Gay christian republican?
So, I'm a 23 year old gay Christian Republican man. My boyfriend is center-left politically and an atheist (I'd label him more accurately as an agnostic, but he chooses the atheist label so I let him have it). I've met a few other gay Christians, but still it's normally seen as an oddity. I was born gay, so that is my constant. My Christianity and my conservatism (small government conservatism and/or libertarianism), however, are thought out positions that I adopted later in life. Technically I'm "Republican leaning" at the moment since I changed my party affiliation to Libertarian Party about a year ago for various reasons in protest of the RNC and my state's GOP organization.
As I said, my Christianity and politics are thought out positions, especially my politics. I'm a senior government major who, quite honestly, could debate circles around any non-politically inclined/educated individuals and many so inclined/educated people. I know government, I know the process, I know political philosophy, I know the arguments of both sides, and I side with the Republicans on the vast majority of issues (the main exception being gay issues and somewhat on religious liberty issues; I also disagree with the Democratic Party on both the gay issues and the religious liberty issues, neither gets it right in my opinion). With Christianity I have taken numerous Christian theology classes in my time at college (I could have a theology minor if I cared to take one more theology class), so I am personally well founded in my beliefs, though I generally won't debate theology as it's not an academic interest of mine (and why I have no desire to add it as a minor).
The question of "normalcy" comes into play because Christian and Republican values tend to be seen as antithetical to being gay. While, certainly, there are parts of both that are (though there is not 100%% uniformity on those beliefs either in Christianity or Republican ideology), as a whole I do not find them to be in total opposition to my nature. Further, because of my strong foundation in both, I see the issue being superficial in both Christianity and Republican ideology, having nothing to do with the core of those beliefs and often times in contradiction to those core beliefs. Regardless (my nature is to debate, so I have to stop myself before I start making an argument rather than just asking a question), is it normal to be a gay Christian Republican?