Fear to be in crowd

i m always scared to be surrounded with people... i scared if i talk i will start to annoy them or no one will listen to me... im always used to bully in the crowd and thats the main reason why i dont join any group...plus i cant realy connect to anyone in my high school because i dont always go and talk to them, fearing they will ignore me...sitting with friends and facing them also the hardest for me...i feel wherever i am, the surrounding will become silent and very boring...i feel im sending negative energy to people...what should i do??

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Comments ( 2 )
  • NeuroNeptunian

    You should probably see a therapist to get help for social anxiety, which is pretty normal, by the way.

    Also, understand that having been bullied can very likely make you nervous around people for fear that they'll bully you. That, and high school sucks so hard in the realm of socializing for a LOT of people. I'm a huge extrovert, I'm very social, talkative and outgoing and even I was like lolnope in high school when it came to meeting new people. I was not totally reclusive but I stayed close to only a small number of people I knew and stayed quiet when they weren't around. It gets way better after high school, or at least it did for me.

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  • doreomon

    thank you so much.... the biggest mistake that i done was never stick to any of my friends.... i cant stay with a small number of people because i will get bored being with them everytime....so i tried to go socialize to everyone which at the end give me loneliness because no one will stay with me....i feel sad when people are being with their own collegues where i couldnt find any of it....

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