Fear of beetles?

I guess most people are afraid of spiders, bees, wasps, and insects of that nature, but I despise beetles. I hate their clingy little feet, their hard shells that crunch if you step on them, the way they thud against walls and windows, and how they guard my front door at night like the gates of Mordor. Just seeing one gives me an enormous urge to grab a non-existant flamethrower.

Is it normal? Does anyone else share this hatred/fear of beetles?

Voting Results
84% Normal
Based on 128 votes (108 yes)
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Comments ( 10 )
  • DannyKanes

    *starts singing*

    He say one and one and one is three,
    Got to be good looking,
    Cause he's so hard to see.
    Come together right now,
    Over me.

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  • RWBYbanana

    Seriously, I feel the same.. I am not sure it's normal.. I hate how large they are.. My brothers and sisters picked me up and put me near a beetle I cried.. I screamed too. It was horrid, my brother said there's a bee once.. I thought he said There's a beetle and freaked out and cried!

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  • Fledisuzan

    I don't know if it's normal, but I feel EXACTLY THE SAME WAY and every detail you mention from their legs to the sound when they smack into a wall scares me to the point of insanity. It is the same with other hardshell beetle like bugs sick as roaches of any kind and those big pine beetles which are down right terrifying. I don't like Andy kind of bug at all, mainly those that make uncertain movements or that move really fast at me out of nowhere like things that jump or fly fast. Things like butterflies don't bother me as much because they're slow and don't startle me. But any kind of beetle is irrationally terrifying to me. I'd rather face a shark, a lion, just about anything that I know could harm me over a beetle bug that I rationally know would not actually harm me. But the fear is completely irrational. Regardless of how many times I tell myself it's ridiculous and they can't hurt me, I still completely freak out and run for cover whenever they're near. So, is it normal? I don't know, but I can say you're not alone.

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  • dirtybirdy

    Fear of 'beetles?' The people's car???? Noooo! I love them oodles and bunches!!! Ich ubertreffe dich!!!!!!!!

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  • bananaface

    Haha:D But if you didn't have the guards then the hobbitses can get in:O! Must protect the precious! Sneaky little hobbitses!

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    • Redcoats

      Sneaky little hobbitses. Wicked, tricksy, false! (:

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      • Captain_Kegstand

        Stupid fat hobbit!

        I can do an amazing voice imitation of Andy Serkis as Gollum, and it scares the daylights out of my sister at night!

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        • Redcoats

          Haha, I saw someone do an impression of Smeagol/Gollum on Britians Got Talent (:

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          • Captain_Kegstand

            That is an odd place to do any impersonation. I feel like, for any real world application, impersonations are about useless!

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  • anti-hero

    I am afraid of Paul and Ringo but not George or John anymore.

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