Fuck the rich

I'm tired of always hearing people defend the rich- and by "rich," I also include the upper-middle class. I don't care how hard they worked for the money, or how generous they are in their spare time. It doesn't entitle them to hoard their wealth while us working-class go broke paying for basic necessities, many of which are already provided in other developed countries.

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46% Normal
Based on 48 votes (22 yes)
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Comments ( 90 )
  • DIO

    It's funny how "poor" people hate rich people out of envy.
    I'm poor myself but I don't blame rich people as long as they are decent human beings. Because I wouldn't complain if I was rich.

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    • CountessDouche

      Dude...or madam, love your comments here & you are super insightful, but I'm just gonna have to go ahead & disagree with you here (bill lumberg voice).

      I mean, it's very easy to see disenfranchisement w/ the rich from an "everybody has a fair shake" lens, but that's honestly not realistic. If you are born poor, you absolutely are not afforded the same opportunities & it's easy to see why people perceive the well off as having a leg up, because they do.

      I'm not sneezing at the self made, work hard philosophy, because it does have merit, but in America simple things like not having access to good education or health insurance can absolutely fuck you before you hit the starting line of the rat race.

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      • DIO

        Im a guy (obviously).
        I don't disagree with you here. Whether you are rich or not is 50% luck, 50% something else.

        You don't need to have a good education if you are lucky and/or talented to be rich. Do you think Eminem had a good education??

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        • CountessDouche

          Oh no! I obviously missed the big D, my mistake!

          I mean, yeah, there's obviously one off examples like eminem- people who are talented, but also have to work hard to scrape themselves out of unfortunate circumstances, but those people are an anomaly. Theres tons of hard working, talented people who get nowhere...maybe it's luck, as you say.

          But you should understand, coming from America (& I know u a frenchy- i got french family, baguette slaps!), we are absolutely sold on bootstraps mythology from the earliest age. We are taught individualism to a fault, that being self made is an inevitability, an asset, the only way to succeed, all kinds of egregiously & falsely leveled, you have an equal chance shit. That's the dream in America, and it isn't even slightly true. You are taught that if you dont succeed, it is absolutely your fault. It's the way the successful sell being poor to the poor.

          There are absolutely leachy, lazy people, but that philosophy ignores the fact that there are totally honest, hard working, smart, well adjusted people that dont give up & STILL never succeed. There are people that have advantages & that means something.

          Life is unfair, after all & thinking that all rich people deserve their riches speaks to an inherent belief in fairness. I absolutely do not think that resentment for rich people should be an excuse not to try, but I can totally understand it coming from someone who was not afforded the advantages that a lot of rich people inherit through no work of their own

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          • Bazinga

            Here's a tip I learned at a country club. There is a board game for early adolescent kids called "Cashflow". After your kids have played version 101 for a year, you buy the version 202 upgrade which teaches your kids to play the game like hedge fund managers.

            I'm not kidding around with you. You can be pissed off at me for knowing about this, or you can get this game as a Christmas present for your nieces and nephews so they do better in life. Your choice.


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  • Clunk42

    So you're a communist?

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    • If by communist, you mean tyrannical shitholes like North Korea, then no, I don't advocate for that. However, would I like it if we were more like a Scandinavian country, for example? You bet your ass!

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      • Clunk42

        Communism doesn't work.

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        • Don't come crying to me when you die or go broke because of the expensive healthcare in this country.

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          • Clunk42

            Why would I? You're just some anonymous person on the internet.

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            • Ah, but if you should post something on here about how unhappy you are with our healthcare system or student loan debt, I'll be giving you a thousand I-told-you-so's

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  • Iszzy123

    So you going to find rich ppl and fuck them ?

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    • Yes! In the form of a progressive tax systems, universal healthcare, a living wage, and stuff like that.

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  • noid

    I don’t like the comments about working hard being the answer because there are plenty of people that work hard but aren’t getting paid enough to be anything like rich .

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  • bleedingdiarhea

    Fuck you. I came from a somewhat poor family and worked hard for what I've got and have no time for those who think I'm some caniver for working hard for what I deserve.

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    • LloydAsher

      I came from an upper middle class home and you know what my parents did as soon as became 18? Kicked my ass out. Not because they didnt love me quite the contrary. Now I know what's it like to be hungry and I'm know using that as motivation to push me to work my very hardest.

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      • McBean

        You get a thumb bump from me. My upper middle class parents kicked my ass out at 18 too. I know hunger, I learned to live on dirt, and I studied my ass off in college. I respect working class people that keep restaurants running and office buildings clean because I was in their shoes. The best and brightest blue collar workers start their own businesses and do well in life.

        Whining socialist whingers are handicapped because their parents never kicked them in the ass. They don't understand motivation; they don't understand surviving by their wits. And especially, they are uninspired by hard efficient work. Be a loser if you want to, but stop thinking life is easy at the top.

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        • LloydAsher

          I joined the navy so that one my immediate needs are taken care of and two I can use the benefits to springboard my way into good classes for a good job. My parents are allowing me to stay back home now that I have an honorable seperation.

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          • McBean


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  • megadriver

    The rich are the ones that keep the economy going you muppet! They are the big business, the hospitals, the army, the police, city planning, etc... they provide jobs for millions of people and taxation of the rich is what keeps modern society afloat!

    Also if you are clever and work towards making it big, it's a thing to be commended! You can do it. Anyone can do it. If you have the mindset and manage to save some cash... you can pursue you dreams.
    You sound like a jealous bottom feeder. The type of guy that mows lawns for a living, or delivers parcels and after quitting time, he goes home, cracks open the cheapest beer, gets drunk, yells at his wife (if you have one) that the meatloaf sucks and then goes on a ramble against the world while channel surfing.

    I'm one of those "worked hard to make it" types. My day job is selling cars, I have my own business (provides jobs for people) and I have a Saturday job driving buses. I'm a car guy and I managed to buy 5 of my 8 dream cars before the age of 30. Five cars I'm proud as fuck to own, cause I bought them with my money. Sure, none of my cars are really exotic and all of them combined cost less than a new BMW M3, but I'm still proud as fuck! I'm not exactly rich yet, but I'm making it. I don't focus on what others have, I focus on what I want to have and how to get it. I'm from an upper middle class family. Yeah, I had access to higher education and while that might have helped me in finding a better job and starting a business, it's not been crucial. I know people without a degree that make more money than me. I also know people with 2, or more degrees that make a third of what I make.
    But everything I have accomplished in life, I did it myself, with no outside financial help from parents, friends, or anyone else. If you hate me, or anyone else like me for this, you are just a sad, bitter little man.

    And you taking a piss on everyone that wanted to make it legally is just pitiful. What is it exactly that you want? Communism? A land where everyone is equal. A brain surgeon is equal to a street sweeper, a farmer is equal to a rocket scientist... Everyone has the same paycheck, everyone rejoices in December, cause they can buy bananas for Christmas and you get a 1 week vacation to go tenting somewhere, cause hotels are for the decadent bourgeoisie. Kill the able ones and the intelligent ones and give the power to all of the idiots that struggle to do anything more complicated than fixing shoes and plowing fields...

    Check the internet for what communism did to any of the countries it plagued. I'm a citizen of one of those ex-socialist countries. A small, backwater country in the Balkans of Eastern Europe... Probably never heard of it. We saw some shit, but no, wait! Check out the prime source... Russia. We (along with most Balkan countries) had a much lighter version of communism, but what the Russians did to their own people is worse than anything anyone else has ever done to humanity, including Hitler!

    Your "fuck the rich" attitude is similar to what drove those red idiots to the atrocities they did.
    So instead of bitching about how others are more fortunate than you, find a way to become fortunate yourself.

    Don't work hard, work smart!

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    • bigbudchonga

      Well said, megadriver, well said indeed!

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    • I'm all for people reaping the fruits of their labor, don't get me wrong. However, despite the numerous attributes of rich people, they still don't justify things like: how (I think) 30-40 million Americans either die or go bankrupt because we don't guarantee access to healthcare; wages have remained stagnant; income inequality is almost as discrepant as it was in the Gilded Age. And, these are just to name a few.

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  • leggs91200

    Even if all the wealth were evenly distributed to all citizens, most of the money would soon end up back into the hands of the rich anyways.

    I think we would all like to be rich but most of us are not willing to work for it.

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    • bigbudchonga

      Really good comment, leggs; those who have wealth normally have it for a reason.

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  • BleedingPain

    Stop wining about your own laziness. Inflation is a bitch, but wining about others hard earned fortunes is pathetic.

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    • I'm guessing you don't support Bernie Sanders.

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      • BleedingPain

        I do

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        • He's my only hope. Otherwise, I'll gladly vote for Trump- again. As crooked as he is, there is nothing redeemable about people like Copmala Harris. Just like I had no reason to vote for Hilliary.

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  • Wellyoudliketoknoweh

    Well that’s capitalism
    Most people would do it that way when getting money
    The big companies do shit, yes, but u sound like u don’t know any of em personally. So the wealthier ones
    We shall change how it works and try to cooperate on each side

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  • cupcake_wants

    Don't be envious. Work hard instead.

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    • Ellenna

      I've worked hard for nearly 50 years and I'm still poor.

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      • LloydAsher

        Are your kids in a better position they you were?

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        • Ellenna

          I only had one child and yes she is

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          • LloydAsher

            Therefore the toil is worth it. You may of not improved but your next generation did. That means you succeeded and the work wasnt for anything.

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            • Ellenna

              That's no consolation and I assume the last word in your post should read nothing rather than anything?

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            • Grunewald

              What is this, some materialist version of reincarnation?

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    • DIO

      She's a control freak. No wonder she worked hard for 50 years.

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  • LloydAsher

    Upper working class? You mean doctors, lawers, construction supervisors, nearly every master degree profession? People who worked thier way into their own wealth?

    Yeah that's not going to fly commie. You want free money but that's not how resources work. Theres a thing called the market and if your job is dangerous or hard theres always a job opening especially if its vital job that needs doing such as underwater welding make around 200,000+ with some training the caveat? Its extremely dangerous and death is very common.

    You wanna make money? Work for it. Or you can always just hope a goverment will try to distribute it and not collapse.

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    • I don't think it's pathetic to wish for things like: healthcare for all, universal college, a living wage, investments in infrastructure- many of these being things that other developed countries offer, in one form or another.

      It's my belief that the upper middle-class voters are just as responsible as the 1% are for the shitty politicians we have. The shitty politicians being people who have and continue to obstruct the policies I mentioned above.

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    • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

      ive been round some underwater welders

      yall needs some serious skills and yallre tradin baller paychecks for many yearsa life

      i makes similar cash with specialty industrial skills and dont consider myself rich by a longshot and i aint gonna die young from it

      although i did touch a 470 volt line yesterday and i got the fuck bit outta me so it aint all roses

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      • LloydAsher

        What was the amperage?

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        • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

          whatever ohms law dictated the resistance through me was at the time

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          • LloydAsher

            Idk should you be dead if it was a high amperage. Did you get checked out by a doc to see if your heart got fucked up?

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            • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

              happens all the time

              the supplied amperage on the board dont matter its the resistance through the body that determines the current flow

              bodily resistance is usually in millions (meg) ohms so its micro or milliamps

              its more important where the flow is through the body

              one arm to the other goes through the heart

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  • dimwitted

    I don't care how much money people have. What irritates me is the wastefulness of the rich.

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    • LloydAsher

      When it comes to buying useless stuff at least they are buying shit. The worst thing you can do when you are rich is hording it. It's not good for the economy. So that's why I dont care what they buy so long as they keep the money cycle going.

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    • RoseIsabella

      I don't care for wastefulness from anyone, not even myself. None of us are perfect.

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    • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

      the luxury economy is fuckin ridiculous

      i spent a 6 hour layover in the paris degualle airport a couple weeks ago and there was no fuckin bar no service no phone chargers but hell if i couldnta wasted 50 grand on useless designer gucci gang fuckin garbage in a few hours

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  • bigbudchonga

    The Russians had the same idea with "fuck the rich"; they killed all the kulaks and surprise surprise, the successful people they killed kept the economy going, with them gone millions starved.

    You want to fuck the very people who generate a massively disproportionate amount of wealth for your country, who disproportionately pay for schools, police force, army, prisons, and all the welfare programmes.

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    • First of all, I don't advocate for genocide- one of the things I actually want to do is abolish the death penalty. Secondly, thanks to us not having a progressive tax system, I'm pretty sure I pay just as much as the douche with a Ferrari does for services.

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      • bigbudchonga

        A flat-rate tax system would still mean he paid far far more than you. If you earn 40k and pay 20%, even if you're taxed on your very first dollar, you would only pay 8k. If he earn't 200k and was working under the same system then he would pay 40k.

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        • Well, a progressive tax system is one of the many things this country can use.

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          • bigbudchonga

            What country are you in?

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            • USA. The "best" country in the world! Yup, we're number one! Despite there being to factual evidence to back up that claim!

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  • Jimbo24

    Fuck the poor! The takers. Drag on society, expecting the producers and the makers to take care of them, bail them out, living on charities and handouts like a bunch of bums. Fucking reckless, useless parasites who can't make something of their lives, and having children they can't afford. Fuck, I hate the lefties' glorification of the down-and-out! Bill Maher trying to make me feel pity for some airheaded single mother with no shred of personal responsibility. I hated these pieces of shit ever since some bum who didn't get the same grade as I for his inferior work project implored the teacher to give him the same.

    - Eternal right-wing voter

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    • Boogienights

      The only thing wrong with your argument is that nobody gets rich from working. People work their whole lives now and will never even own their own home. Having no money has nothing to do with laziness. It has to do with a very unfair, skewed, corrupt system that only benefits the wealthy and creates more and more of a gap between rich and poor. Yeah there are some loser dropkick druggys who do nothing but there are also very hard working honest people who get nowhere. You mostly only succeed if you are born into privilege. If you are born into poverty you have next to no chance of escaping it. Thats not laziness. Personally I hate the system I was born into. I have nothing but contempt and resentment for the government. There is no escape from it though. Most of us will just work like slaves till we die. Just pawns in a game. Propping up the rich. Its sick. Im actually looking forward to death so I can no longer be a part of this toxic world full of toxic ignorant people.

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      • Jimbo24

        BS! B S ! You make money by providing something other people want. Could be a product, a service, a skill, anything. If I can make people laugh, publicize my talents here and there till I get hired to do so for money, then I'll make money off of that "service" people pay for. It's not rocket science. And you can't provide any kind of service without work. Things don't just fall on your lap.

        Average house in the Vegas suburbs costs around $170K. You're telling me you can't pile up income your entire life without reaching this sum? Or even half of it then borrow for the rest? If so, then the problem is with you.

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        • Boogienights

          Are you saying that people living in a slum lucky to make $1 a day and having to prostitute their children so that they can eat are just lazy?
          Sure Americans can make some money working but most will never be rich. Its just not possible. The system wont allow it.
          You make the same mistake all Americans make ie youre so insular you have no idea that there is a world outside of the USA and not everyone on the internet is American. In this world outside of your bubble houses are not $170,000. Where I live the median house price is over 1 million. Most people will now never own.

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          • Jimbo24

            First off, some 80% of America's millionaires are first generation (https://www.cato.org/publications/commentary/real-1-percent), so I call BS on this "can't be rich" of yours. Also, you don't have to be outright rich to make a good living.

            Second, houses are only this expensive in and around the downtowns of big cities. Because there's a lot of demand for them. Everyone wants to live there, and only a few can, therefore those who pay the most will. It's not your God-given right to afford the epicenter of a metropolis. That's why so many people move to the suburbs or smaller cities when they want to have a family. Also, these expensive, high-cost-of-living places tend to be dominated by decades of Democrat rule driving up costs with their taxes and overregulation of everything.

            Finally, why would some bum living on $1 a day have not just one but several children? Isn't that the height of irresponsibility? These stupid choices and people excusing them are what exacerbate poverty.

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  • notsaying4life

    Lol some people are rich through no fault of theirs believe it or not,they had no other option,we can’t all be equal deal with it

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  • Jimbo24

    "Elitist" lol like I'm some kind of rich politico in my mansion.

    And no, you don't have be outright wealthy to have a family. But if you only make ONE DOLLAR a day (i.e. you're a bum), then you might want to hold off a little until you improve your lot. Why is that radical to say "only have as many children as you can afford"? If you know you can't afford children but have them anyway, and sure enough, you all end up in misery, then you only got what's coming to you.

    As to why bums are bums... you sound like one of those people who believe humanity started out rich, and then some people took some, and the rest were left with nothing. Well, I hate to break it to you, but poverty is the standard state of man. That's how humanity started out, we were all a bunch of bums. And only when some found ways to produce more efficiently that they started to accumulate wealth.

    And of course poor people can make money. Anyone can. You make money by providing something other people want, and those other people will pay in order to obtain it. THAT'S IT! It's not rocket science. That's how everyone makes money, from lawyers to janitors to rappers to shoe manufacturers. Even impoverished recently arrived Mexicans make money. If you don't want to do that, and would rather have the people who worked for their money give you their stuff, then fuck you, you deserve to remain a bum.

    "Old people".. dude you're so detached from reality. You know where two thirds of our federal spending goes in America? On only two programs: Social Security and Medicare, i.e. old people.

    "Food in your stomach is a right".. we have food stamps for that, along with tens of programs for the various types of needy. And those are just the federal ones.

    I live in Las Vegas, and I here you can get decent family-size houses in the suburbs for 200-$250K. You insist on remaining in the Democrat-dominated areas that limit new development with their excess taxes and regulations? Go ahead, you can rot there! You miserable socialist deserve it! Because you'd rather steal other people's stuff than make your own gaddamn money! God I fucking hate you and people like you!

    You think developers don't want to build MORE homes to be afforded to MORE people? Of course they do. They'd make more money that way. But since your socialist state and local governments tie their hands with zoning laws, insanely tight anti-discrimination laws, labeling laws, CEQA, and the like, they can only build so much, and whatever little they build goes to those with the most cash. If you have a product that you can only produce at limited quantity, who would you sell that limited quantity to? To those who pay the most of course. And the more you produce of that same thing the more you'll reduce your prices because that's the only way to sell to more people on the lower end of the economic ladder.

    Can't you see that wherever your socialist policies about "unfortunate people" "poor" "anti-greed" and all that nonsense get implemented, the number of the homeless and poor ends up DOUBLING?! Today's California is Exhibit A. California is the most generous to its poor, the highest taxing to its rich, labor regulations aplenty to protect workers, high minimum wages. And what's that supposedly compassionate bullshit is producing? More misery, as always. Because those policies get in the way of the very people you need to produce the wealth. Enjoy your compassionate "hate the rich" worker's paradise, you'll get what's coming to you. I'll just be over here moving on with my life.

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    • Boogienights

      Lol you really expect anyone to read that massive endless ranting block of text? Got better things to do. No time for capitalist pigs like you. Bye.

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  • BleedingPain

    Thank you for pointing out. I am very self conscious about my spelling and grammar as it has sucked since before my time of internet usage.

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  • isthissitereal

    get your own money - lazy
    everyone cant be rich
    live as poor as you like - just keep
    it to yourself

    small minds are common more so than smart or
    more so than rich just be poor and be
    jealousy is not sexy

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  • zarabell


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  • Sunshinegirl

    You need the rich.
    Policies that grow out of the fuck the rich philosophy keep more poor people poor.
    You don't go to a poor person for a job.
    Rich people put up the capital to start all the business that create all jobs.
    The 'rich' purchase good and service the other people produce in order to support themselves and their families.
    The fuck the rich philosophy creates things like present day Venezuela.

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    • All that is true. However, who primarily opposes things such as LIVING wages? Who promotes these trade deals which cause jobs to move to other countries? I point the blame on the affluent.

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      • Sunshinegirl

        Jobs moving overseas is cause by liberal policies of high taxation and high regulation. You miss the point. The super rich do fine no matter what. It's the upper to lower middle class that suffer from liberal policies. The LIVING wage helps move jobs overseas, or depresses job creation.
        The Way to increase worker value (high wages) is to boost job creation by getting government out of the way of it.
        When you fall for class envy you help create all the problems you are against.

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        • Well, I hope to God that Bernie gets elected. Otherwise, I'll have no choice but to hope for a military takeover. Fuck the Establishment.

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  • SmokeEverything

    Yeah rich people are pretty boring and for the most part didn't earn their money. Hating people isn't very productive though, its never good to compare yourself to other people.

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  • Jimbo24

    Bunch of thieves with no sense of or respect for property and ownership, living to chant "gimme your stuff!" Stuff they couldn't or wouldn't acquire by providing things other people wanted - which is how every decent person makes their money - so they have the government confiscate it for them.


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  • bogbrush

    As Gordon Gekko said, "Greed is good, greed is a clean drive that captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit. Greed, in all of its forms; greed for life, for money, for love". I would rather cry on a yacht than in a tent.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    'hoarded' cash at a truly wealthy level is prudently safely and lucratively invested which is money workin for the economy and increasin itself automatically

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    • McBean

      You're talking my kind of game there.

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  • chuy

    Right on OP

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  • Doesnormalmatter

    That's the way it has to be. However the "game" of the economy is designed, leads some people to more success than others because not all skills are valued equally. If your inherent skill is creative business ideas than your likely to become rich and if it's being good at board games your less likely to be rich. It's always gonna favor some and not favor others no matter how you set it up. Socialism and communism sound great in theory but anecdotal evidence strongly suggests that a system like that usually doesn't fair very well.

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