For stutteters: do you stutter when you're alone?


I have a kind of severe case of stuttering but I find if I'm by myself and I talk I have no problem at all it just completely goes away.

This gives me hope that stuttering isn't really a permanent part of me and certain things are causing it to happen when I'm talking in front of people.

I wanted to ask other stutterers does this happen to you as well? Do you stutter EVEN if you're alone by yourself with no one listening or watching you?

Vote YES if you still stutter even if you're by yourself
Vote NO if you don't

Yes 27
No 98
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Comments ( 9 )
  • anti-hero

    I don't talk to myself.

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    • Don't you hate getting thumbed down for no reason?

      I thumbed you back up bro.

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  • DaemonWolf

    I've figured out alot about stuttering and I have a theory about it.

    I think its partly psychological and partly to do with muscle memory. The psychological aspect is the anxiety and stress you feel in speaking situations, obviously in a person that stutters this is amplified. Hence when you cut out the anxiety that someone else will judge you (e.g. talking while alone), most stutterers will become alot more fluent if not completely fluent. When you raise the anxiety level (such as talking to strangers on the phone) stuttering increases greatly.

    The muscle memory is an overlooked factor in stuttering in my opinion. It's the reason why there's a greater chance for a 'cure' the younger you are and the reason that even when you get rid of all anxiety and speak you will sometimes stutter or block just because your mouth muscles are so used to that movement.

    With this theory in mind one possible method to improve stuttering is to read aloud, when you are alone and most fluent; so that your muscle memory gets overwritten and fluency becomes the most natural movement when talking.

    I think the psychological aspect is more troubling and difficult to overcome.
    Personally I think it helps if you just don't give a flying shit what people think.

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  • wistfulmaiden

    What causes it?

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  • 1000yrVampireKing

    I stutter when I am nervous. Something I have noticed I developed over the years. Not sure if this is a bad sign but oh well. I also freeze up when talking to a hire authority figure.

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  • snafu

    try taking to a pet, people with stutters only stutter when talking to other people

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  • Avant-Garde

    I usually stutter around people, but only when saying certain words.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    I rarely stutter around people I know anymore. It sometimes happens when I have to talk to strangers, but rarely.

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  • NotFloydzie

    I don't stutter, but I've heard that it's something you can fix.

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