Female privates.....

See, I have a female jack russell terrier and shes almost one year old. Anyways, she was having her period (menstration), and her privates suddenly just came buldging out. She's totally fine, not sick but I haven't brought her to the vet yet. She has all her shots, but I can't figure out why her private part is just...out. Should I see a vet? Is this normal for a female puppy??

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Comments ( 4 )
  • spiritguide24

    it's also may be a sign that another doggy got all up in that, if you know wat i mean!

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  • Dogs don't get a period. They go on heat. There is an enormous difference. You should get her spayed. If you don't want to spay her, at least learn about the heat cycle and make sure to keep her inside while she is on it.

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  • TheMan_Adam

    Don't worry, She's fine and it's perfectly normal. You see, When a female bitch. (expert name for a female dog.) Come's in heat her private lower body. (her vagina) Will start to "puff" up and buldge out until her heat is over, It may even last a day or two after her heat. (her period) So your little girl will be just fine, It's perfectly normal. =]

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