For the females, from a female...

Hey, so, to the females with periods. Im 19 and i haven't had one in 4 years right? That's not the problem. The problem is that I randomly got one a few days ago. I totally forgot how it felt.

So is it normal that I can't eat? I usually eat like, you know, a normal person, but I haven't eaten since I got this shit.

I just cant, it's been almost 3 days, food still looks sickening, i wont put it in my mouth.

I can't tell if im getting cramps or hunger pangs... I think both actually.

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Comments ( 13 )
  • charli.m

    Um. Not getting it for four years IS a problem. Go to a doctor. You'll need some hormonal testing and a few ultrasounds, I'd imagine.

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    • It wasn't a problem, because I DID go to the doctor's. I should've mentioned that. They already did tests and shut and decided what was causing it and that it wouldn't come back

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      • charli.m

        Then surely it returning would be cause for concern and you should talk to a doctor...

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  • Tealights

    Go see a doctor as soon as possible.

    Periods are mostly monthly. It's normal to skip a few weeks, or a few months, especially as a young woman, but it should never stop randomly for years.

    As annoying as periods are, it's an indicator for our feminine health, when our cycle is messed up, then something is wrong whether minor or severe. Get check out by a doctor.

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    • Again, I should've mentioned I already saw doctors, and specialists, who determined the cause and that I would not likely get a period anymore. Again, that's not the thing that worried me.

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  • wigz

    Being 19, it's not TOTALLY out of the realm of you just not being 'regular' yet, although it's a slim possibility.

    Are you on any meds? Any street drugs or alcohol?

    Are you anorexic, obese or extremely stressed physically or mentally?

    Best to just see a doctor and be honest with them about everything going on in your life.

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    • Deziboo

      Yes, I already went to the doctor for years again and again and seen specialists. Living without it for 4 years is a total norm , so again, that isn't my problem...

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      • wigz

        Ok so doctors have determined nothing is wrong with you...then you must just be having normal pms...surge of hormones with a period. Big deal. Get over it.

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  • Ok I'll say this one more time, I should've added it in my post. The reason the 4 years without having a period isn't the problem is because I've seen multiple doctors and specialists,c continuously, over the course of these past four years.

    I just saw the doctor 2 months ago in fact about it and they all say the same thing.

    AGAIN I was just wondering if most girls feel sickened by food during their period, or if it's just me, but thanks for no answer everyone. Good job. I really didn't need a bunch of people telling me common sense, clearly I stopped getting my period when I was a minor of I'm 19, so of course I've seen doctors.

    Nevermind just forget it, I'll starve to death lol.n

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    • Crow

      If you want an answer, don't say things like "but thanks for no answer everyone. Good job." What do you want people to do? Similarly, comments like "Nevermind just forget it, I'll starve to death lol" don't exactly inspire the best in people.

      In the future, keep your submissions minimal if you want people to focus on your key issue (i.e: "IIN to feel sickened by food while having a period?") you can possibly add that you haven't got regular menstrual cycles if you're so inclined but anything provocative (e.g: a padlock on a bathroom door, vegetarian food for cats) should be kept out if you're looking for focused answers.

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  • sydslytherin

    Food does sicken me in my period, but not nearly that much. I just eat less than normal.

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  • Couman

    Uh-oh, sounds like you're reverse-pregnant.

    Seriously though, I have no idea what that means, but it doesn't sounds good. Obviously not being able to eat is kind of a big deal...

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  • CreamPuffs

    Oh god, that's not good. I don't want to be one of those people who posts without knowing what they're talking about, but you really should be telling someone not on the Internet about this. Because I've legitimately never heard of anything like this happening before.

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