Friend died from shooting himself and my boyfriend
Hi I don't know what to do I'm so upset I'm hyperventilating. My friend died he took his own life by gun. He went to the gas station and bought it and ended his life. He was 19.
I said I wish guns were banned OR were at least harder to obtain and not sold at gas stations because then my friend would still be alive as he had a note saying he was either going to get a gun or overdose on Advil and if he overdosed he would be alive and the hospital is only two blocks over...
Anyway instead of caring that my friend died or saying anything nice or saying I agree I wish they were banned or even I wish the gas station didn't carry them, my boyfriend says "I still think guns should be available at gas stations" that was his reaction
Me: I miss my friend, I wish he never got the gun they should be banned or not sold at gas stations
Him: I disagree I think guns should be sold at gas stations
How insensitive is that? I started crying and he didn't comfort me and then because of how he acted like he didn't care I said I don't think we should be together anymore and he got annoyed saying I was acting mean!
Is this normal??