Fighting disease

The logic in many circles is something like "we should do lockdowns. No one should be going to work even if they know the risks. Because they can spread the disease and they could be killing people."

But you know what is the number one killer in the USA? Its heart disease. I went to burger king the other day and I saw a man that was over 300 pounds at only 5 foot 5 tall and was probably 20 years old. And he was ordering 3 whoppers and no one was with him. He was gonna eat it all.

So why is it ok for the fast food place to give him that unhealthy meal? They are literally killing him by serving him that food.

If we arent letting people work due to unintentionally spreading covid why are we allowing businesses to intentionally spread heart disease for profit?

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Comments ( 13 )
  • hauntedbysandwiches

    Uh because Covid is contagious. One sneeze or cough can give someone else Covid. It's not at all the same.

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    • Being contagious makes absolutely no difference at all to the point.

      Worst case scenerio if you cough you give someone covid and they die. So you are unintentionally giving them a disease. Feeding someone unhealthy food for profit everyday is intentionally giving someone a disease.

      Heart disease kills far more than covid.

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  • BleedingPain

    Unfortunately that poor man’s life choice to eat 3 whoppers in one sitting will not effect anyone but himself. No one else could die just from him eating.

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    • I know this. You are missing the point. The point is it's ok to kill people intentionally for profit.

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      • BleedingPain

        No youre missing the point. Big corporations like McDonalds or burger king are not the one at fault. In a country so free one is able to chose to make poison over a cure as much so as being able to choose to drink the poison over the cure.

        The whole point of capitalism is that you can make something out of nothing. You dont have to work harder, just smarter.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    dont tell me what to do

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  • PurpleHoneycomb

    The same reasons why people are still allowed to drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes. In moderation it's "okay" but some people have issues with controlling themselves.

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    • But if a guy is over 300lbs at 5'5 and you are selling him 3 whoppers you are contributing to the disease that will kill him. Its parallel with the argument that going to work is selfish because you are killing someone with a disease.

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  • kelili

    The same with sugar. We now know the terrible effects of sugar and yet..
    I always get a little bit sad when I see fat people eating. I've never said it loud though.

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    • This guy was out of breath holding on to the counter and he was a young guy. It was sad. Not even trying to put him down or make fun.

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  • jodi1955

    and is your right to tell him what to eat?? if it is then what right does someone else have to tell you what to do, dont get me wrong it is not healthy for him, but it is his right.

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  • You can give someone heart disease by feeding them 3 whoppers a meal with extra large coke and extra large fries every single day. You can even profit off it.

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  • Giving someone covid is unintentional. Giving someone heart disease is intentional.

    They also do have the choice of whether or not they come in contact with other people. They could stay indoors and not go around anyone.

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