For christians; do you think sex out of marriage is okay?
for followers of christ, do you think that it is okay to have sex out of marriage?
Yes | 469 | |
No | 287 |
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for followers of christ, do you think that it is okay to have sex out of marriage?
Yes | 469 | |
No | 287 |
The Bible is supposed to be the "handbook", as it were, for Christians, outlining God's plan for believers, non-believers, history of the ancient world, etc. Sex outside of marriage is not OK as outlined in the Bible, therefore, it should not be considered OK for Christians. God does this to protect men, women, children and for man's best interest, not to interfere with our pleasure.
First, you have the potential of creating another human being. I know families whose young teen children have gotten in a relationship, gotten pregnant and are not married and have no intention of getting married. This will make it especially difficult on the mother, trying to raise a child on her own. In effect the mother will likely end up on welfare, with all the taxpayers supporting her child. It means her child may not have the advantages of the best education, may be forced to work instead of finishing school, may start making babies themselves at an early age, etc.
Second, there are something like 60+ STD's and IF one has or had multiple partners the risks are great of infection these days. Some like HIV are fatal, others like Herpes are incurable, some can make you sterile, etc.
You might say that condoms will take care of both of these problems, and properly used and assuming no failure, that is probably true, but there is also the psychological effects of sex. Sex can make one fell very close to another person. It can also make one feel used, dirty or cheap if done with bad motives or just as a physical act. Women look for love and a stability in a relationship that many men to not. Many "men" want to see how many notches they can put in their bedposts. So just because you don't make a baby or catch a disease doesn't mean there are no consequences for a sexual encounter. The Bible says when two people have sex they become "one flesh", and I think this implies a spiritual bond even more that a physical bond. This may be why those who have many, many sexual partners seem to treat their partners with such disdain when the act is over.
Sex is better within the boundaries of marriage because (ideally) it is within a loving framework, where if children are born they can be raised, nurtured and educated. Where they can be spiritually taught, since we are taking about Christians. Where there is no guilt, no shame, none of the above worries.
Christian men and women are not supposed to be acting like animals, seeing how many babies they can make, how many scores they can have. If they do they dishonor God and hurt their witness before the world. Like Jesus said, if salt is no longer salty, what good it it, it neither preserves or flavors. It is worthless and is thrown out and it then trampled on by men. Christians are being watched by the world as well as God. The pleasure of the moment can cause a long lasting heartache.
The bible also condones incest, slavery, and misogyny, so I wouldn't take my life lessons from that book if I were you.
The term "Christian" is used adjectivally to describe anything associated with Christianity, or in a proverbial sense "all that is noble, and good, and Christ-like."
Christian is pretty much just that you believe in christ...
People will think differently about this. For me, my fiance and I are both virgins, and we're each other's first everything- kiss, holding hands, etc. You may call us crazy, but I can't imagine having it any other way! When we get married, there won't be all the bullshit about comparing your partner to your previous ones in bed, having guilt & shame from past sexual relationships, etc. It's just you and the one you love, and you don't have anything to compare it to! What's more fun than that? Then you can have wonderful, guilt-free sex for the rest of your lives (once you figure it out, of course ;)
I think it should come after marriage. Plus, it would make things that much more special. And if you do it before marriage, then I don't think you should be walking down the aile in a white dress, because I think white symbolizes purity.
Im sorry but that is a really silly question hun! The Bible is explicit about it. Its wrong and we know that. If the word of God says no to it why are you seeking reassurance in man?
If you want to do it go ahhead an do it, God will not stop you but you have been warned by Him. Shold you adhere to His word Amen you are blessed. If not only yo will be held accountable for your actions. So basically DONT HAVE SEX BEFORE MARRAGE!!!!
did you guys know that, traditionally, catholics used to have to pay the priest to cleanse themselves of their sins?
Traditional religion has been long gone. Pick up your bible, give it a good read and you'll find out that it's pretty simple...
Love Jesus and heaven awaits you.
F$%^ all the hot chicks you want and God will still love the sh!t out of you.
wtf!!! that is not being saved.when you are saved
you try to do good!i have lived behind bars.
if you get cough ow dam!at age 13 i had sex i was so wrong save my sole lord!!!
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its not okay dumbass! if you do it then you obviously care more about fucking then you do about god. retard.
lol, i don't know why people got annoyed at transfer_case's comment, it's fact! In the middle ages or so, the catholic chruch would forgive sins and secure places in heaven in exchange for money and more!of course all of this eventually started the split in christianity so that's how the protestants came to be hence the name PROTESTants, protesting the so-called-traditional way of whorship thinking that the catholic church just wanted money and shit. I probably didn't explain it right.
No! It is NEVER okay! For Christ-followers, there is never a circumstance in which it would be considered acceptable. Sure, God loves you no matter what, but He hates sin.
Actually its traditionally not acceptable to have sex before marriage, and you aren't supposed to lose your virginity to anyone but your partner. Nowadays people skip that rule and take matters into their own hands.
I agree with you. And I think that people skip past it, because a lot of people don't have morals. It's sad. It's sad how something so meaningful and beautiful such as the act of love, is treated so lightly. It's supposed to be a moment when two people become one, and everyone seems to treat it like it's nothing. Like it's something as simple as slicing a pie. It should really be well thought out, and with the right person "after" marriage. But I guess we're just old fashioned, or we are considered extremists for feeling this way and sharing our opinion.
Although I personally never practiced waiting until marriage, or am I very religious, I actually agree with you. It shouldnt be treated the way it is nowadays, its kind of sad.
i agree w/ everything u say except the after part. If u find sum1 that u just no is the 1 & eventually 1 thing leads 2 another... well, i dont think thats wrong. as long as ur not just having sex just 2 do it, i think sex b4 marriage is fine.
I think its amazing the things humans will fabricate just because they are afraid.
as long as they are IN LOVE. i believe sex without love is wrong. sex is not casual and should be in a commited, long term relationship leading toward marriage.
People who condemn others to hell for this are called extremists. They take the commandment about not committing adultery and put it outside the realm of time to say someshit about how "You're cheating on your FUTURE wife." Lol. Here's the dealio: as far as I'm concerned, I don't have a future wife until I put an engagement ring on her.
Some(extremists) will say that this is blasphemy to re-word God's statements. Don't worry, I'm not. They're just on crack. The truth is, the Biblical calender doesn't start until the day man was given the Neshama of life. The other days of creation aren't in the Biblical calender because a calender is measured by time, and time requires a human perspective. Therefore, God is the only one living "outside of time" and for all the rest of us, the future is in the future. That's it.
I will point out that the Bible DOES specify not to engage in fornication. But that's where you must ask yourself what makes you a fornicator, making love to your boyfriend/girlfriend who you love, or simply going around screwing anything that walks? Well what makes you a liar? Telling your girlfriend her hair looks great even when it doesn't? Or actually misleading & decieving people regularly to get what you want out of them?
Don't fall for the whole black&white thing, think of the grey area as your "safe" area.
of course we're not saying that people having premarital sex is going to hell.. everyone always say that we're extremists for thinking that way. but we just thought that having premarital sex is adultery which is sin. it can be forgiven, of course, but i think you're not suppose to just do it.
In Christianity sex anywhere outside of marriage is a sin. And as for that whole gray area, its nonexistant. A sin is a sin. Someone is always trying to tone the Bible down or mix it up to make it relevant to modern times. I'm no extremist, but I do know the bible, and anyone reading it not just to slander it or scrutinize it for contradictions can clearly see its revelance. But I'm not trying to "condem all the unbelievers to the lake of fire", I just cant stand ignorance and have this urge to spread knowledge anywhere I can.
*winces* in my honest
for people who go crazy having sex, why do you whore around like that?? just..why??
what if your future husband or wife really suck in bed,(it happened to me). i was eternally unsatisfied...
Um what's all this talk on losing your virginity being special? When I lost mine, it TOTALLY was NOT special. I'm glad that I didn't wait and marry that girl and then see the mess I had waiting for me.
Interesting Fact: A poll on Christian sex lives showed that about 93% of them claim to have the best sex lives ever. What's funny, is Christians would consider it a sin to ever speak vainly of their lover. So that cancels out any percentage of bad feedback that poll could have received... think about it, lol.
I mean, I'm Christian and honestly I don't see anything wrong with sex out of marriage. Maybe as I grow older my view on that will change though. You never know what day is your last, and if you wait until marriage, you'll never know what sex feels like. Again my views might change on that.
christians are nuts. LOL
nothing wrong with sex, stop forcing rules upon your children
then i guess you will be a happy grandad when ur son becomes a dad at the age of 15 and the mayor sues you for the rape your son did to his daughter.......
You have got to be kidding me..... So let them steal? Let them lie? Let them do what they want as long as it feels good?
Morality is about what is right and wrong, not about what something feels like. Pedophiles think what they do feels good... no rules, pray that one day when you are blessed with children that you can come to a greater understanding...
I am a Christian and I follow Christ to the best of my ability. I agree that for a time the church tried to convince people that sex without marriage was adultry, it is not and never will be. The reason the bible tells us to wait with sex is that sex clouds your judgement. It is a very powerful tool in a relationship and makes a good relationships bond deep and virtually unbreakable. The problem with sex before marriage is that you really need the basis of a good marriage to be there prior to having sex or you may not have the strong relationship you believe you have.
I know people who have gotten divorced going both ways so nothing is ever for certain.
God gave you the choice to make your own decisions and the freedom to take action on them. When you have to post to a place like this you are looking to rationalize what you want to do even though you think it is wrong.
Don't be swayed by opinions of the world stick to the Word and you'll never go wrong. You know what is right and wrong, now just have the strength to go do it.
May God bless and keep all of you.
fuck that sex before marriage is awesome not when you are married those are just the fools that wait its ridiculous
My Aunt and Uncle had a child before they were married but only because they couldn't afford conjoining their insurance. They loved each hoer and wanted kids. I don't think this makes them anyless of a Christian.
I think that Canadian christians are waaay more open in that sense. (chose yes)
In Leviticus it says if they are caught, they must marry, so I think if you're willing to marry the person, go for it.
Its not health to have save until the the average marriage age..
The Hymen could use some stretching to make the future sex life better.
Its healthier also in the male parts.
Im a Christian but that isnt mentioned in the bible at all... Neither is masturbation or beastiality(dont worry i dont fuck animals).
I dont trust my teachings... i trust the word of the bible as it is not as it is morphed.
The bible says its a sin. But, its necessary to put out in order to have a relationship in modern times. So, its a necessary evil. A fun necessary evil. You can't get past the first date without having to put out, so if you don't ever put out, you'll never have the chance to get married.
Marriage was given and established through the law of Moses. Which I firmly believe was God inspired. Before then, however, there was no marriage. So what of Abraham and Sarah? They were un-married. Jesus said, I come to fullfill the law. The greatest of all is the golden commandment. The new testament also says, if you have lust get married. That to me sounds rather pathetic towards a real loving relationship no matter how this would seem to quell fornication. Also in the old testament it says it is better to lay with a prostitute than masturbate. Many contridictions there are in my opinion, so I just look at the truth. If I am in love in this corrupt world where marriage is nothing more than a corrupted societys means to create the appearance of completeness, oh yes, I will love un married as much as I would married. Just like Sarah and Abraham did. They did not fornicate ever. Neither do those who are un-married yet are truely in love. God judges the motives of man , not us. I am not saying to have sex ever outside of a life term commitment, I am saying that Gods laws are above mans.
Defo it is ok. Your surely gonna date a few people b4 u find the right person n get married. And in those relationships ur gonna get close to some of those people and do sexual stuff with them. Its good for you to mature in relationships by having sex when the time is right (not just with any one who comes along) and when your mentally mature enough. Dunno y some people act as though sex b4 marriage is bad, sex is healthy when your with some one you love and are close to and is safe of course. I believe you can love a few people over your lifetime. I mean you love ur friends in a different way too but some friends will not be your friends forever due to different reasons they will come and go over time the same as partners.
I said other. For someone to go slutting up the town, screwing anyone that'll have them is a whore. Do I think that's very Christian-ly? No. But being intimate with someone that you love, married or not, is okay as long as that person isn't giving it away to multiple people.
of course it is, married or not, as long as your not being used and you're in love with that person...
I don't have a problem with sex out of marriage.
However, I don't believe in sex out of love. Not everyone who is married today is in love (hence the huge numbers of divorce). But I think if you are completely in love with someone, then sex out of marriage is completely acceptable.
Christianity does not accept sex outside the sacrement of marriage. Nothing more needs to be said there. But I think you know this. The question you should be asking is more like 'is it responsible, morally or ethically, to have sex outside of marriage?' You can actually whittle the question down to 'is it morally or ethically responsible for me to have sex?' And for some people, the answer is always a simple NO. For example, you're 18, no job and no marriage. You live in your parent's basement. It is NOT responsible of you to have sex, because you cannot bear the costs of raising children or paying for STD meds. Now change the scenario a little. You're 25, have a good job and aren't married. You can have sex now because you CAN afford to raise a child and/or pay for STD meds. Well, unless you DON'T want to raise children or DON'T want to get an STD. Then having sex is probably a bad idea for you and therefore should be avoided. See? It's a question of 1) avoiding gambling and 2) being enough of a responsible adult to commit to parenthood, which should include being faithful to your spouse. Most people (especially young people) don't want the committment nor the responsibility. Of course , IINN to avoid these your entire life.
Sex is not a sin, but avoiding the consequences of sex can be.
Whoops forgot the last scenario. You have a job, you're married and you don't live in your parent's basement. It's now your DUTY to have sex - what are you waiting for?
Now if you're saying to yourself 'I don't want it anymore because it's not forbidden fruit anymore', well, what does that say about you, DAWG?
children born outside of wedlock was a big shame in the ancient world, as well as a great difficulty for child, mother and everyone involved. Scholars penciled this rule in their community common-law and this made it's way into print in the bible. The easiest rule is to say, "no sex" can't make it clearer than that. But is God up there judging your eternal soul with mortal sin permanent damnation, for which you may not repent, just for giving some frat guy a quickie, with a condom, which technically means you had sex with a thin layer of latex rubber, not a penis (sure a penis was within close proximity to the latex rubber device, the contact was with the rubber, not flesh 9which is a handy technicality for those who wrote the bible and didn't for see how technology can create a convenient birth control device and simultaneously creating a prefect no-sex, 1mm close proximity mutual engineered sex simulation involving communal stimulation of a latex rubber barrier. Sounds legit to me.
If you have to be so mean to people just dont comment...just go away because nobody will listen to someone who just puts others down..and stop dropping so many foul words...not necessary to get a point across!! Sort of makes you look like you have a very small vocabulary!
are you real .do you believe in all what the bible if you do .you are the biggest sinner in the world today the bible is a story that has been told and twisted in so many religions some say you cannot drink booze you cannot have a blood transfuze ever some have going to church 7 days a week or going around talking to others about there bad world today and come see us and we will fix everything in the end you just making me fuckin confused