Female xbox gamers

Are there a lot of other females out there who play xbox games as ferociously as most guys do?

Maybe its just this small town I live in but generally, girls aren't really into gaming where I live. A while back when we got Xbox One, my boyfriend asked me to sell his xbox 360 games to people while he was at work, and almost everytime some guy came and bought games or even enquired about the prices, they all seemed very shocked at the fact that I was a female who played xbox.

I've liked gaming since about the age of 13, and I am 20 now. Back then it was PC gaming but when I moved in with my boyfriend when I was 19 I started playing Skyrim and GTA V and got pretty good at Xbox gaming. I even tackled Darksouls II.

My question is, are there other females out there who are gamers too? Who would rather put on the control and join their boyfriend in the game instead of whine at him to turn it off and watch Vampire Diaries with her?

I know like two other females who like to play xbox but most of the other females I know don't really like it. Opinions are welcome :)

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87% Normal
Based on 30 votes (26 yes)
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Comments ( 22 )
  • No. There are a good amount of female gamers who play console games but they're not the same in quantity when it comes to male gamers.

    Usually people will say women make half of the gaming population but they don't take in to account what is qualified as a game or the types of games they play. When you add things like mobile games, puzzle games, and so on, women make half the gamers but when you are meaning gamers as in the type of gamers that play Xbox, fighting games, racing games, first person shooters, etc, etc, men are the majority by quite a bit. Obviously there are female gamers who like those things too though, such as yourself, but not as much as men, so some may be shocked while others like myself don't really care. Lol.

    When I decide to get a partner I'm hoping they're a gamer. Gaming is awesome. That said, if they're one of those "Gamur gurls" that "like" games just for attention or want attention just for being a female gamer, then off with her head! (not literally ofcourse. Lol)


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    • Shrunk


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  • Crusades|

    Are you overweight?

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  • Ancientfreedom

    I constantly play with female gamers via Xbox live. They're actually better than males.

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  • RoyRogers

    XBOX EW! I like Playstation! 0 support!

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  • OnionKnight

    I'm a gurl gamer, don't hit on me you silly boys ^_~

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  • Fretful

    I don't know, for some reason I really, just, RESENT the fact that girls play video games. I want to say there's nothing wrong with it, but I just really hate it.

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  • Spider-Man

    the games are specifically designed to be easy because they have short attention spans and just want to win even if they suck

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  • shuggy-chan

    *insert PS4 > Xbox comment here*

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  • NegativeGamer444

    not really, games are dumbed down an awful lot and simplified to appeal to female demographic which is like 50 percent, so thats why basically every game is a button masher now

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  • GermanPerson

    I love video games (in not like addicted and overweight though) I especially like Skyrim, Fallout, GTA, Halo, and Assassins Creed, and apparently those are all "boy games" because in order for a girl to be allowed to play a game it has to have pink on it and have no blood or violence what so ever.... Can't tell you how many times I've played with other people multiple times and liked me, and then as soon as I bought a headset they all turned against me except for this one dude. It's annoying how some guys think girls can't play and if they do they say "women what are you doing here get back to the kitchen and make me a sandwich! All you are good at is making sandwiches and being used for sex"

    And not all guys just quite a few online at least.

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  • bananaface

    I don't label myself as a "gamer girl", but me and my boyfriend do occasionally play on his Xbox 360. I really like Skyrim as well! I love going around pickpocketing everyone! >:D

    I used to play games loads as a kid, but it's not nearly as important to me now. It's not something I do frequently, but I do enjoy it a lot! Last week me and my boyfriend played this car game (Forsa?), and it was such a laugh. First we played competitively, but then we tried to beat each other's cars up, and then got computer cars into it, and joined forces to beat up the computer cars! But then we learnt that you can't, which is a bummer! But anyway, yeah, there are plenty of women who like games, and I think a lot of women who've never really tried games before would really love them too!

    I don't think as many women find gaming a really important part of there life as many men do. I think one of the reasons for that though is that women get a lot f harassment for being women and playing games!

    But anyway, yeah, games are designed to be entertaining, and therefore it's not surprising to find that a lot of women like them! :)

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    • kingofcarrotflowers

      I know I say this every time but

      * clears throat *

      Yay bananaface! :D

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      • bananaface

        Awwwww! :) I find it very sweet when you do say that! :D

        How are you? Did you get to see Neutral Milk Hotel?

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  • Para-noir

    There is a site for girls gamers called pmsclan.com that you should check out. You will find all the hardcore girl gamers you want, playing every xb game you can imagine.

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  • RainbowDischarge

    You are the only female gamer in the universe. Jk. What games do you play and do you have xbl? I would like to start actually getting some use out of my xbox one so I can feel like it wasn't a total waste of money, lol. I wish people still played CoD Waw on pc. That was the only cod I really liked, and honestly, I am pretty bad at console fps *sigh* but a girl to play xbox with would be cool!

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    • shuggy-chan

      My Friend Steph has a bunch of other female friends, and i think there even in an all female clan for cod that play together on PS4

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      • RainbowDischarge

        I'm not cool enough

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        • shuggy-chan

          Well you might be cool enough but just not good enough

          Those ladies can wreck

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    • TrustMeImLying

      I think a lot of people who started fps on the pc struggle or dislike it on the console

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      • RainbowDischarge

        If I could play today, the first shooter I ever played when I was a kid, I would jizz my pants so fucking hard.

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  • Arm0se

    My ex did. That's how we met lol.

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