Fear and getting married

So I am engaged and I was really happy, but I found out recently while dress shopping that I don't feel the same way most brides do. I saw myself standing in the middle of the dress shop and everyone was crying and having a great picture perfect moments. All I was thinking about going home. I feel like as soon as I get the dress on I starting fearing my future. Am I just being crazy and I jut haven't bridal moment yet or am I like Carrie Bradshaw I'm afraid to get married can't see myself as a bride or someone's wife!!

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Comments ( 8 )
  • charli.m

    You sound exactly like my best friend. She's going through that at the moment.

    If I had to get married, I would refuse as much as I could to do the whole expected bullshit. It just seems stupid to me

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    • derpyderp

      I'm guessing you're another one not into the traditional wedding then Mel?

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      • charli.m

        It's just so....impractical :/ it's a disgusting waste of money and I fucking hate dresses and flowers and people looking at me and people.

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        • derpyderp


          You're not at all alone ;)

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  • ThisGuyHere

    Lol, my Fiance is the same way! She's way freaked out about the whole thing. The future can be scary sometimes because its all different and unknown. I know this sounds weird but think about a pet. Does it worry about tomorrow? Nope, its perfectly happy to live life day by day.

    Terry: "Fido, how how do you not worry about tomorrow?"
    Fido: "Tomorrow will come, it always does."
    Terry: "But how do you know it will be good?"
    Fido: "Cause in the morning when I wake up, you'll be there."

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  • smilingchild

    You need to think again about marriage. Maybe your heart not just into married life yet. You need a help before its too late. Fyi, i dont believe in marriage

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  • WhiteStallion

    Ofcourse you are. Marriage is not some romantic fairytale people once perceived to be divorced 5 years later... Nonetheless the sacrifice partners make for each other in this engagement is admirable.

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  • reminiscent

    I think this is a very normal fear. Maybe this type of wedding isnt for you?
    If you want to still get married but dont feel like that kind of wedding isyou...then you dont have to do it that way. Its yours and the grooms day do it in whatever way you feel mist comfortable

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