Feminists piss me off

Ok before you bit my head off I don't mean all feminists, I probably don't even mean most feminists. I personally support equality for everyone regardless of sex or gender.

The feminists that piss me off are the vocal group of extreme misandrists. The kind of people who say that 'Every man is a potential rapist', and think all guys are just sex driven pigs.

I resent being pidgin-holed like that simply for being a guy. I'm actually quite an introverted person who finds it really difficult to talk to people. Due to my cripplingly low self confidence, I would be lucky to hold a decent conversation with a girl I fancied let alone rape her.

I am a heterosexual male and shock horror I find women sexually attractive. It doesn't make me a rapist and it doesn't mean I am obsessed with sex all the time. It is totally possible for me to have a female friend without me wanting to fuck her. My every action and good deed is not just a disingenuous tactic to get sex.

It really gets under my skin the way these people just assume the worst about me without even knowing me. Does anyone else feel the same way?

I can't stand you
extreme MRAs either.
You people are just
as bad.

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Comments ( 47 )
  • I'll_understand111

    I think what's important to realize is that the people you are describing are members of a kind of extremist form of feminism. Feminism itself is the belief that men and women should be treated equally and that women shouldn't be seen as weak or whatever. What you're describing is a bunch of crazy women that claim they're feminists but are actually a group of insane man-haters. I don't like those people, either. I just would like you to realize that it's not feminists you dislike; it's psychopaths mascarading as feminists.

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    • SuperBenzid

      Feminism's most popular book ever "The Women's Room" says that all men are rapists. Hence it is fair to say that feminism is about hating men and has been for some time.

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      • I'll_understand111

        Well it's not supposed to be.

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        • SuperBenzid

          Well why do you say feminism is for equality? I can give good evidence that feminism has not been for equality in the past and as a movement is not for it now.

          Even the word "feminism" says it all. When black people for for equality they didn't call it "blackism". Gay people didn't call it "gayism". I'm not interested in groups that are completely one sided like feminism.

          Either you are for equality all the time or you were never really for it at all.

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          • Mando

            Feminism is a word and it has a meaning so look it up in the dictionary instead of attaching anything that randomly and pejoratively pops into your ignorant mind. Look it up pea brain.

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            • SuperBenzid

              I demonstrate actual reasoning behind my opinion whereas you just attack my character. That is the difference between us.

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  • dom180

    It is normal to hate people who presume the worst of you without having even met or spoken to you, and merely judge you by the fact you have a penis, yes.

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  • dude_Jones

    Sex positive feminists - my kind of people.

    Militant feminists - unresolved castration complexes. Go get therapy

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  • Nandoe

    I also hate feminists who scream that al guys are evil rapists. I have a lot of guy friends and I like them better then the most females I know.

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  • thecoldhardtruth

    I think anyone who is an extreme believer in anything who shoves if down people's throats is super annoying. This goes for vegetarians, religious fanatics, feminists etc. I hate when people impose beliefs so..
    I agree!

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  • everyrosehasthorns

    Speaking as a feminist myself, even the other feminists hate that kind of feminist. It's perfectly normal.

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  • sarah8

    hmm...!! i bet... most men commenting here are exactly what you described you are NOT. but they claim to hate feminists. ugh...hypocrites!

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    • anniekatz

      what you just did is assume something about people you clearly don't know and then proceed to call them hypocrites...
      This is the kind of thing the post was talking about...

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      • sarah8

        trust me. no one is going to come out and accept that they are pervs. not saying that everyone really is, but it's still safe to bet on a bunch of them. if people don't assume things then nothing will make any sense. for whatever reason i have to walk down an alley in the middle of the night and don't assume that the person wearing a hoodie can be a thug... and something wrong happens. people like you or should i say those who say they are not pervs will be the first ones to point fingers saying what was i thinking... gosh! people are such hypocrites. and im not wrong when i say that.

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        • Abomb2933

          Honestly, people like you are what's wrong with the world. Calling every man you meet hypocrites and potential rapists is just not the way to go about life. Not speaking to be confrontational, but how do you think that assuming things is what gets you places? You just become too quick to judge others and come across as bitchy. Sure, in an actually potentially dangerous situation like the one you described a touch of caution is useful but here it's just prejudice. I sincerely hope you're just a troll, but if not you seriously need to take stock of your opinions. I don't get why you and many other women find it hard to believe that there exists straight, white males who are respectful to them. I'm one myself. Maybe some guy did something to you or something, or you're just swept up in the whole feminism thing because you're going through something in your life and feel like you need something to channel your anger out into. I can relate to that. I've felt that way before. If you want to talk about it or just vent your frustrations, I'm here. And I'm not being mysogynistic or trying to be by saying that. It isn't because you're a woman. Just from one person to another, I'd love to talk if there's something bothering you.

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  • Darkoil

    I am a man and nobody has ever confused me with a rapist. Maybe you look slightly on the rapey side.

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    • dirtybirdy

      Hahaha rapey. I had to thumb that back up for ya.

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  • carnage53

    I find this line really funny " Feminism itself is the belief that men and women should be treated equally and that women shouldn't be seen as weak or whatever."

    Orly? They only want equal treatment only were there is something to gain for them, when is something they don't like they turn and say that's a mans job... happens more often then you think.

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    • Abomb2933

      I've read that several times over and STILL have no idea what the fuck you're saying. Your grammar is atrocious.

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    Feminism was supposed to be about female empowerment: empowering women to realize that they can help themselves and be their own people and that, unlike the common belief that was held for centuries before ours, a woman can do for herself, work for herself and be as successful as a man and isn't worth only the worth a man can give her

    However, some feminists have turned it into female dominance, vengeance against men for the crimes they commit against women: the rapists, the woman-beaters, any man that has ever objectified a woman. Those are the feminists that have lost my respect

    It's normal to be pissed at people who make assumptions of your character due to your gender. Quit hanging out with them :(

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    • 53739

      Great post

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  • Mando

    Well framing feminism in an extreme and pejorative way so as to easily dismiss it is just a classic straw man argument. Feminism is advocating and recognizing women's equality and dignity as well as women's sisterhood and unique contribution to society.

    Let me know when women, who constitute half the world's population, are half of it's business, labour, political and professional leaders; have the same access to and results in education and earnings; aren't stoned to death at the whim of the opposite sex; aren't shot for going to school; aren't by a hugely disproportionate rate the victims of male perpetrated violence; and, can work or go to school with their children in high quality and affordable care.

    Your smear of feminism as anti-male is pathetic and all the more hypocritical when in the same breath you say you "personally support equality for everyone regardless of sex or gender." What hooey.

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  • its the same for girls with the haters

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  • GoraIntoDesiGals

    I despise feminists.

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  • Adesant

    I feel you bro, I feel you. I just had a conversation with a feminazi in my dorm, she is psychotic. But as you say, it's important to emphasize that there's just a small minority of feminist that are insane idiots filled with hate. Most of the people who idetify as feminists are just regular, kind-hearted and friendly people who wants to do good.

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  • jazminions

    To be honest I think any "movement" that claims to be for equality but only focuses on one group of people is freaking dumb. You'll never achieve equality through separation.

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  • I prefer having male-friends over female friends for the reason that feminist or not, females are almost always 1-jealous creatures 2-vindictive as fuck 3-mean 4 (as far as I've seen)- dumb.

    I have never had a good female friend...aside from maybe my mother. And don't get me wrong, I agree that there are a lot of asshole guys out there (in fact, my best friend in high school is now someone I would not think twice about kicking in half)... But I also had a female friend that was over-the-top controlling and anyone I showed interest in....I couldn't make friends with because she wanted the attention. And it's hard for me to make friends period, because I'm introverted and prefer to be alone...Not insecure at all.

    I totally support equality, but I don't trust women worth a damn. Read Y THE LAST MAN, it's a comic book series about what the world would go to if all the men died. It's fucking awesome and I think it's pretty accurate. What's funny is that the only women who actually could support themselves were hardened women from prison. It was really funny.

    Sorry I went off.. I guess this is just something that sets me off. I can't stand women, nonetheless modern feminists. I'm a chick myself, if you didn't figure that out by now.

    I just hope that no one misunderstands me here...I'm not going to be able to get my whole opinion out without writing a whole book. huh huh huh

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  • lmh

    Feminism is about equality. Ignorant women and men believe it's about superiority. So yes, these type of people do get under my skin.

    Feminists, true feminists, well they're usually friends. Feminist here speaking. You'd be surprised how many ppl call themselves feminists and haven't read the feminine mystique, the second stage or even been exposed to the different dynamic especially when talking about female minorities.

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  • shade_ilmaendu

    Extremism in any form is detrimental.

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  • suckonthis9

    I dislike all -ists and -isms.
    If everyone stopped using these words, this would be a far better world to live in.
    I'd like to fuck all -ists and -isms in one way or another.
    In this instance, these female bitches probably need a good fucking (even if you don't want to do it with your own dick).

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  • CraneyCrow

    Feminists piss everybody off. They even piss other feminists off!

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  • sYki

    I feel the same way.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    Sister grab a broom. Mother make me some lunch. Daughter was the car.

    Wifey meet me in the bedroom.

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  • Gravy

    I hate the word hate. It should be reserved for the Hitlers, school shooting psychos and Islamist terrorists of this world. just cos there's some cranky sister on her rags bleeding from where the pig bit her, is on reason to have her. It's not her fault to be born woman, with a smaller brain.

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    • Gravy

      oh, now I'm sulking. Sarcasm, I was supporting feminism

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