Fetish gone too far?

First off i have a foot fetish.. normal so far right? i love well kept feet, no tough skin and painted toe nails.. it's my secret turn on. Unlike any other attraction to females i have, this doesn't stop when it comes to my sister. of course shes always bare foot, she's always lay on the couch chilling on the couch etc and feet and soles turn me on so bad.. to the point where in my horny craziness i'll take a picture of her feet and bust one out in the bathroom.. once i've cum i understand how weird it is and delete the pics, once im horny again the cycle repeats.

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26% Normal
Based on 31 votes (8 yes)
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Comments ( 9 )
  • ospry

    "normal so far right?"

    Nope. A resounding nope.

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  • Curiouskitten444

    This sounds more like an addiction than a simple fetish. So yes I would say its gone too far. As someone in recovery, I hope you seek help.

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  • EnglishLad

    Foot fetishes are pretty tame as far as fetishes go. But incestual foot fetishes? Yeah... thats where I draw the line.

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  • fatok

    you should let her know, maybe she will let you cum on her feet.

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  • sexmad23

    Nothing wrong with it it’s only a photo of her feet keep banging them out to them beautiful feet and toes

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  • justarandomparticipant

    I'd say it's normal, as your fetish doesn't differ between random girls and your sister. In that case, it is normal to find her feet attractive aswell. I mean she's just a human being like anyone else. The post nut syndrome is also pretty common. So to put it in a nutshell, I'd say, it's not normal. Not not normal. It is what it is, and it's actually okay.

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  • toshiba

    it is a taboo

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  • HannibleSmith

    start eating pop corn then just leave random seeds on the floor she will start wearing socks in about a week

    if you have a cat use kitty litter too because you would not be blamed for that

    then tell your doctor next time you go for a check up and ask for a therapist

    alternately tell your sister what you told us and she may just cover them out of disgust

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  • RoseIsabella


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