Fucking pissed!!!

So the new facebook policy requires some users to prove their real names by scanning their ID to prove who they are.

Because of this bullshit they have blocked me from accessing all of my troll accounts until I can prove my fictional personas.

I worked really fucking hard on making these accounts to harass and bother the people I know and I will plot my revenge on facebooks headquarters.

I will be planning to pay them an angry visit in the future.

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Comments ( 10 )
  • Wow, is that true? I don't have a facebook but that sounds like something most people would throw a shit storm over.

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    • Yes, it's been a big deal lately. Mostly from the transgender community who have not had legal name changes. Also people who are being stalked or have other reasons to use a fake name such as people who are more well known by their nick name.

      It also effects trolls.

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  • Sog

    Facebook is almost completely worthless now. 80% of my news feed is advertisements. The other 20% are dumb pictures of people that I haven't spoken to in like 5 years.

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  • ilovetoiletrolls

    This isn't true, give me a break. They'd have to ask everyone for ID then and that's pointless.

    What about people who have been using facebook for years but never uploaded a photo of themselves and only show other family members? A lot of people I know do that - especially older folks. They also use fake last names so people can't search them so what would an ID prove? Does that mean these people have to upload photos of themselves on top of showing ID? That's entirely creepy and suggests an ulterior motive.

    Also people who are under age 16 usually don't have IDs so that would mean no teenager under 16 could ever use FB again. That would definitely be a loss in that aspect.

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    • This is a new policy and they probably wont ask for ID unless they feel a reason to, but they are enforcing this new rule.


      It has been a big deal lately and a lot of people are complaining about it.


      I had several troll accounts on facebook that I would use to harass people I know. They have been taken down and I am unable to reactivate them without ID's for them.

      Also people under 16 are supposed to have ID's. Its drivers licenses they don't have. I've had ID since I was 4. They say birth certificates and other government issued identification works as well.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    so if udi implements a similar policy ill hafta prove to him that im me by goin round not eatin stuff off the sidewalk?

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  • Loneliness

    You need to deactivate your account and find another hobby.

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  • answerme

    Trolls are only 40 year olds lonely men who can't have a real live so they Harass others and think it's funny

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  • ssj4gotenks

    You do realize this is the exact reason why they instated that new policy, right? You're most probably trolling us right now by laying it on thick you're using troll accounts to harrass, but I'll bite on that part ;-)

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  • TrustMeImLying

    I uninstalled Facebook from my phone when the new version of the app required a billion and one accesses and permissions to my phone.

    I use facebook largely to stay connected with people I don't or can't communicate via other means. If they do make it mandatory for all users, boycotting FB altogether wouldn't be a biggie.

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