Fears while trying to sleep.

when i lay in bed under my blanket im afraid of sticking out a foot or hand cause it feels like someone is going to chop'em off.
I am always facing the door while trying to sleep, or else it feels like a murderer is going to come in when im not watching.
That a spider will crawl into my nose or mouth while i sleep.
Is this normal?

Voting Results
77% Normal
Based on 99 votes (76 yes)
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Comments ( 17 )
  • iEatZombies_

    It's quite normal to feel vulnerable while you're unconscious for eight hours.

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  • Darkoil

    The other day my girlfriend wouldn't get out of bed in the dark to see if the door was locked because she thought their would be a man waiting for her with an axe. If that's not a completely irrational fear then I don't know what is.

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  • InsertUsername

    Fairly normal, but you seem to have anxiety issues, probably with something else that's going on in your life. Family problems? Exams? Partner Problems?

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  • myownopinions

    It's normal. When I was younger, I used to completley wrap myself and my stuffed animals in my blanket so nothing could get in. It made it kinda hard to breathe, but it kept the monsters away.

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  • Blind/Astray

    Lol!!! Every thing you stated I FEEL the EXACT same way I thought it was just me. Wow thats weird.

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  • Captain_Kegstand

    Normal, I still have some apprehension when I lay down in bed but not very often anymore.

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  • victim130

    I used to think about a dead girl then close my eyes and not get the image out of my head. Its damn normal, but fucking annoying as hell.

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  • dappled

    It's normal. I used to live near a zoo and I was always afraid that snakes and tigers were going to escape and come to get me. I used to put stuff near the door to stop snakes crawling under it and I used to sleep facing the wall (away from the door) so I wouldn't see the tiger's mouth as it opened to maul my face.

    I also had a fear of spiders crawling on my hands when I slept, so I slept with my hands under the pillow, and put my head in such a position that my mouth wouldn't loll open in the night, allowing easy entry for spiders.

    I don't worry about snakes in the night any more, but I still sleep facing the wall, often with my hands under the pillow and my head in an anti-spider position.

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    • Shackleford96

      Lol, I am imagining a very awkward sleeping position for you. XD Sorry.

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      • dappled

        You don't know the half of it. If there's a woman in the room at the same time, there's all kinds of smoke and mirrors and pulleys and levers and alien things going on.

        P.S. Actually, there isn't. It's just me in bed reading a book, then going to sleep. :D

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        • Shackleford96

          Hahaha, I'm not sure what to think of all that. I don't even know if I can believe your disclaimer now either :P

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        • Captain_Kegstand

          I have never heard of a person fearing tigers when they go to sleep. If you lived next to a zoo I can imagine that one would really mess with you!

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          • dappled

            I was a bit of a neurotic kid. I was scared of toilets as well, and green monkey disease, and meningitis. When I got hold of a medical dictionary, I almost went nuts!

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            • Captain_Kegstand

              What exactly about toilets scared you?

              I almost lost it when I was younger and my mother showed me the movie outbreak! For the next month, every time I sneezed, itched, had a scab, coughed, or anything else, I thought I was dying of Ebola!

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    im the same way

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