Freedom of speech is overrated

With everyone having an opinion and having the means to express it, the value of each opinion gets diminished, due to a lack of scarcity. We can't sit and evaluate everyone's opinions, as most of us do not care about most things, may not have the proper info to judge, and our time is quite limited. This encourages people to be loud and obnoxious, because in a world where everyone can have an opinion, you need to find some way to get others' attention. Because most people who have the confidence to be so loud are typically idiots who are unaware of how complex the issues they're blabbing about really are, we get loudmouths polluting the environment with their noxious stupidity. Otherwise, we get people who simply want a reaction or want to demonstrate their power over others by not arguing in good faith and intentionally trying to demoralize everyone else by forcing them to point out absurdities that the speaker couldn't care less about (picture an toddler delighting in his ability to make the maid pick up after him as he throws food on the floor). Talk is cheap and nobody really has to put their money where their mouth is these days, due to the freedom of not being held accountable for what comes out of them. We ought to bring back the concept of dueling - I'd like to see some of those politicians who make a cesspool of everything with their diarrhea of the mouth get a brand new hole in them.

Not true 8
Other 2
True enough 1
Very true 1
I see your point, but no 6
That's quite a whopper you're telling 2
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Comments ( 19 )
  • LloydAsher

    You dont understand freedom of speech then. In America people confuse that freedom of speech applies to every Avenue of speech; vocal, written, artistic.

    When in reality it's more of a restriction against the goverment to not impose sanctions on speech. Regular people are free to put up rules within their own selected crowds.

    Internet companies that gets into the section 230 compliance and politicians only go after them when its politically convenient for their side.

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    • bigbudchonger

      Well put Lloyd

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  • BleedingPain

    Everyone should be and is entitled to freedom of speech. They are not, however, free from consequences.

    You can say whatever the hell you want, but you are not going to get away with it

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    • ospry

      Too many people use that as an excuse to get physically violent when someone says something they don't like. Assault is never a "natural consequence" of someone saying mean things, people just lack impulse control and don't want to take accountability

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      • Assault is a natural consequence when a person's words can be taken as an incitement to violence. Every Jew ought to have the right to sock a Nazi - such people cannot be dealt with by mere talk and critique.

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      • BleedingPain

        My answer to you good sir or madam is this.
        If you don’t want to get assaulted, don't spew hate. You can’t (directly) control the actions of others, but you can control your own.

        To win at the game of life, you never let the enemy know how you truly feel.

        In layman’s terms, shut up and mind your own business.

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        • >be me
          >at funeral
          >friend is crying over dead mother
          >make joke about how she's noticeably less frigid now
          >get punched
          >free speech totally violated

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          • ospry

            If ya don't want your throat slit, don't be a bag of dicks ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ literally the exact same logic. Which is very convenient because it leaves me as the sole determinator of what constitutes someone being a bag of dicks, just like those heroes who unilaterally decide that someone saying something deserves an assault

            In short, fucking die.

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        • ospry

          I should slit your throat for saying that. And by your logic, if I did so it would simply be a natural consequence of you being a bag of dicks

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          • BleedingPain

            I tried. It sounded better in my head

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    • LloydAsher

      Location location location!

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  • Ummitsstillme

    A bunch of idiots talking loudly actually make speech free! We should defend their freedom at all costs, no matter how much we may disagree with what they may say!

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  • 1234tellmethatyoulovememore

    In a society where speech is restricted you just go further and further into authoritarianism.

    There's actual truth, and then there's "truth". Very few know truth, we only know "truth" which is what is filtered through to us through media.

    Who is to say who is right and who is wrong? We can't choose who is saying the "right" or "wrong" things. We either get the cesspool of opinion or authoritarian censorship, the latter of which is worse.

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  • EnglishLad

    You do realise that freedom of speech gives you the right to spout all of the scriptual diharroea that you just wrote, right?

    It's every American citizen's right to plead the first ammendment. We have freedom of speech in the UK too, which means I am allowed to tell you that the 2nd ammendment in your constitution sucks wrinkly donkey balls. And every American who is triggered by me saying so is able to legally call me out without being thrown in jail.

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  • 1234tellmethatyoulovememore

    In a society where speech is restricted you just go further and further into authoritarianism.

    There's actual truth, and then there's "truth". No one knows truth, we only know "truth" which is what is filtered through to us through media.

    And people do face consequences for their speech.

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  • RandomNumbers

    I see your point and I agree with you for the most part, but i cant think of one thing we could do to fix that that wouldn't create a worse scenario

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    I think freedom of speech is important because in theory people expose problems with the government. Its harder for the government to do shady stuff when ppl are allowed to talk about it. But yes bring back dueling or mutual combat laws.

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    • LloydAsher

      Mutual combat and dueling at specifically cordoned zones. Like paintballing but you are going their to beat the shit out of eachother legally.

      Or do it like Seattle did and just had the cops referee the entire thing.

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  • normal-rebellious

    True enough, but if we saw it from their perspectives we would get along better with their opinions, and if you think this entitlement is getting out of hand then fine, from a logical perspective you should shut up with your opinion, from an irrational perspective it's nice to let them have an opinion, but I suppose you're right, they shouldn't be blabbermouthing an opinion.

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