Feeling awkward at the library...iin?

I go to my local library often, because I love to read more than anything. It just makes me feel relaxed being there ....until I have to check my books out.

I get so nervous knowing that the librarian knows which books I am reading, which books I have read and if she is judging me for it. I read a lot of historical fiction, which is my guilty pleasure, but they ALL take place in the same time period. It is always the same librarian and I'm scared she is going to think I'm an obsessed freak.

I also wanted to watch a movie version of the book I had just finished, but was too scared the librarian would look down on me for it. Is this normal?

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Comments ( 14 )
  • can you find a book where the librarian is murdered? borrow it every time with your historical fiction..she wont notice them anymore

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  • Faceless

    I have an overdue library book Ive yet to return. Its been 6 months and I havent read it yet. Im thinking of keeping it and just to never go back there. Sad fact: The town librarys is only like 2 blocks away.

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  • handsignals

    Library, supermarket, pizza shop, McDonalds drive thru...the list goes on.

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  • Shackleford96

    That's a silly phobia. Most phobias are irrational though...

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  • Aliceee93

    Yeh I'd be nervous, those librarians always judge their books by the cover.

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    • OtherSide

      That's a nice Dad Joke.

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      • Aliceee93


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  • setti234

    If you are feeling like this about a librarian, it definitely means this type of thinking is Occurring in other parts of your life.
    Best way to change this about yourself is by talking to a therapist.

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  • Fingersniffer

    Don't you guys have self checkouts? I thought they would have been in every library by now.

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  • Avant-Garde

    I've got so many greviences (sic) with going to the library that now I don't go to them.

    One of the problems was that I used to get a shit ton of books and sometimes CDs. Very rarely would I get to interact with all of them before I had to send them back. oftentimes I would renew/hoard the shit out of theSe items. I never stopped to realise how the workers thought of me and my behaviour.

    There was also one worker who had the nerve to insinuate that I had stolen my own library card simply because there was an error when I tried to use it. What it was was that, I think, I needed to get a new card. What a bitch. She always had this bizarre attitude towards me since that day. Thank goodness, I always went to that library with a witness who knew how morally rigid I was.

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  • binwon101

    If The librarian doesn't give you "Crazy Looks" she prob Doesn't give a hoot! So stop being so paranoid!

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  • perfectxsilence

    This is anxiety and I have it too. I used to do this before when I went to the library a while back but I eased into it and stopped fearing it. If it makes you happy, just read it and realize no one is judging you on it and if they are, do you know them/ are they a family member? Nope.

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  • OtherSide

    It could be fun to see how much you can freak her out. For example, try taking out suspicious combinations of books, such as:

    - 50 Shades of Gray, The Soundproofing Handbook, and Leatherworking for Beginners

    - A Guide to Swords and Knives, Wilderness Survival Essentials, and Mein Kampf.

    - Chemistry for Beginners, A Guide to Modern Explosives, and the Qur'an

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    There are probably like hundreds of different people there every month. She's not going to judge everyone or single you out to judge. She most likely doesn't care about what you read, so enjoy your books with no worries.

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