Fear fight

I hate getting on a plane I star 2 days before me fight to sweat not to sleep I get really really scare. And once I am in the plane it get worst. I hold on to the sit and ALWAYS the fight attentence pass the food the plane stars the move with tubulace

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67% Normal
Based on 15 votes (10 yes)
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Comments ( 2 )
  • Arm0se

    The only reason the news reports on plane crashes is because they don't happen that often. If they were to report on every car crash and boating incident there would be literally nothing else on the news. Planes are safe.

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  • thegypsysailor

    Flying is by far the safest form of transportation on the planet. Every time you get in a motor vehicle you stand a very good chance of being severely injured or worse.
    Something under 800 people died in plane crashes in 2014, whereas traffic accidents kill about 1.24 million people a year!
    Compare that figure to wars and murders at 0.44 million and you should be very, very, very scared to get in a motor vehicle ever again!

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