's pretty mean to do to her..
    You sir, should be executed!

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  • If that is you I feel sorry for you. How can you let yourself get like that EEWWWWWWWWWWWW dont you want a relationship or a partner to share things with and dont tell you got plenty coz I know you dont

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  • XxxLUVxxX

    Ok, so like... I am anorexic.... And working on gaining weight tho... I am 5'5" and weighed 130lbs... Then went to 95lbs..... But now that I am working on gaining... I weigh about 102-104........ Does this mean I am ugly? Let her be healthy for her heighth and weight.... If you feel she needs to gain some, just tell her your concerns.... I'm sure she would not mind hearing you say that she can eat whatever she wants cuz you would like her a couple sizes larger anyways!

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  • Lambent

    Oh, I see.
    You're a chubby chaser.
    That's pretty sad... I wouldn't want my boyfriend to fatten me up in secret... I'm pretty chubby as it is. So what you want to do would harm your girlfriend self-esteem-wise.
    If you don't like her as she is, you don't deserve her. She should dump you so you could find a chubbier girl to quench your thirst.

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  • expoguy

    Dump her and go out and find a nice fat girl, they are always grateful for sex and put more effort into it than good looking skinny ones, plus you will be sure of a good breakfast in the morning.

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  • atreyu21

    Nah, don't fatten her up. Thats nasty and a really gay thing to do. Sounds like you don't even like her. Feed me instead, semihungryperson5, ahahhhahahahaha.
    But no, really, don't do it.

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  • hornsby123

    You're disgusting. What a waste of a perfectly good woman - if you want a defective model, simply go down to a country town McDonalds and hit on the filthy beasts there, they will be glad of your attention.

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    • tampabayallstar

      Do they actually serve food at McDonalds?

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  • roketlever

    thick and fat women make me sick.

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    • bittyboobs

      You have a fetish, so no that's not normal. Fattening your girlfriend in secret is sick and wrong. However there are other people who like what you like, and there are women who are into it. I strongly suggest finding a woman like that.

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  • kornjerker

    i think that we should burn all the fat people to solve out fuel problem and that would make less fat childern witch would make less fat people witch would make the world AMAZING

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  • Annonamous

    Honestly at first I thought this was wierd this guy I like he likes me too and he wants to do the same to me and after reading some of the comments I don't mind it anymore I get what most of you are saying that if you love her you shouldn't change her but what if your type was say girly girls who wear make up and you faĺl for someone who is sorta a girly girl but wore next to no make up would you do the sane try and change her to wear some I someone who wore a lot of right clothes witch you didn't mind but it started to attract to much attentention and guys where getting the wrong idea when she went out alone who you ask her to change then? These are all changes however small or big just try and be more open minded

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  • hockeygf1308

    I think wanting to do this is completely normal but I don't think you should actually fatten her up. She will notice the weight gain and try to lose it. If u discretely told her that u wouldn't mind if she wanted to gain a few pounds and she was ok with that... Then it would be ok to fatten her up.

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  • Bloodcat

    I wish i could fatten ppl up from a far for a diffrerent reason

    but u should talk about this and its normalto feel this way you just have a fetish

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  • pc2k

    dont mess with her self esteem!!!

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  • loveechelle

    Fat chicks do not suck and wassup with the stereotypes....

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  • GreenSkyBlueGrass

    people should stop acting like its normal or praising him for what he's trying to do. If you like chubby girls thats fine, but its not okay to try and change a girls body for your own benefit.If you didnt like the way her body was in the start then you never should have gotten together with her in the first place. trying to secretly change her body can mess with her self esteem ! trust me i dated a guy almost five years ago(my first BF) and he said i was too skinny (5'7 1/2'' 120 pounds)and he tried fating me up too and i started hating my body! which is ironic because all the other girls envied my body most of the guy loved my body to, but this ONE guy messed with me so bad that i didnt believe anyone for about three years i didnt feel comfortable in my own body.

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  • dan422

    If your girl likes to eat (and most do), take her out to dinner a lot, give her a couple of alcoholic drinks each day, bring her ice cream and cake in bed at night, make food and put lots of extra oil or butter in it, and provide plenty of chocolate and other fattening favorites. You have to compliment her on her growing figure and tell her it drives you crazy. I think many women will easily give in to temptation and the easy path of letting themselves get fat if there is no downside and positive reinforcement. As my wife has gotten heavier, she's also gotten physically lazier, which has just contributed to making her fatter. Be careful if you have a limit to the amount of weight you want her to gain though as once you go down this path it may be hard to turn things around. My wife if now over 300 pounds, probably about 75 more than I would have liked.

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  • nonoitisnot

    You are stupid, why would you want a fat girlfriend. If she was smart she would run screaming away in the other direction. A fat women you are an idiot why would you think that looked good. It is not healthy at all. You are stupid.

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  • squeeshy

    This is agressive 8)

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  • SAEH


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  • Tenshi-no-Shini

    I think you have a BBW fetish dude...

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  • Twarrior

    You must be black.

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  • kayla8

    being overweight is unhealthy, y r u trying to harm ur gf ?

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  • loving

    Take her to the gym or just hiking and switch her to a muscle gaining diet. Then she will have FLESH not FAT. Make the difference, please.

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  • I love fatties

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  • Fat chicks are beautiful

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  • myreal1


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  • theytookthisone

    Depends on which part of the world youre from

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  • egyptiangodjokessuck


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  • Jessy04

    IIN...u try to get selotion from e-diet tips.And try to explain her , what u like and want....

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  • ttty

    There are people out there that lust after the same thing as you. Women who want to be fattened, or are already fat and want to be pampered. It usually ends up being some horrible codependent relationship. Don't do this to your girlfriend without her consent. That's incredibly fucked up and cruel. Fat people have to suffer a lot of societal torment and forcing that upon her without her knowledge just for your own pleasure is cruel.

    Find a woman who wants to be fattened.

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  • Joyless

    Dude you%%u2019re a feeder, and people like you give fat admires like me a bad name. One word if you wanna get away with this little scheme of yours. DON'T!

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  • wazup132


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  • twilight_fanatic01

    that's really sick! girls are meant to be thin. if you want to find yourself an overweight gal, cut your losses and ditch the one you already have.

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  • mephisto

    You're an ASSHOLE. You're trying to secretly manipulate her into getting FAT for your FAT FETISH. You're also a MORON bc regardles of what type of food is involved, overweight and obesity is unhealthy!You're manipulative, lying, deceptive, selfish sack of SHIT. Please crawl off & die!

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    • popsugar

      well said mephisto

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  • lalalala123

    ok seriously you want your girlfriend to be wobbly! WTF fat really is ugly seriously i would rather be anorexic than fat that shows how disgusting i think fat people look!

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  • mimilecious

    Just a question! R u fat and feel bad to have a shaped gf?! U've got issues! Or bad-18 century-taste!

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  • Gidget

    accept her the way she is if a fat girl is that important find one

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  • Aterangelus

    if you want a fat girl find a girl whos already fat!

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  • cheerleader55

    your dating her because you like her right?
    then dont change her ! If she wants to be skinny let her be skinny if thats too much that it makes you not want to be with her then end it because if you make her fat shes gunna complain about her weight a lot! and you can change a person weight but you cant change a persons attitude about weight

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  • tampabayallstar

    Very simple psychology. He wants to fatten her, so she looks less attractive to other men. Women I have dated used to try and do that to me. I was smart enough to know better. Hopefully his gf will figure this. The OP has jealousy and insecurity issues that need to be addressed.

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  • i-swam-from-africa

    babe dont fatten up your girlfriend. Get a new one who is obese!

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  • daisy

    I dont think your sick, if she is ill and under weight then yes i agree feed her up! but you can't secretly make her put weight on it's her body not yours!!!

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  • BrightEyes

    Haha. Well, you can try to fatten her up but she'd have to be a little dense not to get what's going on when you shove milkshakes and ice cream cakes onto her. I agree with those above - if that's your thing, you might want to look elsewhere.

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  • gunstarbob

    Thats disgusting, if you've seen the inside of the human body and know what fat looks like and the fact that theres only a think layer of skin protecting you from yellow corrosive lard? You wouldnt be encouraging this. The world needs to help eachother become healthier not fatten eachother up so you can enjoy playing with her thighs. Thats just sick.

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  • nibletrs

    Thats rude

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  • vixie

    wwhat the fuck?
    getting someone FAT without their consent. there are so many things wrong with that.
    a. fat is gross
    b. thats just effing rude
    c. if you love her DONT CHANGE HER,

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    • robert95

      i agree with the "c" ...

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  • popsugar

    this is proof men are the cause of obesity if you want to stay slim stay single

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  • furball

    You are a sick bastard who obviously just wants to shove your cock in the rolls of fat

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  • evolveahimsa

    eeeeeeeeew. yuck-o

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  • I find fat girls to be ugly.

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  • Paul

    Maybe he wants to fatten her up and then have her undergo a lyposuction and then use that fat to make dynamite and explode his credit card company like they did in Fight Club? LOL.

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  • mieoux

    Instead of trying to "fatten" her up which is a form of physical abuse, break up with her and start dating a fat woman, there are many clubs for BBWs and their lovers.

    That aside, how are you going to make her eat that food? By the way she might break up with you if she thinks spending time with you is making her fat (e.g. if it's encouraging unhealthy eating). I would break up with a guy if I suddenly gain 10 lbs while dating him, because it would mean that our lifestyle together is not compatible with how I would want to be.

    The fact that you want to "make her fat" makes you are a psychopathic control freak - you want to actually change someone else's body and hence life. Don't be a cruel, it will be hard for her to lose weight after you break up, so just break up and find someone else who is already fat.

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  • fluffyshem

    I hope MY boyfriend's not doing that to me. I'm trying to lose weight, but he discourages it because he thinks I'm not eating right. Or is he just fattening me up? You, sure, are abnormal because you're inflicting harm upon her intentionally. Find yourself a woman that's already fat or has no problem becoming fat.

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  • candy27

    thats sick and horrible what if she decided she wanted you to thinnen down cos she wanted to be able to feel your spine because she found it "hot". Thats so wrong dude, maybe you should find a new girlfriend a girl that already meets your standards thats "chunky". I would understand if she was at a dangerous weight such as too thin or obease and you wanted her to change her diet because you cared about her health but youre just being nasty. And its just discusting that you want her to be fat, you freak.

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  • My fiance is heavy and I care and love her. However, I sorta wish she was thinner and I often wonder how sex would be better if she was. Anyways, if that is what you want, then good for you but it isn't my dream.

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  • 3nikki

    Umm I only have one question....WHY??!!!!¿¿¿¡!

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  • FatherFox

    That's not cool... being overweight is unhealthy even if I was attracted to heavier people I wouldn't wish that on anyone... to make them more unhealthy... I think you should just accept her for who she is and how she is no matter what. And it's not like she is your wife. If you really like that sorta thing, maybe your next girlfriend you can purposefully choose a heavier one. But don't do that to your current one.. its just not cool..

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  • spyderr

    only do that if she is so skinny that she is unhealthy

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  • mercedes114

    if shes like very anorexic its okay to mayb want to make her thicker but not fat. i mean u shud talk to her about it. but if ur not okay with her physical appearance go find a girl ur attracted to.

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  • sepia

    y don't u jus dumb her and get a FAT girlfriend, it'll be a whole lot easier than "fattening up" the current one

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    Fat chicks suck!

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  • infinity526

    what the fuck man u r so sick!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • MTsky

    no chubs

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