Flattered when a gay guy hits on you?

Is it normal to be more flattered when a gay guy hits on you? I mean, in my mind anyways, gay guys seem to have higher standards than a lot of women. This happened to me once, I always thought my first reaction would be to punch the guy in the face, but I was taken quite aback by his comment. I politely told him that I was straight, taken, and my girlfriend was giving me the evil eye. He apologized, looked embarrassed, and went on his way.

Is it normal?

Voting Results
90% Normal
Based on 832 votes (745 yes)
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Comments ( 40 )
  • smoothmike78

    oh yeah, perfectly normal. I am gay but you have to remember most gay men are simply attracted to male beauty and for a gay man to hit on you just says you are probably exceptionally attractive as a man. But, it doesn't mean YOU have to act upon it (react upon it, actually) Think of it as a compliment and not some reflection on your sexuality or sexual preferences.Do you normally get angry when somebody pays you a compliment? In my book, handling it with grace, a shy but appreciative smile and being honest to your flatterer makes you just a cool straight guy.

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  • ugabugadog

    I think you SHOULD be flattered. I mean to be attractive enough to get the girls AND the guys? Hehe consider it a compliment.

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  • CorryA90

    Oh shut up, its ALWAYS good to hear that someone you dont know thinks that your sexually attracted

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  • YotekomoTukuka

    I dont mind if it just Flatter, they have even called me like "hey man lets talk" and have whistled me and all that i think is:

    "DAMM I ROCK even the guys look at me" i smile and keep walking, as long is just with words its ok, but if one of them try to put a finger on me or try to be beyong funny i beat him up.

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  • threegenres

    I vote normal, but it's probably not considered "normal" by the average male.

    Many straight guys may tend to be homophobic (I'm not saying you are), and when they are hit on by a gay guy, they tend to feel insulted, thinking "this guy thinks I look gay" rather than feel complimented and think "hey, both sexes find me attractive, I must be damn hot!" And when a man feels that his manhood has been insulted, his first instinct may be to defend it. It is common to think that your first reaction might have been to "punch the guy in the face". Perhaps many men picture the scenario as demeaning, because they have witnessed the way some lewd guys may hit on girls and end up getting smacked. If they picture gays as deviant and lewd, guys probably think that they'll get hit on the same demeaning way, and a simple "I'm straight" wouldn't be enough to restore a damaged ego.

    I'm going by the perceived generic straight male mindset for this, and it is still only my opinion, which is that of a fence-sitting female, which is why I threw in a lot of probably, perhaps, and maybe. ^^;; So, uh, take it as you will. Anyways, kudos to you for being polite to the guy and just telling him you were straight.

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  • jeremyyn1

    Yeah, its totally cool. I mean you must be some kind of hunk, me being a gayhave a seen alot of attractive guys have never seen one that has made me go up to them compliment them and face the chance that he may injure me. But u must be really something, I mean i always belived that gay men were better at admire the attractiveness of guy than women are, and that was a very bold move of him, i mean i've complimented men on their looks before, just not to them, out loud at all, only in my thoughts. but yeah there's nothing wrong with that, totally cool.

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    • bitushcoosh

      You should try it. I know if you came up and said I had a cute butt I would grab your jock and tell you to meet me somewhere private, so that you may shoot your warm jizzy load all over my pale ass.

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    • jc25

      A gay tried to pick me up when I was so unhunk-like that almost no female would look at me (well, only the underaged). And I didn't have long hair or gay fashion or anything. At 18 or 19, all the gays at a mascot suit job hit on me when I did have Jesus-like hair.

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  • SillyKitty55

    hahaha omg ya it is normal. so many gay girls /lesbian girls have hit on me for thelast 7 yrs of my life.the first time it happened i was a senior in highschool. and this one chick that was open lesbian to the whole world -she had a gf, and she always dressed like a guy, and one day she came in dressed SOOO GIRLY!!!! and i COULDN'T STOP STARRING OUT OF SHOCK!!!!! CAUS EI HAD NEVER SEEN HER SO GIRLY BEFORE!!!!! and everyone in our math class was shocked too! she looked good! but i wasn;t starring at her like i was attracted to her! but i guess she got the wrong message and turned around to face me (she sat in the seat in front of me) and she said "I like you, do you want to go out sometime?" and i was blown away! that was the first time a gay person ever asked me out straight to my face!!! I covered my wide openb mouth and blurted out laughing and i said in the middle of my laughs " Sorry I'm straight...! But Thanks....and hey!" she said "ya?" i said" YOUR GF IS AT THE DOOR!!!" and she turned around immediately and was all suprised her gf was at the door like giving her this mad look on her face lolol
    take it as a compliment but be serious when you tell them you are straight or if u have a bf or gf or whatever. lesbians and gay guys (MOST OF THEM) get the message when you tell them nicely to their faces. straight guys never get the message because they r in denial that they got rejected

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  • pink_apple

    Definately a compliment! I would have been flattered too if I had been in your position:)

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    • 53739

      I think it would be an even *bigger* compliment for a girl to receive a compliment from a gay guy, lol.

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  • DumbGenius

    It just makes you cocktease.

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  • Romantic-Princess123

    Sorry I didn't vote. I didn't really know what to choose.

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  • JohnnyWishbone

    Dude. It means your sex appeal is totally broad-based!

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  • bittersweet21

    Haha! My ex boyfriend used to constantly get hit on by gay guys...in fact I always thought my boyfriend may have been gay or at least Bi...good thing it's over now :-D

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  • Fadina

    totally normal!

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  • graphite74

    Tmberman - You are a nob.

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  • the_nick30

    Man Up.

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  • Anon146

    It's an incredibly cool experience, naturally. Really, it's the same experience as when a girl compliments you - the commenter is telling you, in both situations, that you are sexy and worth having. The fact that he's a guy just means that you won't return those feelings. A compliment is a compliment! :3

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  • ostwood

    It happened to me several times. I took it as a compliment and even asked the guys why they thought I was attractive. I thought I could use this insight to get an "inside" with the ladies... Perhaps I should think again...

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  • Dallas

    HAHAHHAHA Really normal :)
    Same thing happened to me... many times.

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    its a good thing hunn...i get it all the time. take it as a compliment.

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  • MarlboroNo27

    @smoothmikey78 yeah, I thought that the guy being gay meant that he would have higher standards of attractiveness, I guess I just never thought about myself that way. I was just worried I was somehow giving off a gay vibe or something. I must be getting more and more attractive because recently women I'd never thought would look twice at me have been flirting with me almost as soon as I step out of my house... Wierd...

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    • dontknow

      Maybe you are somehow just more comfortable in your own skin, so to speak.
      Self confidence in the way one carries one's self is usaully where I find the change has come that brings this flirting.

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  • it's flattering when it happens.

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  • Chimera_man

    yea i get hit on by gays all the time and im straight, after a while the wird will get around and they dont go all out and ask you out

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    • Jraiderz

      I have nice eyes and big lips.. and high cheek bones but I am straight and people think I am gay because of my facial appearance. I hate how everyone thinks I am gay, i just wanna live a normal life as a normal guy. Just wish I wasnt born looking like a Homo.

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      • bubbleelectric

        LMAO so you're saying that gay guys are really good-looking? Yeah that's totally gay at all. If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, its a fucking duck... aka you ARE a homo (not that there's anything wrong with that, except if y'know, if you're a self-loathing homo - which you seem to be).

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  • secretguy25

    u could be bi or not

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  • SeniorKenzo

    Kudos to you for being so cool about it. I have nothing against homosexuals but if that happened to me (as much as I'd hate to admit it) I'd be scared shitless at first. Lol

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  • JonnyLeBleu

    errr. i hate it, it makeme think i'm the kinda guy gays like and girls dont :(

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  • candycane

    It is normal. just keep in mind though, if you are hit on by a gay guy, you might be doing something to make him think you gay. Im sorry but someone had to say that.

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  • istrawberry

    WHY would you be flattered if a gay guy hits on you? I'd be grossed out. If i was with my boyfriend and a gay guy hits on him and he told me HE was flattered, i would punch him in the face and told him he is gay.

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  • andymac3044

    nooo womans standards are waayyy higher than gay men because there are more guys to choose from if your a girl (there are more straight guys than homos)

    a gay guy has to guess weither the guy is straight or not, mabey you had the "voice" of a gay guy or were just acting like a girl

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    • jc25

      Dafuq do they think I'm gay? Fat homo sidles right up to me from 10 yards away before I even know it. I AM NOT A WOMAN! I WILL ONLY BE TEMPORARILY SUBMISSIVE WITH A WOMAN I TRUST! Even if I was gay I wouldn't want such a middle-aged loser as him. Hey, wait I was within a few hundred of yards of one of the gayest neighborhoods in America, I've got to remember where I am more.

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  • dinchuckdinchuck

    i'd punch him if he didn't leave me alone.End of story.

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    • MyTwoCentsNJ

      Wow, you are such a man (obvious sarcasm)

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  • Honestly it sounds like you might be gay.If you didnt mind him hitting on you as well as you might be the type that never can face the truth.People can say what you will but this is the first steps to realizing that you are gay,cmon why would you post this in the first place think about it....

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  • tmberman


    Understand that I am not judging a homosexual person[s] but just the unnatural and immoral habit itself when I say that I could NEVER be flattered when a homosexual man flirts with me, although I guess in some strange way I can understand why a man would be. And as far as your statement that queers have higher standards than a lot of women, dude, that's totally INCORRECT! I mean, come on. Homosexuals might have higher hygiene standards overall but higher standards (values), never.

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    • Ernest

      I agree with tmberman. From what I have seen, gay guys have lower standards. Simply because they have fewer men to choose from, than a woman, and because they are more motivated by sex than a woman.

      Ive been complimented only once by a gay gay, who said that I was cute, and I felt flattered. So no, it's not wierd. :)

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