Furry sex

This is a very, very serious post. I know this will sound weird to many people, but I need the reinsurance that other people do it too. For one, I like to "blow" in my cat's face. I have a very abnormal attraction to small furry animals. My favourite activity with my dog is to hold her down and penetrate her "hiney". I need everyone to please understand that this is a real post. Anyone else enjoy these activities? Please- This is serious. Like I said before, I need the reinsurance that other people enjoy these type of activities as much as I do.

Voting Results
52% Normal
Based on 8675 votes (4528 yes)
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Comments ( 247 )
  • lik2bs

    I noticed everyone talking about consent. Does a dog consent to being neutered? does a dog consent to being spayed? Does a dog consent to having his tail cut off, or even forcing them to mate to breed them? To answer the question most logically, YES it's normal to think about stuff like this, and if you aren't hurting the animal,I can't see the difference between this and any other selfish act dog owners put their dogs through, including being groomed.

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    • guragief

      i agree with lik2bs

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    • VirtualMannequin

      There is a difference between spaying and neutering your pets so that more stray animals without homes are not made to suffer on the streets and spread disease to their comrades and using your animal for sexual pleasure. That is just selfish. I don't know much about breeding animals, but breeders never FORCE animals to have sex with each other do they? If they do, I think that's wrong. I think it's okay to take away an animal's right for the greater good, but not so one might selfishly indulge in a possibly non-consensual sex act. There is no way for an animal to blatantly show consent to a human for sex, so I think it's safe to just not have sex with ANY animals. It's better that all animals are safe from sexual abuse than a few miss out on sex with their owner... ehhhw ._.'

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      • DolphinAngel

        Nope spaying and neutering is unfair... it is unfair to not let an animal life its sexuality because we do not want them to have sex/kids! It is not really forcing them if they agree with having sex with a human! Also they (zoophiles) aren't "using" their animals as they want their animals to be happy and love them... thats the reason...

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      • Artiewhitefox

        Altering is tender mercies being cruel. God said be fruitful, and fill the earth. God did not say for us to alter anything. The devil would be pleased with that wouldn't you say? You have to answer for you. Consent argument is to ignore that. Consent issue is only used to maintain conflict. Jesus is not in it. Why then maintain it? The conflict looks out on 0thers not having whoever consider themselves. That is anti Chriust in behavior. Not have sex with any animals? People are animals in every way you can think of. The devil likes words that create fear., Disease is one if them. The devil does not want people to know about upper cervical health centers or upcspine on the web. Good chiropractic techniques.

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    • guragief

      that is so true. i feel the same way

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  • xalicex27

    52% normal...holy SHIT. What has the fuck has this world come to?

    I need to get off this website - you people need to be put down!

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    • VirtualMannequin

      THANK YOU!

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    • Artiewhitefox

      Leaning away from warring judging themselves. Is that bad to you"?

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  • SynonymousAnonymous

    Actually, this is much more common than the public tends to believe. Typically, early in personal development, a line is created a person from animals. As if an individual is on a separate level, and this, is to be treated differently. However, for some, this boundary is not created the same way. In this manner, people that were not raised around animals, or people that did not develop this boundary, often associate and in some case, romance and even sexual encounters can arise. Presuming you take correct measures to ensure you and any other parties involved are willing and comfortable participants, there is no reason to believe this is harmful. Please refer to local laws.

    If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me.

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    • billjane

      what states is it legal?

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  • intoothandclaw

    Here's something I've always wondered -- do the people who think it's "rape" to stick your dick in a dog or a horse consider the fact that dogs have TEETH? Now, if you muzzle the dog and hold it down while it struggles, then yes, that's rape. I'm not a dogfucker myself, but I've spent enough time reading their writings to know that most of them have an alleged (no way to know if they're imagining it or nor; impossible to empirically test, IMO) sense of empathy/love for the animals involved, so they use no restraints of any kind.

    Now, it seems to me that, if an unrestrained large dog did not care to be penetrated in a given orifice, it has a lot of options for discouraging that behavior. Say, biting, kicking, and clawing. If the animal doesn't do this, and it isn't restrained in any way... how is that not consent? It may not be "enjoying" what's happening the same way a horny human would, but that doesn't mean it's being hurt or feels violated, either. You have no more empirical basis for making such claims than does a zoophile who claims that their canine bitch "enjoys" it.

    I'd kill someone who actually -raped- animals, but I find it hard to accept the idea that, when animals perfectly capable of defending themselves choose not to (presuming of course that learned helplessness from previous abusive behavior is not involved) this is somehow not consent. And male animals mounting humans? Are you really going to tell me that a dog with a huge hard-on actively humping a woman's cunt eagerly (or man's anus for that matter) isn't consenting? Granted, it's possible to abuse male animals to force them to perform, but I would think the difference between a dog that's into it and a dog that isn't would be fairly obvious.

    And let's be frank here. Do you really think a horse even KNOWS WHAT'S HAPPENING? We're talking about a 1,000 pound animal here... minimum. Draft horses can weigh more than a ton. Something tells me they just don't care what's going on because they can barely even feel it. Is that really "rape"?

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    • schtopp

      Silence is consent? Someone who had GHB slipped in their drink doesn't know what's happening when scumbag is giving them the in-out, either.

      Humans shouldn't penetrate anything that throws feces or does not walk erect on two legs.

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      • Artiewhitefox

        How about no one should kill anyone in war being beastly with each other? Sex happens or don't you know that yet?

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    • Artiewhitefox

      Don't kill anyone. To kill whoever even wanting to kills your soul. Had everyone be like Adam,and Eve in the beginning,and no one wound give a twit about who had sex with whatever. God in us condemns no one. That is why it says condemn, and be condemned. It is so simple but people still don't get it.

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    • WiseBeauty

      F0CK YOU! Did you know dogs are different sizes?! A small dog can defend itself! And even big dogs are afraid to even fight back! YOU OBVIOUSLY dont know anything! There are dogs out there that are afraid of humans! They won't bite but they'll try to get away! How is this dog going to get away if its being forced down! He wrote, he pinned her down! A dog can feel it! Can you stop being so ignorant? I can pin down my dog easily. I can easily put a muzzle on her. Ive seen bad owners beat their dogs but they wont bite back. Whats your argument now?! B*tch!

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      • lovebuzz1025

        Wow...you are extremely obnoxious.

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        • schtopp

          Obnoxious, but does have a point. Sex with animals is abuse, especially if they "don't know what's going on".

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          • Artiewhitefox

            The abuse is the ungodly condemner, arrester, jailer. Don't people see that the people against the zoosexual are acting like the religions against Jesus that wanted him dead, and the Gomorrah people of the plain, and sodomites wanting to do worse to to Lot? KJV,Genesis 19 >>. 9And they said, Stand back. And they said again, This one fellow came in to sojourn, and he will needs be a judge: Why can't people give peace. Is peace a terrible thing?

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      • DolphinAngel

        You are an ignorant cunt... Yes the OP is an animal abuser but there are people who treat their animals with respect though they have sex with them or because they have sex with them... they'd never hurt their animals and want them to feel good! And they would stop if they see any harm coming to the animal.

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  • daemon


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    • Philosophybox

      The caps gave me a headache but I totally agree.

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    • ck345

      maybe we consider driving people to commit suicide is normal, who are you to judge that? lol

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      • Artiewhitefox

        Satan wanted Jesus to commit Suicide on a high place saying his angels would catch him. The devil wants people to kill themselves. Jesus raises people from the dead.

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    • chp316


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      • Artiewhitefox

        The KJV bible says you are a beast. Careful with what you say.
        Ecclesiastes 3; 18-20; manifest to leave no doubt,and no preeminence to be equal too. We need our soul saved to be like Jesus is.

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    • Artiewhitefox

      Beloved furry with the heart of my Lord in you. I knew 6 years ago that Jesus was in the furry. I am 56. All need to be like your furry self. A tight warm loving (HUG) for you =^_^=

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  • ExplosiveFurry

    This is NOT FURRY, What you are doing is Bestiality, sir.

    Not normal human behavior.

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    • HarleyQ

      Thank you for the clarification. You are completely right. "Furry sex" would be consensual sex between two members of a specific sub-group while "bestiality" is a human having non-consensual sex with an animal.

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      • Artiewhitefox

        Sex is sex is sex is sex is sex is sex. The word consent is used to create an atmosphere of war to give fear. People will answer to the one who made eternity. A Condemning person not repenting will guarantee that they will not be like Jesus is guaranteeing that they will be in Gog, and Magog to be eradicated from existence at the final judgement.Rev 20, King James Version.

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  • Astinos

    Wow this one of the most fucked up posts I seen in a long time

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  • intoothandclaw

    It also bothers me when people compare adult, mature animals to human children. A human child is just that -- a child. Immature. Not biologically or psychologically ready for sexual activity. Meanwhile, a mature adult animal is just that -- a mature adult. Even if no other animal is going to break out a calculus textbook, that doesn't make them children. You can use 'child' as a /metaphor/ for 'animal' with some validity, but don't get too carried away and forget that it's a metaphor!

    Finally, with true rape, there is suffering. Animals don't hide their suffering like humans do. They express it somehow, even if only by going effectively catatonic and refusing food and water. So are you going to tell me that the same animals you're telling me are no better than human children are somehow able to exhibit the emotional complexity necessary to completely hide any pain they might be experiencing when there's no urgent survival-related reason to do so (that is, a nearby predator which might hear -- and keep in mind, not all expressions of pain have to be noisy.)

    It just doesn't work for me, I'm sorry. I'm not saying it's impossible for a human to rape an animal, or that all animal-human sex is consensual, but I also think that the idea of animals consenting to sex with humans is too easily dismissed out of hand without real empirical data. If nothing else, this would be a fascinating research project.

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    • VirtualMannequin

      I am intrigued by your comment, very fascinating indeed. Though, I think it's better to be safe than sorry. Why risk something that may or may not seriously hurt an animal for mere sexual gratification?

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  • mrjlc23

    totally agrre! who are we to judge! it is so narrow minded. and people saying you need to get a life or a girl. i got both! and my girl loves it! shes happy to partake with me! What people choose to do is thier choice, stop acting as if it affects you. it really doesnt!

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    • VirtualMannequin

      it effects his dog.

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      • seabird_71

        Thank you VirtualMannequin. I was stunned when I read mrjlc23's comment. Just because the human enjoys it does not mean that the animal does. Pets aren't meant to be sex slaves. What the hell kind of crap is that? It may not affect us personally, but it's a scary thought when there are people in this world who are malicious enough to literally hold down an animal and put something that's probably too big to fit through the hole comfortably.

        Now I understand, there may be some situations where holding the animal down is not necessary, but I don't think it's always that easy. Plus, it may hurt them. Humans are not anatomically proportionate to their pets. At least not to my knowledge they aren't.

        I guess it just boils down to morals.

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  • Furrys!!Furrys!!Furrys!!

    wtf man how dare you call that furry i am a proud furry and i would never think of doing that you need help yeah i am a furry i hang out with other furs i dress up i go to furcon every year i have a wikifur page but i dont rape dogs i hope you go to jail and rot i am a member of peta i have been all over the world i have seen countless animals used for sex i have seen everything from from dogs genatals being raped raw to a man in china who cut his small dogs virgina open while she was alive just so he could rape her i am a true vegen before you eat that next chicken wing of hambuger why dont read a book on the pain that animals go thru so no it is not normal you sick prick if i ever met any one like you in real life i will beat you down where you stand........oh yeah stop calling it furry asshole

    PS to all you out there stop telling everyone that furrys are just people that dress up as animals and have sex thats what some of us do but not all of us god

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    • icy

      Wow I see your take the fandom to hart. Iam a furry as well, and I do agree with you that this guy is fucked up.

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      • Allistalla

        This is posted under messed up and sadly I know every single sixk little fetish or thing they are talking about and I have not even dont half of them is it sad im so educated in these matters I know too much about this subject

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    • schtopp

      Thank you.

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    • Artiewhitefox

      I am a furry too,and I know I am an animal too,and those thatr arfe persequted are gfodl bvecause jeus does not perseq

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      • 9001

        Okay, let's try that again, but this time, in english!!

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  • Anon100

    Okay, from what I've read on other posts I do have to say: STOP USING THE WORD RAPE! Rape is by legal definition the act of violating another person by use of or threat of force or coercion. Psychologically, rape is not really about sex - it's about domination, humiliation, and power.

    That being said, bestiality (and that's what this guy is describing) would be considered dub-con at most as it is pretty much impossible to tell if an animal can give consent since most (note I said most, as dolphins have been shown to engage in sexual activity outside of procreational purposes) mammals are unlikely to have the cognitive capacity to formulate the implications of the act.

    Bestiality however, is considered illegal in a significantly large portion of the United States, so I'd really be careful about who you tell this sort of thing to. It is also classified by the APA (American Psychological Association) as being a fetish. Whether or not it is a healthy (as in it doesn't cause a detriment to your daily life) sexual proclivity or something more maladaptive and profound should be discussed with a trained professional. In any case, for safety reasons for yourself and the animal I would suggest trying to sublimate the urges using alternative methods (stick to pornographic aids such as movies, lit-erotica, etc) until it has been determined whether or not this is a viable lifestyle for you or is even safe to continue.

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    • 2embarassmyself

      IT'S RAPE!! in every definition of the fucking word you numbskull!!

      consent needs to be given by BOTH or ALL parties involved!

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      • bnrslyr

        Ok, your missing what the guy said, he said rape is a term specifically for human to human interaction, I don't know if that is true, but nonetheless its his argument. He goes on to say that one cannot tell whether a animal is consenting to such violent acts done to them. So what are you getting at, are you saying that the word rape is relevant for both humans and other animals.

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      • Artiewhitefox

        The numbskull is the one not judging himself not minding his own business. You are like a Pharasseical stone thrower.

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    • Artiewhitefox

      The concept of illegal is ungodly. Illegal gives guilt. Legal laws get more numerous growing the legal library like a malignant caner growing more, and more. It is like Sharai law that people do not want micromanaging the lives of people.

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    • WiseBeauty

      RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE! so just cause it isn't the law, it's not rape!? Is it illegal in many places by the way, to have sex with an animal.

      It wasn't til very long later that slaves were illegal. SO? what now? SHUT THE F0CK up!

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      • peelover

        so if a dog humps my childs leg, is that rape and should the dog be put down?

        i dont condone actual bestiality because its just weird. thats not to say that the idea of it doesnt turn me on a little.

        as for consent i think that in the case of a dog at least, and most animals large enough to penetrate; they can actually do some SERIOUS physical damage in self defense.

        Any person desperate or foolhardy enough to try, would have to be very careful. they would know instantly if they have lost "consent" when they have their dangly bits kicked or bitten.

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        • Artiewhitefox

          You are right. People against the zoosexual act like religious people biting at the bit to find fault with Jesus doing whatever. Even healing a person doing good. That is the mentality against the zoosexual in a neat little package.

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  • DattaWunguy

    Not only is it not normal behavior, it's illegal in large areas of the world.

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  • Senken

    I hope you find an institution.

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    • Artiewhitefox

      I hope you begin to talk like Jesus saving your soul. Had people follow the simple truths in the KJV like minding your own business a heated conversation about a humdrum normal thing would not occur.

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  • DJBleach

    Well...I'm not saying it's wrong. But I believe it might hurt the animal, and that's wrong.
    But you aren't a freak or anything, there are lots of people into beastiality.

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  • Blissfulpain

    Concerning the question, sure there are other people out there who do their animals. I haven't done so, but regardless, something about playing with my dog makes me feel alive.
    I haven't penetrated her, she hasn't shown signs that she's wanted me to after I've fingered her for a bit because then yes, it would be considered rape. And regarding this talk about rape, there are laws to consent. I am aware that the only wayfor a man to get consent from a woman is to have her tell him, well... who the fuck says that man's law must apply to dogs and fish for fucks sake.
    If the dog does not move out of the way after a while, if it does not bark in fear, or retaliate with their teeth by all means, I find that to be a form of consent.
    I'm sure there's still a bunch of those out there who would critisize me for my views, calling out that whatever I'm doing is not moral, that it's a mental disease, but to you that posted this. I understand. You seem normal to me. Hopefuly many more people will understand you someday.

    ~What is morality in any given time or place? It is what the majority then and there happen to like, and immorality is what they dislike.

    Personally, I don't let a simple things such as morality screw up my joy. Ever since I got rid of my morals, I've been happier.

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  • Shavemeslowly

    Honestly thats fucked up.

    I mean, at least try fucking really hairy women doggy style... maybe that would satisfy your fetish

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  • ReaperAJ

    a dude was caught in my country raping the chickens out back behind the chicken farms. These were chickens that were slaughtered and sold for human consumption. I don't know if the poor chickens died during those incidents, but if they didn't, they must have been sold for us to eat. It kinda put me off chicken to be honest. You dudes are sick fuckers. Maybe you should consider how often the cows you've eaten have been raped and filled with cum by some sick fuck who last milked them... jesus christ!

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  • FSoul

    Remember people...

    Normal =/= What's Right

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    • schtopp

      Normal =/= interspecies "sex".

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  • Lunabelle

    you are sick in the head.

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  • HarleyQ

    The only animals who have sex for pleasure are dolphins. They also mate outside of their species, resulting in sterile offspring. Other animals have sex out of instinct or because they are forced. Besides being illegal, bestiality is incredibly dangerous for the animal involved. Animals have been killed in the process. It's animal abuse, and if you are doing it, I hope you are caught and arrested or your animal bites off your essential anatomy.

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    • =darkwolf=

      there is a species of monkey that has sex for pleasure as well

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  • furry sex really is the term for "furries" people who dress up in animal costumes and screw.There is no term for this i dont believe it's perverted,and very wrong.I do remember reading a book on gay men who like to have sex with animals,so i guess it is a "normal thing" to do but i dont think it's "normal",but then again what is normal anyway?

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  • Cashjames

    statutory rape on a dog. i hope the dog presses charges . if not the pigs will !

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  • kittycatlover

    It's quite common, but that doesn't make it right. This is called bestiality and is illegal, you could get done for that. I'd stop it right now. Even if you both enjoy it, you should stop it. Whatever you have done, it will scar you for life, and when you look back on this you will wish you had never done it.

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  • arigatocockers

    48% normal? That's fucked up.

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  • so normal, i have guy dogs or any kind of dog i can eat my pussy out as offten as possible...dont worry ur normal ;)

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  • rememberyourlimits

    Humans have sex with humans = Normal

    Humans having sex with non-humans = Abnormal

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  • JonnyW

    Very True, Very true. what is normal?

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    • theonetwo

      normal is a figure of speach it refers to something common in everyones life


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  • (anonymous:)

    That would be like having sex with a mentally retarded child
    Obviously the animals cant give consent because his level of intelligence is much lower.Sure they don't understand, and I'm pretty damn sure if it weren't a male dog the dog would castrate you right then and there. Male dogsdont understand what sex is so of course if you do some shit them in return they aren't gunna notice.bur that's plain wrong .god Id hate to know how many farm animals are fucked..makes want to become a vegetarian even more.and for everyone who says it's right is horrible that's(for example) like if you told a child to whack you off and you do the same in return it doesn't understand the idea of consent therefore you people think that is considered consent.Jesse ifyoure that horny go watch animal planet...

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  • Embyr

    Eh... I can't imagine sex being ok when the other individual is capable of consenting with you on an equal level. Curiosity and animalistic instinct do not qualify as consent to me... :/

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    • VirtualMannequin

      One of the better comments here. thank you.

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  • Nasty, are you guys so ugly you cannot get a gf/bf to fuck?

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  • Painful1

    For me you've crossed the line. When there is no way to communicate it's technically rape. As for the title "furry sex" that's not the right term for bestiality. The term furies has two meanings. The first being a "furry fan" meaning they're into the furry fandom. The second being an anamorphic type creature, which has to do with the furry fandom. There's been people who go from bestiality to furry for whatever reason. So I would suggest you do the dirty to some furry porn to keep those urges down. Also the word for furry sex is yiff in furry porn, which is what I was thinking when I read the title. How do I know this? Cause I fap to yiffy art.

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    • Artiewhitefox

      Humans are animals who wear clothing, and think we are gods because we make non living things. We are born,and die just like the cow. We should live peaceably with all men,and not care about whatever kind of sex whoever does like your dog does not care whatever kind of sex whoever does,and then persecution will end, and humans will be godly judging themselves.Then the furries yiff art will come out from behind the black curtain for all to see, and furry suits will be allowed to have genitalia on them to make them look, even better, and humans will relax about the normal natural things.

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      • =darkwolf=

        we are just animals, and we are the only ones that active seek out and kill our own race, ant the only one that kills for pleasure, not just survival...... so... whose reallly better us? or the other species

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      • icy

        ummm what?

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    • icy

      Same here, I get really pissed when people refer to furry sex or yiff as bestiality. oh BTW iam a furry as well.

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  • i let my dog suck me and i suck him his golden retrevier dick is amazing but iv tried sometimes i cant get him to get it out the shaft wen hes laying on his side but standing up its great and the thing is u cant get stds from doing dogs or them doing u i let him lick my dick and i had a orgasim and i let him lick my asshole then i finger my self i want to suck him off
    more then i give him a cookie as a reward and also dogs r always horney so its good because it releses sexual tensions in them because they cany masturbate hope i helped

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    • wow101


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  • alucard4422

    i read all the comments and read the thing the dude wrote i kinda do think its messed up and i think he did rape the dog it said that he likes to HOLD THE DOG DOWN so do kinda think he raped his own dog

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  • If i had a boy dog preferably a big one, i would let him hump me and i would suck him off too.

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  • MortalKombatFan1

    That's not furry sex. That's beastiality, and I hate you for it.

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  • omgysf

    What the hell? How could you rape a poor, defenseless dog? How does that turn you on? Does she bark seductively at you? When you're plowing her from behind, does she look back at you with sad dog eyes and bark sexily?



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  • Demiser

    ok...so a female dog, does NOT enjoy sex, even with a dog...so to those of you that enjoy sexual "whatever" with any kind of animal are infact partisipating in...RAPE
    male cats RAPE female cats
    male dogs RAPE female dogs

    so you say they dont say no...so its ok, so if you gag a woman and have sex with her...she wants it?
    or a child that cant even speak yet?
    none of you are normal.

    if it was normal to have sex with animals, than why doesint cross species sex produce offspring. you know what is normal...sex with HUMANS try it...to me, and most of the world, your just as bad as any rapist, becouse thats what your doing...

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    • saywoo

      Couldn't agree more. This is the most sick thing I've ever heard. If only someone could track you down to turn you in!!!!!

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  • PBandG101

    U disgust me

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  • MangledPopTart

    Have fun with your STD, friend.

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  • HulaHoop

    i think you're sick! you dont deserve to have pets and should be reported for animal cruelty! How would you like to be raped? sick sick sick

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  • anonymousdude

    Not normal. animal abuse. get help.

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    • 314159265358979334144

      can anyone say "bestiality"?

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  • Shavemeslowly

    pffft hamsters are better

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  • Artiewhitefox

    Furry sex is as normal as any sex. Normal animation can have the parts without sex occurring at all. The non human animals are naked in nature not being in a perpetual orgy. I am looking for the day when furries will be allowed to have whatever on their furrysuit to make it exactly the way they want it to be in every detail. You know what I mean. Animals that live have a soul. That is one reason why I am against altering.

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  • thehorsebuttgremlin

    I am a man and would like to help pleasure your animals. check my user page for contact details.

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  • Artiewhitefox

    Had people have Godly judging people would not want to in their mind crucify anyone. They would have Jesus in them seeing Jesus in another human being. People would not be thinking, who can I attack based on a name like bestiality, zoosexuality, homosexuality and so on and so forth. Religions messed up by not teaching people what the bible says judging rightly is. It is about forgiving and loving. This is godly judging. King James Bible Luke 7:43: 40And Jesus answering said unto him, Simon, I have somewhat to say unto thee. And he saith, Master, say on. 41There was a certain creditor which had two debtors: the one owed five hundred pence, and the other fifty. 42And when they had nothing to pay, he frankly forgave them both. Tell me therefore, which of them will love him most? 43Simon answered and said, I suppose that he, to whom he forgave most. And he said unto him, Thou hast rightly judged.
    How is man’s legal system run? Not that way, I can assure you.
    Had people know that Jesus was God with blood in him for a time people would not have done what they did to him. People unknowingly repeating the processes to others over and over calling it good. The crucify him mentality is against furry sex and furry art that is nude and sexual. That crucifying mentality made people air brush out genitalia from the Narnia movies that had no sex in them at all. All art must be accepted to be seen side by side all other types of art. People rejecting any part rejects the whole body.

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  • FredSumper23

    Interesting. Whatever makes you happy. I'm in no position to throw stones at people for doing something odd that they like.

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  • cousins2

    its YOUR animal. use it as you will.

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  • donky3

    I raped a zebra and I love


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  • icy

    No its not normal

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  • belbel000

    I'm sorry but after reading what you said, it sounded like you rape you dog. That is wrong.
    does your cat even like it when you blow her face?

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  • UsernameNotAvailable

    I'm not gonna say if it's normal or not normal. Just don't hurt your animal. If you notice that the animal is crying in pain or is trying to get away then just stop. Personally I don't have the tendencies to do those things.

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  • dilzee31

    Can everyone just talk a deep breath and relax. How can you call yourself "normal" when your threatening to kill people about something that has no relevance to your life.

    Before you post another hateful comment, stop and think. "Is this going to make me a better person?"
    If the answer is no then I suggest you rethink your priorities, because if you think that tearing this man down is more important then making yourself a better person, YOU are the sicko.

    "Treat other the way you would want to be treated."

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  • AnonyFox

    Dude... no. No. NO.

    Also, zoophilia isn't the same as furry. Capice?

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  • shade_ilmaendu

    Sooo... How many of you guys read like 5 comments down to see that this shit is FAKE? Seriously people. Posting novels to shit that isn't real, lol

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  • n-loves-<3

    You are a sick and disgusting person. You need help. Animals are notjust sex toys for God's sake!!!That is f-ing creepy.

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  • labialicker6

    You rape your dog? That's just sad. I mean there are women out there who'd fuck for a few bucks but nah, you just keep fucking that dog.

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  • bobbert

    I came in thinking you were going to be talking about sex with furry humans. People who dress up as animals, which I consider normal. Fucking your animals? Do you honestly think they like that? They are probably pretty small too huh?

    I consider that rape. Whether it is a human or not, they still have feelings and everything just like us, and you need to respect that.

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  • Doubt

    Um...I don't judge...but is a taboo...in the west...

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  • guragief

    i agree with you

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  • z03

    to an extent yes and no if you want to go for majority they have pills to lower urges but if you don't belive in pills as long as the dogs not hurt it should be fine

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  • Philosophybox

    You have brought up one of many "touchy" subjects. As you see throughout the comments. Some are for it, some are against it. Some are so for is that I had to stop reading... Here's my opinion.

    Beastiality is one of the most questioned sexual lifestyles. Though, it's definitely not the only. For instance, homosexuality. (Quick reminder, I have no negative feelings on homosexuality) Now, homosexuality has been questioned for years. Still today, a person can be killed for homosexuality in some parts of the world. (Thank goodness the US does not) Now, many consider it normal. I consider it normal. Is it the same as beastiality? No. Is it the same basic principle? Yes. It is an urge like so many things. Like the urge to do drugs or the urge to have sex in general! The fact that many people have this urge, makes it normal. Though, it doesn't make it right. Like some of the comments said, most female animals do not enjoy sex. In fact, for some, it is painful. (Not all) In my opinion, for what it's worth, beastiality is wrong. Wrong but definitely normal. How do I know? I'm human just like the rest of you. I have also had this urge that some have. Though, I stopped. I realized what I was doing was wrong and got help. Though, I made that decision for myself. I can't tell you what right or wrong. Who the hell am I to decide that for you? No one person and set that boundary. It is up to you to decide.

    Another thing, I'm not sure that you can get STDs from dogs but there are several out there you can get from animals. If you continue this lifestyle, I'd be careful.

    All in all, my answer is yes. It is normal. And that is what your question was. Not whether it was right or wrong, but whether there are others like you. Yes. There are. But keep in mind it is illegal and get you in some trouble. I hope I could help.

    And do me a favor and ignore some of the rather foul comments. Some people are quick to judge and assault. Though, that's not what we're here to do. You posted it to get help. That's all that you should be getting.

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    • daemon

      exactly he asked if people thought it was normal not weather or not you thought it was wrong or not i aggree with Philosophybox

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    • VirtualMannequin

      I don't think having an urge makes it normal. I don't think it's normal to have a true and raw urge to kill, rape, or torture people. Some people have urges because of terrible, broken childhoods, or mental disorders. I will not argue over the definition of "normal" so I will just say that some urges show that people are in a bad state of mental health. It doesn't even have to be an urge that hurts people. If you are an addict, your brain is biologically different than that of the average person. I thought you made a good point, but I just thought I'd put that out there.

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    • WiseBeauty

      Im so glad you quit. I just can't stand zoophilia, just reading these comments about them makes me literally want to cry. I have a dog of my own and i can't imagine what these people would do to dogs like her. This whole issue just kills me inside. I look at my dog so differently now. I dont want to touch her, I just want distants.

      But thank you for quiting, because zoophillia is killing me inside.. I hate these people so much.
      You are right though, I guess I can't judge if its normal, but it is wrong. Your comment calmed me down a bit. thanks.

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  • markviola

    I think this is pretty normal. I was in London for a semeser last year and after a long night at the pub me and the other ruggers went back to the flat. At first we were just chasing the Black Lab around for fun, but then I actually caught him... I was kind of aroused by this point and the dog wasn't struggling much, so I just did the first natural thing that came to mind; the dog seemed to have fun, and the other guys just cheered me on, Johnny even took a go at it, but the bitch wasn't as settled for him.

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  • AnnaNomis

    To all those who responded positively to this fake post, YOU ARE NOT NORMAL. Sex with an animal of a different species is RAPE. I hope all of you offenders are caught and feed to a pack of wild dogs.

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  • Nelix

    It's kinda normal, Considering all the people who have an interest in that sort of thing.
    But does anyone actually draw furry sex like the artists at vcl?

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  • wichser

    I guess lots of guys do this. I never saw it done, except in porn, but a buddy (otherwise a bisexual queer) told me he regularly used to fuck his male shepherd dog in its hole. He said he was really turned on by it and always began by getting it hard first, and wanking the dog while he screwed it. It had a muzzle on, just in case of hostility, but soon it became unnecessary. Hope that helps.

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  • aLcapOne

    Totally not normal.

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  • CaptainObvious

    You are a digusting person.


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  • tomcat1974

    Wtf....dude u r fucked up...don't u love ur dog? I don't mean sexually, I mean normally...ur dog doesn't like that....I hope one day he castrates u for being abusive.....u would certainly b arrested if someone called the police.....stop that!!!!!!!

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  • I don't care what anyone says, THIS IS NOT NORMAL!!!
    This is disgusting, think about the poor animal that your putting through that.
    Oh and so you know it's also ELEGAL !!!

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  • WTF sicko

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  • Equality

    What the F*** is wrong with you guys cant get a women so you do animal i am not being mean to you guys can do what ever you want BUT THAT IS NOT NORMAL THATS FUKING WEIRD IM SORRY BUT THAT IS WIERD

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  • istrawberry

    HOLYSHIT, i feel sorry for your pets.

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  • RedactedCrunch

    So long as you make sure everything fits comfortably, I think you're fine. Just don't rip anything open.

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  • extis

    WTF you have sex with animals that worse then anything

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  • answerman#1

    Don't make be pissed at the guy for humping his doggie i do it 3 or 4 times a day y'all should try it

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  • I'm very adventurous when it comes to sex so idc. just remember there r 6 billion ppl in the world, theres a word out there for what you are, there are studies on it from previous ppl and so youre not alone.

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  • pismodude2

    No. Don't do it. Don't even pretend you are. It's unnatural, unethical, and unsanitary. Just say no to this stuff. You want to fantasize, nobody will stop you, but I have to say it: THIS IS WRONG.

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    • lordperithion

      yah but dude thats disgusting just about every 2 who does that gets arrested u wanna get arrested dude just find some big hairy woman fuck her shell be furry enough wont she :p but serously dont get arrested for it

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  • doseofreality

    UMM, I certainly hope this is the lamest joke ever because not only is it NOT NORMAL, and TOTALLY PSYCHOTIC, but it's pure ANIMAL ABUSE! IF only I knew who you sickos were, I'd turn you in for illegal animal abuse.

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  • icutmyself5446

    of course thats not normal. how can that animal consent to having sex with you? you can masturbate to whatever weird twisted fantasy you want but when you involve something/someone else in that has no way of saying no you cross the line. My honest suggestion is to go out and talk to a psychologist to work out whatever issues you have..for a small fee most of them will get rid of any mother issues you have or that daddy didnt love you.

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  • FloorShark777


    normal Dose NOT exist !!!!!!!

    So leave The Furry Life style ALONE !!!

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  • whtisthwrldcmngto


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  • Kilolf

    I enjoyed reading all of the colorful commentary given on this particular topic. I must say that what your are doing is defined as bestiality and not "furry sex". I know this because I have had this argument many times with my friends who had the same misunderstanding but that is okay for people who are not part of the furry culture like myself.
    Now I personally have not had any sexual encounters with animals, mainly because I am not around animals; but I have watched videos of human/animal sex acts. Some have been interesting while others lacked it but that is the way of trolling internet porn.
    As for the the rape/not-rape issue I figure that if human and animal do not show signs of discomfort then by all means. I also think it weird that we are focusing on a male human having intercourse with animals, I have seen that women also indulge into their animal desires. Now if a male dog goes to town on a female human and the women does not say no or show other signs of not wanting it; is that still, what I call because I can't think of a different word; rape? I don't think so, cause as it was pointed out even if we take the human factor of the definition of rape the male dog wants sex and the female human is willing to have sex with said dog then I don't see why people keep saying rape.
    Humans will always do weird things does that make them "normal". Normal is defined as, "conforming to the standard or the common type". So according to the definition you will be seen as both normal and not normal because in the diversity of the world there is no over arcing set standard to which "Normal" is set so be glad that you are not normal in the eyes of the conformists! Be proud of who you are and don't change because some puny humans with their noses in the air tell you to be something that your not. Just be safe and have a good life.

    You laugh because I am different; I laugh because you are all the same!

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    • dilzee31

      You bring up some good points, thank you.

      ~The hardest struggle of all is to be something different from what the average man is.

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    • Alln29

      See my comment to "intoothandclaw" for the frisrt part of the story.

      (Follow up) recently we had a "small talk" conversation about Isis, and that woman said something that I will remember for a life time. "I remember seeing you be mean to her lots of times." this coming from a woman who forgot her son's (mine) birthday and when christmas was (this should get the christians, this woman hates you BTW). I was only twenty fucking years old. god forbid it be an annual thing..... oh wait ... lol

      truth # 4 I hide my pain under the laughter and jokes

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  • WiseBeauty

    Oh my god, I literally want to cry right now. I dont approve of zoophillia but this is just A WHOLE new level... so wrong. You actually pinned down your pets and raped them. YOU RAPED THEM.

    I just seriously.. hope you die. I feel so bad for your dog.

    I swear, if I ever meet anyone of you that approves of this, I'll beat you down and tie you up for wolfs to eat.

    I'm tracking down your IP address, and I'm calling the cops. All of you zoophillias beware.

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    • Artiewhitefox

      We are animals that wear clothing,and have our own language thinking we are the best animal of all of creation spoiling our own nest with all kinds of things we think are great. Stop waring,and jailing humans,and let the sex occur,and judge yourself,and the almighty who made life will put you on his right hand,and not judge you putting you on his left hand.

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      • 9001

        I'm going to attempt to put it like this so that those who argue that people are just animals, etc. can understand my point of view.
        Ever see a zebra get fucked by a lion? No? Me either. That's because nature knows that there are some things that are pointless. There is no baby being made, it is done solely for gratification of one part and, to be frank, fucks up the other party's head.
        On a half-related note, where does this sort of thing fit in with survival of the fittest and such evolutionary concepts?

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    not normal because the majority of the world dosnt do it. but i have no problem with it

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  • nicemason

    kujo protect me from these weird ass motherfuckers

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  • hank752

    My collie is always licking my dick I think she really wants sex, can anyone tell me the best time to come on to her? I was thinking of giving her a juicy steak and while she is feasting on it surprising her from behind, she is always showing her clit to me, just tempting me to lick he out, she is such a cock tease!

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  • splandersnatch

    Well guy, just a few words of advice: don't get caught doin what yer doin. Who cares whether or not its "normal". Nobody really knows what NORMAL actually means. It's defined as a state of routine or what has been established as the norm or naturally occuring. But that doesn't mean crap to a closed door now does it? So long as the animal in question is not HARMED (which opens up into animal cruelty) in any way, "blow" away, but be quiet about it.

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  • M00ND0G

    There's a difference between furry and zoophilia you f*cking PR*CK. DONT YOU DARE COMPARE US!

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  • xXScYtHeXx

    If the dog wants you to mount it then fair enough, but raping it isn't a great idea... :p

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  • rutger438

    look people it's not that people like us (furry's) can't get a girl friend or a boy friend it's that we are just attracted to animals rather then people. homosexuals have boy friends cause they are attracted to male people and hetero sexual people are attracted to the other sex. it's not a choice you're just born with an attraction to a certain species/sex. so stop saying we are weird or sick just because we are attracted to animals rather then humans!

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  • Lynxikat

    This is not "furry sex". This is bestiality. It's fxcking sick. I can't believe some of these comments on here- having sex with animals is NOT okay.

    It's NOT normal.

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  • OddBallBrat

    In West Virginia its legal if the fuzzy kritter is under 50 pounds. :)

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  • Cosmicbrambleclaw

    never did anal but my aunt's dog tried to eat my *yeah you know* once *embarrised* it ended with him swallowing somethin, but its just nasty. I'm sorry if that offends you in any way

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  • awhasome1234

    It's sorta normal they would do it in the old day like old old days but please don't touch my puppy and for the hasmter guy its not possible

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  • Lifesucks

    I some times finger my female dog but I don't stick my dick in her.it's normal to have these urgers just don't go too far with it and ps it is addictingand hard too stop I havetried too stop and I have asked god to help me.I mean I realy want to stop but I can't.

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    • VirtualMannequin

      That poor dog. You don't need God. You need therapy, my dear.

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  • Listen

    This is very abnormal, and if you expect the viewers and the people who comment on this to be normal, you are wrong.
    The normal answer to this is that it's abnormal, I wouldn't do any more of it if I was you, you'll probably regret it. But if you really want to, fine.

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  • anubis

    what the f**k? what the hell are you people thinking of. Thats just wrong. you must be off your f*****G rocker wanting to and having sex with your dogs.DO IT WITH PEOPLE LIKE YOUR MEANT TO WEIRDOS.

    may gandhi punish you in another life.

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  • dacker13

    ok dud furry porn is not liek this i liek that better but if i was in that house i whould get the hell out of there for what your doing to poor defencles i tihnk thats defencles any ways its rong i rait thumbs down good by internat im out

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  • guy22ton

    the issue is not whether it is normal or not. the issue is that it is a terrible sin unto God.

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  • nappy69

    having sex with a DOG is beastiality it's illegal you are forcing your penis into an animal's anus that has to hurt that's not normal i would suggest help possilby therapy

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  • wolf23

    If the dog is unwilling then its wrong and you're a beastialist. But if she wants it like my horse does, than it's fine just means you are a zoophile (nothing wrong with that)

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    • 9001

      I am sincerely hoping this is some form of satire.

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  • ZhonoVeranhaut

    What you are refering to is "zoophillia" not furry sex. Furry sex is a kind of rollplaying thing where two people act as if they were anthropomorphic animals as they "yiff". Sometimes fursuits are involved though not always.

    Zoophillia is not normal, and to some it's extremely wrong, but I see no problem in it as long as you take the nessescary safety measures, as animals can carry STDs and those can be transmitted if you are not careful.

    As for if there are others, it is not exactly common... but there are more than you think, and I can't say I haven't thought about it myself. So, don't dispair, evrybody has some kind of fetish afterall, and you're no different in that respect. :3

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  • carman

    can you send me the pictures

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  • snowyblizzard


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  • wiccamaiden2000

    In history people have been fucking animals for many reasons and what about the women who got raped by animals check the news it is real were those women chraged with animal abuse no so yes it is normal but agaisnt the law so what happens behind close doors stays behind those doors as the wiccan say : harm non do what you will

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    • theaverageatheist

      puntuation next time

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  • Puffin

    I am so sorry, but this is just growdy. Luckily for you, it's not public. Oh wait, it is. And, I feel sorry for your dog.

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  • gypa

    The idea of homosexual sex sound less repulsing.

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  • ck345

    They should stop putting down animals and start putting down the people that think its ok to have sex with them down instead.

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  • Yeah, that's beastiality. Furries are groups of people that get together dress up like animals and have sex.

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    • Alln29

      well, not totally, we are a sect of furries that get sexual plessure from that but furries as a whole just like to dress up and have fun, like football fans. Just because they dress up in their favorite team's colors dosen't mean they all go out and start tackling every other person not dressed in their colors.

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  • Missy21

    fuck there is some fucking weirdo,s on this site!!! except you normal ones on here!!

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  • roadsideromeo

    It is totally normal.
    Hey do you really enjoy that type of thing.
    If yes then

    You are like me

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  • MW2

    4 people saying thats its jus being desperate the shut the fuck up plz bc i hav had sex with a women its just that my dog turns me on. ive tried 2 get my gf 2 agree with letting the dog get involved nd she ses no. but im gonna fuk my dog and like it. and then ill fuk my gf 2 make u shit lickers feel better

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    • WiseBeauty

      Your girlfriend knows you have sex with dog? You have to tell her, its unfair if you catch any diseases from the dog and it to her. And if your attracted to you dog so much, why bother getting a girlfriend?
      Is you girlfriend even hot?

      Listen, if I offered myself to you, would you prefer me instead of a dog?
      I am 5'7 34C with a nice booty and I weigh 124lbs.very Long brown hair. I have a beautiful face, I know because Ive been told many times. I get stares everytime I walk out the door. I'm not a virgin but thats how to know I'm great in bed because I very generous. I'm not easy yo get in bed with ethier since I know my body is temple. I'm half asian and half white. Tanned skin with light eyes. If someone like me wanted you, would you quit animals? because i want you too. and if you still preferred a dog, then fine. I thought maybe i can get some people to stop since I unintentionally got a gay guy to become straight once, perhaps it was my personality, i dont know. I have no problem with gay guys so I thought maybe i can persuade you.

      I'm just trying to understand why people do this because I have a dog, and It depresses me so much to think people would do that their dogs..

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      • dilzee31

        You talk very highly of yourself, and because of that no one is going to respect what you have to say.

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  • alfacuria

    No is not a rape maybe a seduction of some sort hm well from the majority of the rest of these comments and opinions this is viewed as kind of a taboo to the local community and pherhaps a majority of the society so if it pleasures you and satisfies you keep on doing it no need for haters really oh and as long as you don't say like hold them down and force it in I am positive on the matter oh and just don't do this in public for there are some really nasty people out there against certain things not usually in their day to day lives and thoughts. (Watch prime time B****)

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    • WiseBeauty

      HOW is t not rape?! Can you read?!!!? He said he forcefully pinned down his dog and f**ked her! SHUT UP, if you cant read. Its taboo for a reason.

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      • dilzee31


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  • Imthe0ne242

    thats why god created women, especially for us .. so we won't have to do these kind of things (sick)

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  • slane

    WTF Pull it together. I hope the dog atack your mentally f--led up ass.

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  • mymumsayslolztoyouhahaha

    hey guys maybe he is a dog but just thinks he is human he trs to act like one

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  • Leika

    That's honestly fucked up. Assuming you don't have some magic ability to read their thoughts or something that's literally rape.

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  • jackrabbit10

    if you ever ben around horses when in heat thay will open the pussy so you can see the beautiful pink when thay wink at you some will back up like thay are saying fuck me,thay realy like it,,

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  • MaddestJihadist

    I love how your title is 'furry sex'
    I was expecting it to be about fursuiting.

    No, just animal rape. I mean if you HAVE to hold your dog down to do that, then technically it's rape.

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  • Cheet0

    Illegal much?

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  • RyanCJJ

    Meh, I did try and insert my junk into my dog's sheath and it was amazing when the warmth and slick skin wrapped around my pee hole.

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  • You are not a furry. I'm a furry, but I don't do sick crap like that. You're into Zoophilia ans beastiality.

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  • driedroses

    There is nothing normal about this, and what you're doing is animal abuse. All these people can sugarcoat it or talk about other legal forms of animal abuse (neutering or spaying) but when it comes down to it What YOU'RE doing, which is what we were asked about, is not normal. Sorry. Please stop. For the sake of your animals and your own well-being. Seriously, go see a therapist. I'll even direct you to an online site where you can talk shit out: http://blahtherapy.com

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  • Wuggums47

    I thought you were talking about the furry fandom, after I clicked this, all I could think about is how much better it would be for you to be a furry.

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  • Artiewhitefox

    Furrys!!Furrys!!Furrys!!A zoo would not do what that china man did. Get real. They eat dogs. The zoo would not even think of doing that.

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  • Artiewhitefox

    billy47:Not a good idea to try a spayed female dog.

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  • Artiewhitefox

    Lifesucks:God's gentle heart is in you.

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  • Artiewhitefox

    kittycatlover:Illegal does not make whatever evil.

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  • Artiewhitefox

    ExplosiveFurry: bestiality is just as much sex as Yiff is sex.

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  • Artiewhitefox

    xalicex27: Satan wishes all life was put down.

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  • Artiewhitefox

    VirtualMannequin:Spaying and neutering is robing the endocrine glands away from the dog. Thievery is not wrong?

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  • Artiewhitefox

    Avant-Garde: have you forgotten that we live on a planet that has sex on it? What people make is not normal on a planet that has life on it.

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  • Artiewhitefox

    Leviathanel: you are a religious murderer.You want what religious people wanted.Mark 14:1-9, the chief priests and the scribes sought how they might take him by craft, and put him to death, John 12;10 the chief priests consulted that they might put Lazarus also to death; Repent as if Elijah was talking to you.

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  • Artiewhitefox

    ImmortalLove66: two things. One sodomites are oppressors like police etc. Two whatever a person does will be judged by God. He does not punish. He gives to whoever what they gave. Condemners are not immune from judgment. Whoever is not exempt. Do good get good.

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  • Artiewhitefox

    TorothePekingese wow you sound pleasant like Jesus NOT. your words are abominable.Proverbs 15:26 - The thoughts of the wicked [are] an abomination to the LORD: but [the words] of the pure [are] pleasant words.
    TorothePekingese:your thoughts are wicked and all that talk like you are wicked too. Repent so you do not see the gates of heaven as the gates of hell. Don't change God's light will be hell to you; a devouring fire.

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  • Artiewhitefox

    Mentioning the word rape makes you a condemning judge. Deny that God is judge war. War give vengeance. War give wrath being filthy and naughty. Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written , Vengeance is mine; I will repay , saith the Lord. God’s vengeance is his light that he wears like a robe.
    Romans 12:19 KJV
    King James Version
    Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written , Vengeance is mine; I will repay , saith the Lord. God’s vengeance is his light that he wears like a robe.
    King James Version
    Who coverest thyself with light as with a garment: who stretchest out the heavens like a curtain:

    (King James Version)Genesis 2:25:

    25 And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.

    After they feel accepting Satan they knew they were naked. God did not tell them that they were naked.

    God asks the question?
    Genesis 3:11 King James Bible
    And he said, Who told thee that thou wast naked?
    It is the devil in people giving guilt about being naked.

    I have the KJV Cambridge ED.Rev.12 [9] And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.
    [10] And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.

    Jesus does not give guilt.

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  • ImmortalLove66

    This is definitely not normal. And that's coming from a furry. I believe that beastiality is okay in some ways. But you don't pin the creature down and rape it. That's just wrong. How would you like it if your best friend suddenly shoved you to the ground and sodimized you?

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  • helpmeimafreak123

    Well, the dog can be trained to you don't have to hold it down. Some peanut butter will also earn you a nice licking. (You didn't hear that from me.)

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  • TorothePekingese

    Holy shit, whoever said it was okay or " normal", or enjoy molesting, raping, or doing terrible things to animals is one sick motherfucker! Dude, if you have a pet of some kingpd, treat it with respect, not like some little fuck toy you mount whenever you goddam please. I hate anyone who is okay with doing something like this to a poor little animal, you should all get brutally buttfucked by 10 foot long meal, spiked, bats that are clipped to running car batteries while getting their crotches and faces dipped in acid then slathered in honey and thrown into a room full of angry Africanized killer bees. Good god at this point, I'm looking forwards to the apocalypse because I want have to deal with all of the sick fucks anymore. I would much rather have my kneecaps broken and get my left earlobe ripped off than harm an animal for my own sick pleasure. I don't care about anthro fans asking as they aren't harming actual animals. Instead of raping animals why don't you just sew a fleshlight into a teddy bear? You get all of your sick, and frankly disgusting pleasure taken care of nd you don't have to harm amother carbon based life form. Its people like you who make me want to just go outside and beat people to death with hockey sticks...

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  • Leviathanel

    that's fucking gross and i bet the animals don't appreciate it.

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  • theaverageatheist

    I didn't think it existed untill I found (kinda by accident)
    on reddit "sex with dogs" setcion

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  • Wigglesworth

    Sick. The people who comment on these bestiality posts are just as fucked up as the poster, if not even moreso.

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  • Temperancebooth

    ...animal cruelty.

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  • sega31098

    Why is this 51% normal?

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  • hOrs3

    the main problem I have with this is that he calls it furry. it isn't its bestiality i cant comment on anyone's sexuality because i am a heterosexual male with a girlfriend yet i am still drawn to gay furry porn. My girlfriend knows about it and she has no problem with it because it does not affect my daily life. if this is what it is like for you and it is totally separate from what you do for a living i would say it is normal however if you can't help thinking about it then i suggest trying to move onto furry porn many people have moved from beastiality to furry. i used to be attracted to my dog but i never did anything to her. i found furry porn after searching the internet for an alternitive and found that i was attracted to furry more than i was to my dog. Also to the people out there threatening him you probably have a secret fetish like bondage or something else. This guy came onto this site looking for reassurance that what he was doing was normal and he is met with death threats? you guys are just wrong he has confessed to being sexually attracted to his dog and you guys just post sick comments. so any way like i said if it does not affect your life it is normal but if it does try furry porn

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  • samson_bowbarrow

    wow, 186 comments, do you people have any other interests other then furry sex, I mean really, I had to skip a heck of a lot of comments and thats like practictly all of them.
    but I give coodo's to the people who think this is wrong and all, but still.

    and ya, I agree with that one guy, if you don't any thing nice to say, shut your
    f***** yap man, ok, I'm done.

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  • AnonymousCanada

    its completely normal. im not old enough to be living on my own so i wouldnt do something like this because i live with other people but if i was older and living on my own i would definately see it as normal or at least consider doing it. there are a lot of people out there and a lot of sites dedicated to this sort of thing (e.g. Beastforum.com) for all the people who say "ur disgusting thats rape!!!" just remember, they have claws and teeth. if they didnt want his dick in them they would let him know. now if he put a muzzle on them and tied them down THAT is rape. but i think this is perfectly normal its just what you're into thats all.

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  • pem24

    I just don't know what to say. I'd better enjoy reading reactions. :D

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  • sugarbunny772

    lmfao hahaha nice reaction XD

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  • dacker13

    sorry poor

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  • dacker13

    sorry frogot dog by poorn defencles

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  • iNaughtyBear

    there but its wierd

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  • E123:]

    Mmmm.. Ok!

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  • WiseBeauty

    Ok, look people. WE CANT JUDGE him for HAVING SEX WITH HIS DOG BUT WE CAN JUDGE HIM FOR FORCING A DOG TO HAVE SEX WITH HIM! Many , MANY of you dog f*kers, put muzzles and pinn your dogs down, YOU ARE DEAD WRONG TO DO THAT. ITS HELPLESS! If it doesnt want you to f*ck it, then DONT! You RAPIST!

    I dont think its normal but if you want to consider it normal, FINE! but DONT RAPE THEM! go out there and find a dog that actually wants to have sex with you atleast. Go take it out on a date or something, sickos. What ever you do, don't rape one. You are commiting rape if you have to pin one down or put a muzzle on it inorder for it to let you have you sick ways with it.

    F8c5k you if you have to have it written down in the law to consider it rape. It isn't legal to have sex with a dog anyways, maybe that's way they didn't bother putting down dogs for rape, dumbsh*ts. It is rape, period!

    And if you say you had sex with a women before and still prefer dogs, fine.. But honestly I'm not completely satisfied with that.

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    • dilzee31

      Where to begin?
      1st of this man never said he rapes his dog. He clearly said, "hold." last time i checked the word hold did not mean forced sex or abuse(AKA RAPE).
      secondly, THE DOG IS NOT HELPLESS! Every dog has teeth(that's the sharp white things inside their mouth),claws(that's the sharp things that they use to dig with), and hormones(like adrenalin).
      Lastly, this man only wants to know if there are others like him. HE DID NOT ASK FOR WHETHER OR NOT YOU THINK IT IS NORMAL! YOU STUPID WITCH.

      I myself have never taken part in the said activity, and to be honest i am interested in what it would be like.

      As to all you other haters i will say this, "treat others the way you want to be treated." that is The Golden Rule.

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      • quentari

        Would you like to be forced down and have a 10" dick shoved up your ass? that's the scale difference between an average medium sized dog and a human. Oh and this 10" dick is almost the same width around. Do they use lube? no idea. That's how this guy is treating his dog, and therefore how he should be treated.


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  • anythingcanbnormal

    people they's days man. ok there is no sutch thing as normal if there was we would not be drinking milk or inter breeding animal or having sex for fun. and thing is normal. its not your role to judge people, or for you bible thumpers for you to decide what is right what is wrong what is normal or not wether you are going to heven or not. i dont do dogs i like my girlfriend but my dog is still my best friend( not to close ) but man we are all normal. you should look up a story on line type in " a cat called ugly " you might learn something!

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  • daemon

    dude i am not saying it is or isnt normal because normal doesnt exist. normal is whatever is normal for you. for instiance back in school i thought it was perfectly normal to shower once a day. than in eight grade about 3 people in my class told everyone in class that they showered twice or more a day(dont ask how we got on the subject, i dont remember) and when i said that that was weird they replied that i was weird and that most people in the world liked to be as clean as possable. so dont ask what people think is normal because everybody thinks something diffrent is normal.

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    • WiseBeauty

      If you don't believe that normal exists, why the hell are you here? why didnt you even sign up for this?! I seriously can't believe you would post that here

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  • Crazed_Citizen

    Alright you go boy xDD
    but seriously people who touch animals in any kind of unnecessary way is in fact a rapist
    the post kinda had me going for a bit too o.o

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  • Dustin

    lol holy sh!t this one lasted a long time, me and my cousin were bored as hell one weekend and we found this site and made up a twisted story. This is indeed fake, and IMO, the people asking for pics and sh!t are messed!

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  • Jason998

    All you guys really should not make fun of ppl that have strange things they do to entertain thereself of also known as a fetish u guys are makeing fun of him and its rowng that like makeing fun of someone wit down syndrome or a crippled im sure all you have strange things about what u do and ud be hurt if somebudy bullied u!!thats like being racest of prejerdest

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    • WiseBeauty

      Are you kidding me? Your going to COMPARE someone with down syndrome with people like him?! I worked with people with down syndrome and for you to say that..is just stupid! This guy has SICK habit. He is even commiting rape, he is breaking the law! and the laws of nature!! The only thing someone with down syndrome has done is.. NOTHING! they got unlucky and was born with it. so shut up!

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  • Leviathanel

    oh i forgot to mention you're a sick fucked up animal rapist who is looking for acceptance from other animal rapists.

    that's fucking hilarious! what will pairing up with more animal fuckers make you feel better about the terrible things you put your pets through.

    unless they liked it in which case you're just fucking narsty but eh no harm no foul right? but i have a feeling blowing in the face of a cat and holding down a dog to fuck it's ass is fucking rape so fuck you.

    if we ever meet prepare to be stabbed.

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    What the fuck?!Did you realy just admit to raping your dog???Damn thats weird!!!

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  • elenaki

    This is sick

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  • SonnyJFox

    Look, this is not furry sex. It's bestiality and it's illegal. So, if you don't want to get busted, you better stop it.

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  • Ryan556

    Why is this that big it's wrong relly relly wrong

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  • Avant-Garde

    It's not normal and nor is it legal.

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    • Leviathanel

      you'd be surprised. not everyone comes from the united states. (asshole.)

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  • kandykumf

    ok wtf is wrong with people...saying this is fucking normal,like every other thing like "i enjoy being licked by my dog". being turned on by your fucking pets is not normal its FUCKING INSANE

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    • Leviathanel

      lol emphasis on the insane eh? i just thought it was really really gross if the animal likes it, completely wrong if the animals disproves (animal rape is fucked up!) but insane?

      i don't know why but your post was kind of funny.

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  • x1frosty16

    Just to let you know this is illegal. A couple years ago a teacher from the elementary school around here got arrested for having sex with her chiwawa and recorded it. Her husband found it and turned it into the police. she ended up getting 5 years with no chance of parole. So maby you should think twice before doing this shit to innocent animals just because you can't get a real man or woman. It amazes me how fucking pathetic human beings are now a days.

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  • dogsonme

    hi im dogonme i love to be called blackpuss;)smocking hot transvestite age 37;I LOVE masterbating my shitsu , i love getting on all 4s in the backyard letting my shitsu mount me in the ass while letting my other neighbors great dane milkshake dry hump my face , the size of its dick is 5" long , please help if dick is bigger than dog and furrier Hit me up on on facebook: tristen clark ;) ;)

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  • sparks

    id like to say that this is called bestiality not furry sex and yes others do it but im pretty sure it considered to be animal abuse?
    but look its your choice not mine just don't confuse the two

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  • Answer_nicely

    lol im sure u cant rape an animal its not like they can give consent or anything.

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    • quentari

      the definition of rape is not giving consent...

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  • Artiewhitefox

    Furries remember the trolls are the accusing guilt giving devils who spouted the word rape in the first place just like Satan started the word naked with Adam,and Eve. That started the cascade of guilt that lightless beings have been giving each other ever since. We by the grace of God have to stop giving to each other what only the devil gives.

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  • Bmw224

    I have a problem my do is fixed and hates anal my doxon is to small how do have sex with a dog if my two are not willing to do it? Can you send me some pics to at [email protected]

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  • Ive tried to hump my female dog. I can never find her vagina, all i see is her butt hole. She's small and i dont want to hump her ass, it would hurt her alot, so i let her lick out my ass while i masturbate.

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