Frequent digestive issues, iin?

Since the beginning of this month, I've had very bad and frequent gas. I was very constipated. I ate a pickle with rye bread soaked in pickle juice, because I read that the latter was a potent laxative.

It gave me very bad gas, but I stayed constipated. The constipation carried on into Friday morning of the week previous, until I got back from shopping and ate coffee ice cream. I went twice that day and twice today so far.

I kept having gas while I was shopping, I know it's rude, but it kept comming out. I couldn't hold it in. Today, I have passed gas so many times and it smells horrible. Why is this happening?

My diet is very good now and varied. I eat lots of veggies, mushrooms, fruit, vinegar and coconut aminos, meat, grains, seeds, plant and animal-based diary, healthy oils, and I drink coffee. I occasionally eat fish and I take digestive enzymes daily. I don't drink much pure water.

I gradually added these foods into my diet and haven't eaten pickles or their juice since. My stomach always feels like it's bubbling. IIN?

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Comments ( 18 )
  • Danie

    Drink more water and exercise.

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    • I've had to resort to drinking more fluids due to the weather. I drink a lot of aloe vera juice and almond milk (it's made mostly from water). I used to drink coconut water, but I seem to have developed an allergy to it. I have been drinking plain water too, though not a lot of it. Plain water doesn't make me feel hydrated for some reason.

      I've ceased excercising because of the heat.

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      • Danie

        Sorry, but all I hear is excuses. You can't go wrong with water and exercise.

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  • Brownblowout

    Just stay on the can in case you get the heavy farts

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    • Can't. I've got places to go!

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  • howaminotmyself

    Try an illumination diet.

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    • Illumination? Do you elimination diet?

      The gas I mentioned in my post, I found out to be caused by eating almond yogurt. I ceased eating it. My bad gas has unfortunately returned. It started a few days ago after I reintroduced beans into my diet.

      Despite all of this fiber and the fluids I've been drinking, I'm still not defecating at a normal rate. I do eat a lot of cheese and pasta, though, so this could very well be the source of my constipation.

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      • howaminotmyself

        Ha! That was an awesome auto correct. Yes. I meant an elimination diet. I had severe digestive issues where pretty much everything I ate made me hurt. It was the combination of foods in my system, not just one thing.

        Do you know how the diet works? It's a pretty long process. And cheese and pasta are among the last things to reintroduce, and not at the same time.

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  • seekelp

    "My diet is very good now and varied."

    Based on your first two paragraphs, this statement is untrue.

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    • Please, let me explain. I have chronic IBS and had very severe food allergies. My diet was very limited. At this point in time, I have the most variety in my diet now that I've had in a long time.

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      • seekelp

        Ok, I'm trying to pinpoint when the change in diet happened. Yogurt might be worthwhile, too.

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        • I was eating Almond yogurt at the time I wrote this post and my earlier replies. I found out that it was the source of the first wave of bad gas.

          I'm eating beans now and the bad gas is back! It's horrible. It's very intense and it really lingers. I think I'm getting it because my digestive system is not yet used to beans. I have to take my time with this to insure that I can reintroduce them back into my diet properly.

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  • penisprisoner

    try smoking weed. it should mellow out your digestive track.

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    • I really want to try weed. I have other reasons for which I could really stand to be benefit from it.

      I'm not brave or street smart enough to get it illegally, and there's no where for me to smoke it. It's approved for medical usage, but the legality surrounding it is questionable. We did have a decriminalising law passed, not that long ago. I'm still wary despite this. I'll have to do some more research on this subject. Thanks. :)

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  • BlackyHancock

    There are some novel approaches to IBS using fecal transplants. And no I'm not joking. Just Google it. Dr Blacky Hancock

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    • Hehe... Yes, believe you me, I have heard of this treatment. I appreciate the suggestion, but it's a tad too out there for me. :/

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      • BlackyHancock

        What if a doctor approves it and it restores your health ... wouldn't it be worth it?

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        • I still wouldn't want to try it! Do they do any testing on the samples for diseases? What if a donor has Ebola?

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