Friend heard me talking to myself

I do this thing where I talk to myself on anything. It could be a fake interview, a character, a conversation. I was driving today and I think my friend decided to call at the same time, I don't know. I was putting my phone down and I guess I answered by accident...Damn touch-screen! I lied and said I was at home talking to my sister, but she kept laughing and asking what I was saying. I was saying "Aw, how cute! You don't have to change to be my family!" yeah I don't know, and I kept repeating it, I don't know if she heard me repeat it or if she believes me. Should I just tell her? Is this too weird? hahah

Am I gonna lose another friend to my weirdness?

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Comments ( 9 )
  • Avant-Garde

    I do that too, but usually when I'm alone.

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    • WeirdoFromEarth

      Yay I'm not alone

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  • joybird

    I've found that since I've gone deaf I talk out loud to myself. I can hear my own voice and it's almost the only normal thing I can hear now. Plus I don't have to keep repeating myself :o) Strange though, coz I forget others can hear me trying to work things out.

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    • WeirdoFromEarth

      Thank you for sharing your thoughts and your experience =)---
      Lol, well if it were me I'd be relieved to see someone doing the same thing as me. If we made eye contact I would even nod in agreement to what the subject was even if I didn't know--you might look at me weird, but I'd understand and also nod in agreement.

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  • GuessWho

    A good excuse plus being extra careful to not let it happen again should do the trick.
    You've already made the excuse. If she never catches you talking to yourself again, that should erase all suspicion.

    Even if knowing won't change someone's relationship with me, there are certain things that I prefer everyone to remain misinformed about and have gotten myself out of something similar like this before. (I don't talk to myself, but the method of guiding their thoughts in the wrong direction works.)

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    • WeirdoFromEarth

      Thank you, and yes it's the strangest little quirk I have that I really try to keep on the down low but my family does know I do this. It's funny they don't ever mention it lol
      Yes I did NOT mention it again, I think she may have a feeling, but we'll just move on haha

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  • Shackleford96

    That's pretty weird, haha.

    If she's really your friend though, she wouldn't mind. It might be a bit embarrassing for you that she heard you, but she shouldn't stop being friends with you because of it. That would just be silly.

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    • WeirdoFromEarth

      Lol, thanks for the reply :)
      And well I didn't mention it and yeah it's back to pretending I'm normal, I mean, normal

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      • Shackleford96

        You're welcome!

        I'm glad things are back to "normal" for you, haha.

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