Feminists piss me off
Ok before you bit my head off I don't mean all feminists, I probably don't even mean most feminists. I personally support equality for everyone regardless of sex or gender.
The feminists that piss me off are the vocal group of extreme misandrists. The kind of people who say that 'Every man is a potential rapist', and think all guys are just sex driven pigs.
I resent being pidgin-holed like that simply for being a guy. I'm actually quite an introverted person who finds it really difficult to talk to people. Due to my cripplingly low self confidence, I would be lucky to hold a decent conversation with a girl I fancied let alone rape her.
I am a heterosexual male and shock horror I find women sexually attractive. It doesn't make me a rapist and it doesn't mean I am obsessed with sex all the time. It is totally possible for me to have a female friend without me wanting to fuck her. My every action and good deed is not just a disingenuous tactic to get sex.
It really gets under my skin the way these people just assume the worst about me without even knowing me. Does anyone else feel the same way?
I can't stand you
extreme MRAs either.
You people are just
as bad.