Feels like politics has ruined my ability to reconnect with old friends

I moved away from where I grew up for awhile and drifted away from most of my old close friends. Recently I was thinking of reconnecting with some since I had been back in town for a visit. So I logged into Facebook (which I rarely do now a days) to maybe message a few, and it’s like... Jesus Christ, all my old friends are either extreme radical leftest with mega PC woke BS or extreme radical right conspiratorial types with mega unscientific solipsism BS.

like there whole feeds are full of all this nonsense from the far political sides of the spectrum. And I mean... it just feels different.. like they aren’t the same, like they are all consumed by this nonsense, which makes me not want reach out. And it makes me sad. Like even though I hadn’t talked to these friends in awhile they were such close friends growing up that before all this political BS I know I could rekindle those friendships, but now it feels like if you don’t fit into there exact world view than you mine as well be an alien.

Lots of them even have post that say shit like “unfriend me if you don’t agree with x point of view” it’s just sick, where has the love gone, things are so divisive and I feel like I’m sitting in the middle alone.

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Comments ( 17 )
  • litelander8

    Sadly it’s normal.

    My childhood friend came to visit about 4 years ago. My oldest was 5 and asked him a couple times why he was wearing a dress. I told my son that it’s nobody’s business and people can dress however they want. My friend told me a few minutes later that he was going to lose his shit and really “let him know why he’s in a dress”. I told him he would do no such thing.

    Now he wants nothing to do with me bc “Im a conservative”. Which couldn’t be further from the truth.

    He’s also in antifa and works for the people who do paid protesting. I strongly disagree with both those things. So it’s for the best. 🤷🏾‍♀️

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    • https://youtu.be/Rdof-S7iUX4

      When you meet someone ideologically perpendicular to you

      :19 seconds

      Seriously though what's a grown ass man trying to intimidate a kid for

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      • RoseIsabella

        He's probably just a really messed up person deep down inside I bet. Some of these so called woke people are beyond entitled.

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    • RoseIsabella

      That's truly insane, I'm sorry your old friend went off the deep end. Yeah, he's crazy if he thinks he can go off on your child... truly lost his marbles.

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    • SwickDinging

      What kind of dickhead gets that angry at a 5 year old asking why someone is wearing a dress?

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  • NotWeirdGuyFromTheSouth

    I have trouble understanding the "if you disagree with me unfriend me" people. I never post about politics on my Facebook for that reason because I dont wanna annoy my leftie friends. You can always ignore their timelines. Ive done that to a few people who constantly post provoking stuff.

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    • bigbudchonga

      Ahh dude, good to see you. I was worried you got banned. There was a rumour going round that you spread malicious internet links.

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      • S0UNDS_WEIRD

        He did and he refuses to clear his name every time I've asked him what was up with it which makes me think there's no good explanation. I just want to know what was up. I'm giving the benefit of the doubt here.

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        • CountessDouche

          He can't clear his name because he absolutely did do it. He posted a link to a sketchy site that mines and records the IP address of anyone who clicks the link.

          I originally was under the impression that he did this to try & prove I had multiple accounts, which hr repleadly accused me of for no reason.

          Except...immediately following his ban, he created a new account, logged into member chat & said specifically that he was trying to find my home address & was planning to continue to try and find my home address.

          I don't know if he's planning on murdering people who call him an idiot on the internet or what his plans are, but he's a complete creep & a psychopath


          Here is a screenshot of the chat log where he admits everything.

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          • S0UNDS_WEIRD

            Sounds weird. He really is a weird guy from the south.

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      • CountessDouche

        It's not a rumor. He did it & admitted to it. See my reply to SOUNDS WEIRD

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  • bubsy

    The near-laughable amount of division you see among your friends is intentionally designed. The two-party system of the US combined with 24/7 news media and modern social movements is all about dividing people: by race, gender, and political opinions.

    The purpose is control. It is far easier to control a group of "tribes" fighting among themselves than it is to fight against a united group. Sadly, people wrap up their identities to these smaller tribes so tightly they'll never be able to take a step back and see the big picture.

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    • momgetthecamera


      The people in the big white buildings only serve money. We matter very little to them

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  • MonteMetcalfe

    I hear you. About the only reason I use Facebook now is to wish someone a happy birthday. Not worth getting into discussions or arguments on there. No good comes from it. People have this attitude that you're either in total agreement with them or you're "the enemy". It's very sad.

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  • Tingles18

    It really does seem like too many people, especially Americans, are so divisive.

    Fortunately my old friends are OK, but I have trouble making new friends because too many people are either far leftists or far righters.

    Also, too many people have this damn "Do Not Interact" list that also happens to include people who disagree in politics.

    I really hope that people can learn to coexist one day. This division is just horrible.

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  • RoseIsabella

    That last paragraph really hits me, because although I don't use Facebook my sister does, and she always tells me about those emotional blackmail type of things some idiots say. They say this bullshit about some far leftwing, or far right-wing opinion they have, and then say, "you're not truly my friend if you don't agree with me". Who the Hell wants to be friends with someone who is manipulative enough to try to emotionally blackmail people? Fuck that shit, and fuck those people? Oh well, at least most of the idiots are relatively transparent about their shitty ways.

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  • bigbudchonga

    Your friend do sound more extreme then most tbf, but generally people will lay that aside and be rational when you talk to them. I have several politically polarised friends, but only one of them is so hardcore as to ruin a friendship. I'd reach out and see how they're doing. If they're politically crazy in their non-political conversations with you then just avoid them.

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