Ferrets!! =d

So, at the end of this year I'm getting 1 or 2 ferrets. And I can hardly WAIT. I've read up a TON of facts and stuff about them on the internet and searched videos on youtube. Im kind of obsessed at this point. I love how playful and loveable and ADORBLE they are! When I see pictures/vids of them I get so happy knowing that I'm getting one of my own. is it normal that they have this affect on me and that im this excited? And if you aare a ferret owner, did u feel this way about getting yours? Ooh and please tell me about your ferrets' behavior? :)

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Comments ( 17 )
  • dappled

    I know a ferret owner who was only too happy to let me play with them whenever I was around there. They're adorable. When they go into the weasel war dance, it's just hilarious. And they'll fall asleep in your lap like a cat will. You can even walk them on a leash like a dog.

    Be aware that there's a lot of ignorance out there, though. People will ask you all sorts of idiotic questions. Oh, and also be aware they're VERY curious and agile. They get into stuff you don't expect them to. Good luck. You have a lot of fun ahead. And it sounds like you've been responsible and done your research first. Always good to hear!

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  • I never had one nor seen one in real life but I think it would be a nice pet to have.

    Don't do like Rose in Two and a half men though. She named her five ferrets Charlie.

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  • bleepingderp

    I had to wait six and a half years to get my ferret it was probably the happiest day of my life. I was so exited and it's good to hear you are too. My ferret is the best thing in my life and hopefully yours will be the best thing in your life. Ferrets are sweet and energetic. I wouldn't sell my ferret for the world, (partially cause I hate people) And a thing about my ferret is that he likes getting in your way, he'll snuggle you and then he'll move into a position so that you can't do anything without abruptly putting him down. He runs in front of your feet when your not paying as much attention as you should and he loves walking on my keyboard while i'm writing just to cause some mischief. But in the end of the day. I love him more than I love myself. And hopefully you'll love your ferret or ferrets as much as your heart and soul can help because ferrets just adore attention. And love and food, my god do they love food. Don't forget to feed your ferrets, or they'll eat your soul.
    Have fun!

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  • KuhnLover

    Bathe them in chinchilla dust once a week and that helps with the smell tremendously! They are a very fun pet to have. They have so much personality it's crazy:)

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  • ikowalltheanswers

    I have just gotten a ferret not too long ago. Be prepared for all the energy! I would suggest getting two though, if money allows. Sadly, I couldn't. Ferrets are amazing and so cute when you are playing with them and they do their little dance - making their little squeaking noise and jumping all around! Make sure they always have food though, they eat all the time. And lots of water too. Have fun eith your ferret(s)

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  • Violet_Heart

    omg ferrets are awesome! ^-^ lol my brother had a ferret come in through his window and he decided to keep it... lol i know it's dangerous but they are so friendly and cute! and it was also very easy for him to get adjusted in a home environment! lol ferretsā™„

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  • TareBear20

    I miss my ferrets.. They are like a cat and dog rolled into one tiny furball with sharper teeth and bigger claws :)

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  • yuy86

    they are the best (ferret obbsesed for 6 yrs) i have had about 16 now, i have breedd and built a ferret family, they have the personality of a cat without the needyness and the playful ness of a dog without the mood swings :D

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  • AnonyFox

    My main beef with them is that they stink to high heaven.

    They're something I don't mind playing with, but they're just not for me.

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  • NorthernStar

    Ferrets stink worse than freaking dogs! I hope you have a place of your own because no one else is going to live in the house with something that smells like a wet billy goat.

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  • catywompus

    I would suggest getting 2. They like the company (usually) although the more dominant one may try to show the other one who's boss. Our last little guy that we introduced to the pack was tormented a little. One of the other boys had beef with him for some reason. He would bite the poor little guys neck so much that it was lumpy from teeth marks. It healed and he's fine, the attacker is the one who died. We miss him!!! :(

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  • catywompus

    We had 5. Sadly, one died a few months ago:( so we're down to 4. they are so cute and fun. Each one has a different personality. And like dappled said, the weasle war dance is awesome! And the little chattering noise they make is so cute. And yes they can and will get into anything they can! Very curious creatures. If the head fits, the rest of the body will fit, so be careful. our oldest female has always had a thing for rubber. If there's a pen with the rubber gripper on it, she'll steal it and bring it into the couch. Even the buttons on the remote are of interest to her. One of our boys is obsessed with cigarette packs. He steals those if u leave them out. We bathe ours every month and change the bed and hammock. ( When they exit the litter box sometimes they scoot their booty across their bed) We also let them out twice a day for an hour, at which time we clean the litter box and bottom of the cage. They sleep so much they need to get the energy out at some point. I'm sure I'm forgetting some stuff, but they really are so much fun. Oh and I love when its my turn to let them out. They are usually still sleeping so I take them one at a time and they stretch and lick my arm or my face. I love them so much!!

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  • Thankyou for your comments guys! and @dappled aww I can imagine how crazy they'll get doing their litte dance :)

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  • shade_ilmaendu

    As long as the ferrets descanted the smell isn't strong; I had a ferret with some roomates (they took him when I moved) and I kinda liked the ferrety smell, kinda like how horse lovers like he smell of horses I guess xD

    They're wonderful pets, but it may be hard to keep them out of places you don't want them going. Ferret proofing a house is a trial and error kind of thing, at least it was for us. Blocking underneath the door frames was the worst because he dug through whatever we put in front of the door; I think we ended up using boxes xD

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  • Shackleford96

    Ferrets can get pretty smelly if not properly cared for. That does not seem like it will be a problem for you though, and also, they have special shampoos for that. Other than that, I am sure you will have lots of fun with them :) My brother had a ferret before. They are very interesting animals.

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  • AngAnders112

    ferrets give me the heebie jeebies

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  • alv1592

    they are cute. :)

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