For people to scare me this bad?

I know this isn't going to be normal for a lot of people but I'm hoping someone out there can relate and help.. The thing is for a long time I locked myself in my room and my only form of friends would be online.. Now that I am now a adult I of course work but I can't seem to make friends easily or rather at all, with how scared I am. It comes off as me being a bitch and people thinking that I think I'm above them but I crave physical and emotional contacts so badly but I don't want to scare people or get rejected so I end up not saying much of anything just kinda keeping to myself. I just don't know how to open up to people, to come out of my shell. does anyone understand?

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Comments ( 3 )
  • shuggy-chan

    Best advice i can give is fake it, act like u have more confidence then u may really have. Because eventually you'll realize you're not fake it anymore

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  • deadtea

    You won't see if you get rejected or not if you don't try at all. I know this feeling and I understand how hard it is but it's not impossible! It's usually common interests that make me talk more with someone. Try not worrying too much and as soon as someone is at least willing to greet you when they see you, try talking to them more and more. If they avoid you - stop, move on, repeat.

    Maybe do something you don't usually do? Go to a meeting, a play, any social event you might find interesting. Even if you don't find anyone to talk to, it usually makes me feel more confident and open than before.

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  • TimmyTheTurtle

    are you hot? i'll open you up, maybe just your legs but hey.. atleast sumthings gettin opend right?.. :)

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