Favorites ?

My cousin and my sister are closer to each other than I am with them. At one point we were all equal or atleast they didn’t bluntly display how they favorited each other like they do now. Now when we do things together it’s like the tune me out or just run me over and they do it together. My cousin is always using those dumb zodiac signs as an excuse for her actions and why they’re closer(cousin: Taurus, sister Leo). And saying since I’m a Capricorn I’m nasty. But I’m not like the stereotypical shit they put on those websites. I’m funny and chill to be around. I’ve decided to tune them both out and just stop hanging with them. I’ve discussed it with them about how I feel and they said “we need some examples.” And started smirking and that smirk let me know they know what’s going on. So I’m just not gonna be as close to them. Am I making the wrong choice? Or is there anything I could do better? Thanks for reading if you made it this far.

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Comments ( 4 )
  • There's really nothing for you to do better, you're just being yourself. They're the ones acting like a couple of toddlers. You just have to think about how much you value the relationship and if they're worth the hassle.

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  • Ichabuskene

    No one says you have to like everyone.

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  • JustMolly

    That's very immature, are they over the age of 15? Maybe you could try hanging out with both of them alone, that way you can get some quality time with them

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  • Abnormal_Someone

    Now in days, people are using zodiac signs to see who you’re friend is or stuff. It’s like ehh but now it’s getting out of hand.

    Yeah, it’s obvious they’re favorist

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