Freak out all the time!

Hello, I get panic attacks almost every day when something that I do is not perfected. If my school notes are not in a certain font, size, have a certain way to the titles and subtitles, i freak out sometimes to the point where I cry. If my floor isn't swept with the right technique I freak out. I can't do short form text messaging as in, <R u home?> because at that point i feel like I just messed up my sentence and I have to go back and write it again, even if I'm super busy. My food has to be cooked a certain way even though it does not modify the taste of anything, if someone is cooking and hold a knife slightly different than I would, I take over, even if it's their food... Is this something that allot of people do? Or is this just me?

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Comments ( 4 )
  • fissionmailed

    It could be severe OCD. But I recommend getting it checked out by a psychiatrist if it becomes a problem

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  • ProseAthlete

    Of course no one here can diagnose an illness or disorder, but the degree of anxiety you describe over these seemingly small things could be a form of obsessive-compulsive disorder. It may also be extreme perfectionism, which could also be its own issue.

    Whatever's going on with you, if it's causing you anxiety to the point of tears to watch someone holding a knife a slightly different way, you should probably take that burden of stress to a counselor of some sort. A professional can help you sort out what you need to feel okay with change, difference or imperfection.

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    • Anna1995

      I ended up speaking about this to a psychiatrist and I got a diagnosed with OCD that I had not known of when I was a bit younger. Therefore I am assuming that this is a part of that! Thank you very much for your reply.

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  • Thomas123789

    It's normal. You have high standards. Just know you perforn to high standards and levels and feel proud of yourself.

    Maybe practice being messy or being not as perfect so you can get to the right point where you are balanced and don't care so much?

    There is always a solution to every problem.

    But to me I would say you are normal, what is not normal is stabbing people.

    You're just neat.

    Feel to neat?

    Practice being less neat.

    I was the same. I obsessed over stupid stuff. It's just stress. Take it easy more and address what is stressing you.

    Honestly I would say if you stress too much, masturbate. Use porn if you have to. Masturbation can also help relieve depression.

    Just say f*ck it and free yourself :)

    Bye Buddy.

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