Feeding a dog a vegan diet is animal abuse

We may have tinkered with dogs and change their body and size frequently, but we have done nothing to change the internal anatomy and physiology of them. Dogs have the internal anatomy and physiology of a carnivore.

Dogs don't even produce the necessary enzymes in their saliva to start the break down process of carbohydrates and starches; amylase in saliva is something omnivorous and herbivorous animals possess in their mouth, but not carnivorous animals. This places a burden entirely on the pancreas, forcing it to produce large amounts of amylase to deal with the starch, cellulose, and carbohydrates in plant matter. The carnivores pancreas does not secrete cellulase to split the cellulose into glucose molecules, nor have become efficient at digesting and assimilating and utilizing plant material as a source of high quality protein.

As a result, most of the nutrients contained in plant matter - even pre-processed plant matter - are unavailable to dogs. This is why dog food manufacturers have to add such high amounts of synthetic vitamins and minerals (the fact that cooking destroys all the vitamins and minerals and thus creates the need for supplementation aside) to their dog foods. If a dog can only digest 40-60% of its grain-based food, then it will only be receiving 40-60% (ideally!) of the vitamins and minerals it needs. To compensate for this, the manufacturer must add a higher concentration of vitamins and minerals than the dog actually needs. The result of feeding dogs a highly processed, grain-based food is a suppressed immune system and the under-production of the enzymes necessary to thoroughly digest raw meaty bones.

Dogs have a relatively short foregut and a short, smooth, unsacculated colon. This means food passes through quickly. Vegetable and plant matter, however, needs time to sit and ferment. This equates to requiring longer, sacculated colons, larger and longer small intestines, and occasionally the presence of a caecum. Dogs have none of these, but have the shorter foregut and hindgut consistent with carnivorous animals. This explains why plant matter comes out the same way it came in; there was no time for it to be broken down and digested.

Those who insist dogs did not descend from wolves must disprove the litany of scientific evidence that concludes wolves are the ancestors of dogs. And, as I have already established, the wolf is a carnivore. Since a dog’s internal physiology does not differ from a wolf, dogs have the same physiological and nutritional needs as those carnivorous predators, which, remember, “need to ingest all the major parts of their herbivorous prey, except the plants in the digestive system.”

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Comments ( 20 )
  • BlindSpot

    Can you make a post like this on cats?

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    • Sure, I was thinking of making it about cats but I decided to go for dogs as people tend to have a common misconception that it's "easier" and more okay for dogs to go vegan than cats. Good news though, there was an article stating that it might be banned to force your cat on a vegan diet (can't remember which place it was though) I'll see if I can scrounge up my research to do a cat version of the post :)

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      • BlindSpot

        It's a misconception? I thought dogs could consume more grain than cats. Did you do research comparing the two? So like you can do one more post on cats, and then another one showing a comparison between the two ( I kidd ) XD
        I also noticed my cat scrounges around in the grass from time to time. I guess to aid digestion. I digress! What I meant to say is, any post on cats is most welcome!

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  • nikkiclaire

    You again. SMDH.

    I am waiting for your inevitable advert for your dog food line.

    Keep studying.

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    • I don't need my own dog food line, dog food comes naturally in fresh raw meat. Can't deny a canines internal digestive system.

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  • Ellenna

    You're right but you didn't need to go on and on and on and on about it. Even a vegetarian diet is unhealthy for dogs and I can't imagine any cat putting up with either vegan or vegetarian

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    • I did have to go on and on about it for the insane vegans who think forcing an unnatural diet on their animal and malnourishing it to the point of death is okay. Extreme vegans are so deranged they think it's a good thing for a dog or cat to die because then it wouldn't be eating meat from farms.

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      • Ellenna

        A post as long as yours is extremely unlikely to be read by anyone as deranged as that, but I guess even a partial reading of it might change the mind of someone who's wavering. I've already had this debate several times with people who feed their dogs vegetarian diets but I've never convinced anyone yet.

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        • I guess I just feel so frustrated about these kind of people purposely giving their dog a plant based diet and somehow think they're making their dog healthier when it isn't. It's pretty sad how uneducated a lot of pet owners are about their own pets digestive system, the majority of dog owners still think dogs need grain to survive.

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    • RoseIsabella


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  • IrishPotato

    Vegans are filth.

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  • Sexualized_Polycheate_Worm

    people who feed their dogs vegan bullshit need to be euthanized

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  • 309uf2o38yf

    My great-aunt's dog lived on table scraps for 14 years. She ate mostly meat and potatoes, though. Dog was healthy, but she was obese.

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  • leggs91200


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  • brutus

    I feed my doggos vegetarian foods(we cant afford meat). They are strong and healthy. Stray dogs will eat certain kinds of plants to keep their digestion working good.

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    • Ellenna

      Dogs do eat plant matter as PART of their diet, together with meat. If you can't afford to buy meat why do you have carnivorous animals?

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      • Annie25

        Exactly what I was thinking

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      • brutus

        See ellenna its like this: a stray dog gave birth to a litter near our house, but the female was malnourished and could not feed her babies, so one after the other the puppies started dying, we chose to save the last two of the remaining puppies, out of which one died, and the last pup who survived lives with us.

        Our dogs eat grass for purging purposes(they vomit after they eat grass).
        They also eat a very specific plant which grows in rainy season here. I believe that plant has therapeutic properties.

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        • Ellenna

          That's all very well and obviously you have good intentions, but if you can't afford to feed your dogs an appropriate diet it would be better for them if you gave them to someone who can

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          • brutus

            They are indian strays, extremely resilient, extremely adaptable dogs. They can survive on almost anything. They can even eat feces(its healthy for them).
            My dogs are big and healthy which is obviously a sign that I'm doing things right. Besides no one is willing to adopt strays, everyone wants a breed dog here.
            India is home to over four billion strays.

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