
Is it normal to like being in fights and getting bloody noses and just making a messy bloody fight?

Voting Results
49% Normal
Based on 53 votes (26 yes)
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Comments ( 13 )
  • MrsBailey9

    Is it just fighting that you like? Does it go beyond that, like killing small animals? Do you think about violence a lot? Do you pick fights for no reason? Do you have difficulty controlling yourself? Do you want to hurt yourself? How old are you? Have you been arrested yet? Sued for liability? Think about that... You hit someone hard enough and do permanent damage, your butt is going to jail and you will probably get sued. It may be "normal" for some people to like to fight, but what about getting raped in jail with a pen by your cell mate every night? That isn't normal, is it?

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  • Steve2.0

    You should go to prison. You'd love it in there, fighting and raping all the time.

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  • robbieforgotpw

    Normal until u become an adult

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  • redeyes

    good one

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  • lil

    Not normal, it's very irrational behaviour, carry it on and eventually it'll get out of hand one way or another and you'll be behind bars!! You should seek help.

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  • StrangeDuckDude

    You're one of the world's TRULY lucky people if you enjoy fighting. Fighting, killing, raping, pillaging, and conquest is what being a healthy human male is all about - read any history book - and when our technological society collapses over the next few decades, the world will belong to your kind for the remainder of man's existence on this planet. Enjoy!

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    • Feji

      raping someone isn't's sick and twisted! plus consequences for both individuals such as STD's, pregnancy and possible jail time for the rapist. and murder isn't normal unles your talking about survival to either protect yourself when there's no other way or if your hunting to survive......Your \ very unhealthy male if these are the thoughts you have, perhaps it's time to seek help?
      (and if by chance i missunderstood your answer then I apologise in advance)

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  • blondie0h3

    i love to fight! not only to get over on the other person, but just to feel the hits and the pain. one time, i picked a fight with a girl who weighed at least a hundred pounds more than me. i didn't win, but i definately didn't get f***** up, but i do remember that the minute the fight ended i started laughing, got in the car and said lets get some drinks because i felt that euphoric from the pain. im not normal.

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  • leatherjackets99

    I love to fight!!!

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  • vaprick53

    Humans are hard wired to enjoy violence. It's very natural to enjoy it cause it's showing that you're "the man", "top dog", etc... just be careful to pick your fights and don't get too carried away, eventually you'll get yourself into more trouble than you can handle. Take me for example; I gave this one guy a bloody nose and a black eye cause of an argument, two days later him and two of his buddies cornered me after school and beat the fuck outta me. I got hit with what I think was a rock in a sock, then once I was down they starting kicking me until I couldn't move, I didn't even get a chance to fight back. Two cracked ribs, a broken finger, minor fracture on my skull, eleven stitches, and two days in the hospital getting stuck by a frickin fat philipeeno nurse. All because I busted a guys nose.

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  • Yah it's totally normal, I love to fight!!!

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  • JuliusE

    Yup, it's called being a male

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