For women: do you get your boyfriend/husband a gift for valentine's day?

Sorry if this is an obvious question, but tbh I have no idea if it's obvious that of course women would do this, or that of course they wouldn't.

Do women buy gifts for their partners on Valentine's Day? It seems like it's always something expected of the man, but never of the woman, which is really unfair and quite sexist. And it's not just Valentine's Day now that I think about it, it seems that men are expected to spontaneously buy gifts for their partners now and then, but never the reverse. And then if the man doesn't do this, he's seen as uncaring. But if the woman doesn't do it, then that's just normal. It's quite strange really, since the only possible reasons I can see for this are really sexist and antiquated. For example:

1. Men make all the money, so of course he should buy his poor wife a gift now and then.
2. Women aren't as emotionally strong as men, they looking after and treating now and then (kind of like how you'd buy a child a surprise every so often).
3. Women's gift to men is their body to have sex with. They reluctantly fulfill those marital duties for the man's sake, so he should buy her gifts in return.
4. Women can't become as rich and successful as men, the best way for them to become rich is to marry a rich man. So gifts are how men show their wealth to attract girls and keep them interested.

So I'm surprised that it's still commonly accepted that men are supposed to buy flowers and chocolates often enough, but women aren't expected to do the same. Or is my idea of societal expectations outdated, and women are expected to buy men stuff nowadays too? I certainly hope so.

No, I don't believe I should, that's the man's job 0
No, I've just never thought about doing that, I might now though 0
Yes, if he gives me one then it's only right I give him one in return 7
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Comments ( 15 )
  • Curiouskitten444

    I took my boyfriend out to the movies and got all the food, so yes, as a woman, I still treat my partner on valentine's day. We didnt exchange gifts. So in this case, I was the only one giving, which I'm perfectly happy with treating my partner when I can. He paid for dinner last valentine's day. I also got a gift for his mother for valentine's day. It's not just a romantic day to me, it's all around love and appreciation day.

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    • Millie_the_evil_saint


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  • LloydAsher

    Yes. Shes coming along with me this week as an honorary trucker. She does no driving and she just tags along during the week.

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  • DarkMatter

    My boyfriend never gives me anything. I always give him gifts. Today I gave him chocolates every 30 minutes. Big ones. The most expensive ones. I feel sad because I love him so much but he doesn't love me. At least he doesn't show love. I'm stupid, aren't I?

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    • Millie_the_evil_saint

      Why are you with him?

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      • DarkMatter

        Good question. I am still with him, but now I'm contemplating on whether I should continue.

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  • kikilizzo

    I gave both my exes presents and they both laughed and didnt get me anything in return. At least they spent valentines with me, I guess. Gotta lower your standards a lot when you date men. I'm never giving men anything again.

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    • Millie_the_evil_saint

      I think it's just there's this stigma against Valentine's Day. It's seen by many as just a commercial event and insincere. Forced romance just lacks that usual spontaneity of actual romantic gestures.

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  • hauntedbysandwiches

    Huh? Where are you from? Where I live both partners give gifts to each other. When I was in a relationship I'd give him chocolates and a gadget gift or something and he'd gift me flowers and chocolates..those in relationships around me usually do the same. Not sure where you live though maybe only men buy gifts in your country? In the US they both gift each other which is how it should be

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    I took my family out to eat and got drinks. We dont usually get gifts other than flowers I get her.

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  • Millie_the_evil_saint

    From what I heard it's normal in South Korea: there Valentine's Day is considered a day when women give gifts to their men. Get yourself a Korean girlfriend.

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  • litelander8

    I don’t usually make it to those meetings as my schedule is full with sucking the youth from my victims.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    Valentine's day is a crock of bullshit that many people fall for every year. I'd prefer not to celebrate it, but since my boyfriend likes celebrating it, we get each other gifts, and we go out to dinner and enjoy each other's company. Today we're going to the cheesecake factory. I'm looking forward to it.

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  • litelander8

    Women don’t even like men. Or sex. We just like money. And lots of it. We have a little portion of our brains dedicated to accounting.

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  • Tinybird

    No, I get myself a valentine's day gift, and mark it as from my crush.

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