Gay friend's suicide

My friend killed himself by poison in 2007. He was 16 and was gay. He was tormented on a constant basis. Often he was physically assaulted. He was called "homo" "fag" "queer" and all the usual terms our wonderful socierty has invented to describe people like him. His parents tried to have him fixed by having him meet priests, who were probably molesting boys on the side, that told him his feelings were wrong and an abomination. Schoolmates said he was "shoving his sexuality down their throats" even though he never talked about it unless asked, and certainly wasn't humping people in public like many of the straight kids were doing. He was shunned by the rest of his family, who believed he would grow out of it. And for all you geniouses out there, he didn't.
Whenever I hear someone (usually a male) being harassed (usually by other males) I feel that person has blood on their hand. People like that killed my friend. And I know many people like that are here. You have blood on your hands. Hate kills. That's all there is to it.

Voting Results
77% Normal
Based on 250 votes (192 yes)
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Comments ( 84 )
  • JanIAm

    It's incredible to me that even in this era, some people are still convinced that homosexuality should be treated like a loathsome disease to be somehow exorcised out of the individual. Small wonder that this young man opted out of a society that appeared to despise him. My sympathies for your loss.

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    • blackestofblue

      It is just sad to see that people are capable of such cruelty. The fact that homosexuality is treated in such a way is beyond all logical explanations of any kind. this shouldnt even BE a topic of concern, people should be left alone in peace as long as they are not hurting other people. Homosexuals don't hurt others. I don't get why people have to make such a humdrum of this....just live and let live.
      and i am very sorry about your friend. had anything similar happened to me, i would have gone and personally shoved it up each and evry one of those miserable creature's ass!

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  • Nattie

    I'm sorry your friend took his own life. Those of you on here celebrating the death of an innocent person you didn't know, check your pulse. You don't have a heart.

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  • kewlmatt1

    I feel sorry for your loss.

    I know what it's like to be tormented. People call me rude gay names all the time, even though I'm straight. The hell your friend went through, however, is different than what I must live through.

    I actually had a great-uncle who was gay. He was really kind to his family, and he loved working every summer at a camp were disabled children went. He even coached a Little League team, before he tragically died of AIDS. When he came out, nobody opposed him. My grandmother was the first to know, out of nine children. She continued to love him all the same.

    What people don't get is that being gay is just normal in our society today, and since this is who they are, they should be accepted by society, not treated like animals. I hate it when I hear a rumor or a taunt because it is what drives people to suicide. Yes, it is partially their choice to kill themselves, but their environment makes up so much about their choices.

    Again, sorry for your loss.

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  • zitface

    the people who are posting hateful comments are the ones who are not normal.

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  • moomus

    Its a shame people feel they have to "fix" homosexuals. I mean what's there to be fixed? Let's face it peoples sexual preferences should be no one elses business..... As long as no one is harming anyone else...

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  • blackfish

    There is nothing wrong with being gay. Let them live their lives how they want to. There don't have anything wrong with their brain, just different, and a good different, if we were all the same this world would be boring. If you are gay don't give a shut about what other people think, live YOUR life how you want to.

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  • I agree completely... If god loved us he wouldn't discriminate against anyone. Not gays, bi's, les, No one. In the bible it says something about a man shall not love another man. Thats why i get so pissed when people asked me why i have a hard time in trusting the bible. It could have changed after the thousands of years it's been around right? How do we know that the devil didn't re wright it and send it back?

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  • DJBleach

    See, it's stuff like this that is poisoning the world.
    I agree with the people that are pulling the "Snowball effect" A few words are nothing, but it DOES build up, until you get to the breaking point. Just think about it, being tourmented EVERYDAY by EVERYONE, it can be a little too much to handle.
    And it's also because of stuff like this that makes me afraid to let anyone know I'm bi. I'm afraid my parents will disown me, or people might try and kill me. It's a fate I wouldn't wish on anyone.
    Tourment and hate are what's destroying the world! It's like a friend of mine once said...
    "Gays don't ruin the world, Narrow-minded Fucktards do."
    So all you people who hate gays, or believe that it's some kind of "disease" (Which is a complete load. It's like saying being tall or loving music is a disease) Please, take this into consideration. A boy was harrassed so much that he felt DEATH was his only escape.
    I hope you all learn from this...God knows you need to...

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  • pringlehopper

    I'm sorry for your loss. I hate people who hate others for no reason, and btw them being gay counts as no reason.

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  • nthing10

    these people are complete assholes.... im sorry for your loss...with fathers who are gay these comments offend my beyond anything ive ever heard before

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  • Anon345

    Nothing wrong with gays, those people who bullied him should have it on their conscience forever. His family should have been much more supportive, his "schoolmates" sound like twats. The world has lost another wonderful person.

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  • sovlover

    aww, this is heart-renching.
    I am so sorry.
    And I agree with you 100%%

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  • phoenix_paradox

    Thank you religions, thanks to you horrible things like this happens so often (sarcasm mode)

    I'm gay and have found myself wishing to commit suicide several times in my life, and actually trying it a couple of times, all thanks to the way "normal" people see you, hate you, fear you... Even if there's no damn reazon to!

    Beeing the way I am, i'm not hurting anyone, im not disturbing straight people, I just wanna be happy as everybody else!

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  • Fall4DaEyez

    Sorry for your loss :(

    I no it's hard ..

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  • Ryuhei

    I'm really sorry about your friend. It's bullcrap the way socity treats gays. I can't stand how people treat them just because of the way they are born. I've noticed that mostly the reason that people are against gays is because of religion which is one of the many reasons that I am against religion. Just because some people falsly believe that homosexuality is a sin doesn't give them the right to make gays feel bad about themselves.

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  • queenZEBRA

    Wow. My high school was awesome. If someone teased someone for being gay- a bunch of ppl would gang up on the hater and beat him up. Gays=cool

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  • kawaiikins

    human beings are just horrible i am very sorry for your friend RIP to him. he was just being who he was like everyone else and ppl just want to demean those who are different. i hope that they suffer sometime in their life for what they have done

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  • candy8

    That sucks. There is nothing wrong with gays

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  • lynamph

    There is nothing wrong with homosexuals in my personal opinion. It is dreadful that he felt that way enough to kill himself. But, I can say I wish he was stronger.

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  • You only need read this web to hear a sample of the ignorance & hatred spewed by fools about homosexuality. It does kill. Condolences, he was lucky to have you as a friend.

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  • Fleabitten

    One of these days, homophobes will realize their horrific mistake. How ironic that so many of them are hyper religious.

    Stories like this make me lose faith in humakind.

    Also, to all you freaks who say that being gay is wrong--try seeing things from our point of view. Try being kicked out of your family because you loved differently from them. Try being fired from your job, being taunted, teased, shunned.

    Gay people aren't hurting anyone. The moment gay people start treating hets the way hets are treating gays--THEN you'll have something to bitch and moan about.

    If God is a merciful god (which I doubt), he will punish homophobes NOT gay people.

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  • zitface

    I dont know why ppl are posting such hateful comments here. wat diff does it make if u r gay or straight. u shud b gud at heart and thats wat counts. wat happened was really unfortunate

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  • Potato

    Trying to fix him by sending him to a priest was a VERY bad idea- it sounds like his parents are to blame much more than the big-talkers on this site. I hope his parents are ashamed. They should have known that guilt and shame was only adding to his problems coping. Even if they disagreed, they should have had common sense. Parents that do shit like that disgust me.
    I am sorry you lost your friend, and I am sorry he suffered so much. I guess the most effective thing to do is to help institutions and laws that help homosexuals, like pushing for hate crime laws and marriage rights. There is an imbalance in the media versus legality and public opinion, the sooner acceptance attained, people will be resentful of people showing gay characteristics.
    The cynic in me wonders, however, if he was one of those boys who wore flambouyant pink tight pants and spoke effeminitely. That especially is offensive to some people, and its not based *entirely* on sexuality in that case.

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    • ButterBackedWhiskers

      I've never seen a gay man wear "flamboyant, pink, tight pants", but if that is what he chose to wear why should that be offensive to people? Why should speaking effeminately be offensive? If that makes anyone uncomfortable then that's their problem. Also, varying degrees of femininity in many gay men and masculinity in many gay women is no coincidence and IS linked to their sexuality. If a gay boy or man enjoys wearing bright pink pants or speaks effeminately that is part of their personality that they should not have to hide.

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  • I belive priests will burn in hell.

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  • tintedcouture

    i don't believe that gay people are good, but God loves everyone, and Jesus came for the sinners not the proud men and saints. I think gay people have it wrong, but killing is harming someone else, and that is terrible.

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  • DragonmMaster

    the people ho made him do that shuld burn in Hell

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  • itmehninz

    Ok this is a rlly sad story and gabi..... Dear gabi I wish u wldnt say tht cuz how wld u feel if ur best friend committed suicide my neighbor committed suicide and I went to her funeral she was my girlfriend and I think about her everyday

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  • sarahrocks24

    Aw. Im sorry for your loss. Being gay is fine. It was his decision. Not theirs. No one should harass someone for that. That's horrible. I agree with you 100% percent. Its bad people do that. I'm sorry. :(

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  • jjboo

    I totally agree with you. Just because you are gay doesn't mean you shouldn't have the same rights as straight people have! You are still a person! Love is love and you can't control those kinds of feelings.

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  • jhonen32629

    @Chris_Ufc The poster is talking about how pathetic it is that hate today still exists, like being gay is equivalent to having the bird flu, like it's something you can catch. Why did the kid kill himself? Open your eyes, it's obvious, he was tormented for being gay. She has every right to blame them.

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  • ponder

    I don't know whether to put no or yes to this. I wasn't really there to see how bad it was. I believe that anyone deserves an opinion in sexuality, and shouldn't be harassed. Just from reading text it's not as dramatic as it probably was, so I don't know whether to put yes or no, all I know is that your friend deserves a lot more respect than he ever got.

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  • I know how you feel and I absolutely agree with you on this one

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  • o'kiley

    sry to hear that. society places such a harsh stigma on many whether it b orientation race gendar ses and the list goes on.its horrible weere all human beings we all have feelings..we need to embrace differences not condem ...very dishearting that so many are judgemental.

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  • HumbleBovine

    There's nothing you can do about it...and that's the worst part. It's sad that we live in a f*cked up world where gay people don't fit the mold society has placed for us. But you should stand up for other guys like him. You can at least prevent this from ever happening again. I don't like the idea of suicide. It's the coward's way out in my opinion. But I understand that sometimes continuing to live in the world you do is a worse fate than death...

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  • me-ggy

    I wish I went that school. Hell, I wish we all did.
    My deepest condolences for your loss. Quite honestly, you're story scared me shitless and put me on the verge of tears. I have a gay friend who would probably be in the same sutuation if he came out to his parents. I can picture the same thing happening to him all too well.

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  • mew14304

    First sorry about your friend second the people who r saying yes or no to this have should be able to have their own opinions and all of the ppl who think this kid is a "pussy" how bout u go to ur school and tell everyone ur gay and see if after awhile u don't want to kill urself

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  • That's nice. But what was your question?

    Don't post on here unless you have a question.

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  • responding to "Potato" HIs parents shouldn't be ASHAMED! You should feel sympathetic! Not wanting them to be ashamed. Also I am so sorry for your loss. Those people out there saying that that he/she shouldn't accuse other people, have you heard of Phoebe Prince and carlson Jean walker? Why did they take their lives? Because of kids bing mean, that's y and their case sounds similar to this. PS I will pray for u :)

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    I've gone through the same feelings myself of ending my life because of taunting and what not and living in a world that tells me everyday it's wrong and seeing straight people together all around me everyday being together just took it's toll on me. People have to start realizing it isn't a choice. You didn't come to a crossroads where one path said gay and one path said straight. It's just in your hormonal makeup. I've known since I was 6 boys is what I like just as the other 6 year old boys who where playing kiss chasy with the girls knew what they liked.

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  • slurpeesOWN

    :-( Dam I'm sry fir the loss, those bullies shouldve been fuckin raped till they die from pain, I hear gay guys are very nice to.


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  • thoose people who tormented ur friend should go to jail for murder!!!

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  • lama54

    What's with all the snide remarks? Ok I'm 55 yrs old, do not understand nor do I want to understand the gays BUT as long as they don't come onto me , and as long as they treat me with respect etc etc then I can do the same ! I do not think they should have special privilages just because they are gay but they are people and any person or people that don't understand it or does not like it needs to leave them alone and ignore them ! Stupidity and ignorence among adults causes a lot of heartache and death ! Bad enough we have to deal with young children bullying and name calling , but adults , young and old need to realize they are holding a loaded gun and are just as guilty because you may be strong willed but some people are not!!!! If you ain't got nothing nice to say... Be quiet!!

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  • Sadly, this us normal to treat gay pol like that. The people who bullied him like that either thought that he was less than human or that they were doing gods will. They said that he was messed up, but they are the messed up

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  • Crossed

    well, isn't reality sucks.

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  • rjjolly

    thats sad theres nothing wrong with gays in fact im a bisexual myself

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  • seriously2233


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  • SpillZone

    Did his high school have a GSA (Gay-Straight allianc) club? if there was he could of joined and had alot of support, and i agree with you. Just dont do anything you will regret.

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  • andrian007

    I feel very sorry for your loss. People can be real assholes. This is why I can never be a christian. There is absolutely no reason why homosexuality cannot be tolerated in the 21st century. They are humans just like the rest of us and mean the rest of the world no harm.

    Just like the Church's damning of Galileo and the Catholic Church's insistence on abstinence to combat HIV, this is another example where the Church has completely lost touch with the reality in which we live today. The only thing you can do is to spread tolerance in his name. When you have children next time, make sure you hammer it into their heads that there is absolutely nothing wrong with homosexuality.

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  • glasswilderness

    I wonder how the parents feel now. That makes me so sad. There's nothing wrong with homosexuality.

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  • leonr1

    I am sorry he took his life! I went through exactly the same predjudice & I thought at the time that I was straight! It would have been hell for him! But if he had of just perservered & accepted his Homosexuality(we don't choose to be gay, our GENES do!)he would have grown up to be a strong tough individual! Because that is why Gays are so flambouyant etc...They Flought that they are not STRAIGHT & proud of it.He would have probably moved on to do good things! What straight people forget is, They could be the parents of a GAY CHILD one day, What then!His parents will be having a tough time, gay or straight, no parent should have to lose a child to bullying!!!

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  • GeraldMossman

    Thats so horrible and Im so sorry for your loss. It saddens me greatly to hear such a sad story. Our sexuality is one part of each of us which is important and needs validation. Everyone deserves the right to express their sexual preferences and be respected.

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  • dramadude

    Unfortunatly this is very common.
    there is an amazing rock musical based off of the same idea. it is very powerful and may be helpful to you.

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  • U no what? I will never get gay ppl lesbian ect. However i would NEVER want to tease or taunt them for their beliefs! Its their life not mine! As long as he or she doesnt go around sayin stuff they can keep it on the down low! 2 words to all u haters:FUCK OFF!

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  • DieuAn

    May your friend Rest in Peace.
    Gay people goes to heaven too ^^

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  • FreeSpeechAndPeace

    So so sorry. I can'r believe the way those jackasses acted towards your friend. My heary goes out to you and even the bitch of a family he once had.

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    • FreeSpeechAndPeace

      sorry about the spelling mistakes!

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  • sjweb1

    It's natural for you to feel that hate or other people killed your friend, because that's easier than placing the blame where it belongs - on him. It's tough to assign that blame to a loved one because it's a source of pain, but you have to realize that in the end that was his decision and his alone.
    Life is tough and we all have to play the hand we're dealt, even if that involves a hard existence. He chose to fold where people more unfortunate stay in the hand. People may have been mean, but nobody gave him that poison and forced him.
    You should just be happy you had the opportunity to know your friend, and try to accept his decision - it was his choice, and hopefully he found the peace he was looking for.

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  • haleyxbailey

    im honestly discusted by most of the comments on here. your friend didnt deserve to die. he was gay and theres nothing wrong with that. he was just being himself and that is beautiful. people need to stop being small minded. people should not have to be scared to be themselves. suicide is not a joke and all you ignorant people need to shut your mouthes. if you think hes a pussy for killing himself think about this, would you have the balls to do it? grow up and start looking at your own faults. you people are the reason for suicide. nobody deserves to be treated so horribly for being themselves or trying to end their pain.

    in regards to the writer, im very sorry for your loss. just think that your friend is in a better place and wont have to hear another mean name aimed towards him and i bet hes watching over you.

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  • bubblegum

    jesus :( im sorry about your mate, sounds horrible, so i feel for ya.
    and for all them cocks out there that are taking the piss..get a life you sad twats.

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  • Blackk2390

    Damn, thats so fucked up I mean he was still young and to kill himself is just sad. At my school there are a bunch of gay dudes, but the thing is NO ONE makes fun of them for what they are infact some straight dudes are even friends with them. I'm sorry for your friend.

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  • Moonlit_Heart

    I'm so sorry about this. People can be so cruel. There's nothing wrong with homosexuality.

    May your friend rest in peace. T_T

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    • TalktoFrank

      I am heartfelt i have a best mate who is gay i trust so much as to sleep in the same bed as him homosexuality is not a sin and is not disgusting yes most of us disagree to the fact we dont like the same sex doesnt mean everyone else doesnt have to choice though, your opinions on the sex you like are your own no one elses be vigilant to the fact others finding you liking the opposite sex is rather repulsive too rememebr that and by the way there are a fair amount of gay, lesbian and bi-sexual men and women in the world what if they decided you were the odd one out...? think abou the consequences i particularily don't mind them there is nothing wrong with a certain sexual preference its like saying men and women who have anal fetishes are just weird but hey i bet the majority of people who read this have already perfeored or been part of an anal procedure if not some other odd yet distinctive fetish. Don't judge people for who they like but who they are its like judging a book before you've read it you never know there might be a surpirse.
      Anyhow my condolences to the story writer i am sorry to hear the loss of your friend may his soul rest in peace and find some peace of mind in how his soul decides to move on.

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  • lurvejazz

    It's not like as if he wants himself to be in that way, to be attracted to the similar sex. He can't choose, i know. But because the world still find it hard to accept people that falls into this catagory, they tend to find it very unacceptable and probably gross. It is wrong of them to make fun of them, I know, words always kill. But your friend took it too hard D:

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  • spyderr

    I am so sorry for your loss, may your friend RIP

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  • gary39

    yeah seems normal

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  • Miss_Charlie

    Sorry for the loss mate.

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  • nazzer

    thats so sorry for your loss.
    ur right though, it is blood on peoples hands if they are harsh bout sumin like that, specially if they do it soo mch it lead to what it did, but unfortunatly u always going to hav that in the world and the onli thing u can du is not be like them. and at the end of the day u will hav a better life and more friends with an open mind like yours

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  • iwondered

    Sorry for your loss. And I totally agree with you.

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  • DEO411

    I am sorry he killed himself. Society is too blame. People are @ssholes. I wish I could solve the worlds problems and I can. Stop reproducing and eventual the human race will go exinct. Imagine a world without people.

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  • DragonmMaster

    I'm sorry for your loss

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  • oddo

    Hmmm, many go through the same thing for reasons other than being gay or black.

    Perhaps if gays stopped having special hate laws to protect themselves which do not cover those persecuted for other reasons, often relating to that individual alone, they might get more respect.

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  • yaboiiii

    Um your friend killed himself.

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  • Malfoy

    What a fag...

    I'm on his side though, and I'm bisexual myself. Sex with woman is fun and all, and more immediately arousing, but men are more deeply arousing. Just the whole naughtiness thing.

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  • bassistguy


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  • firefly88

    He is the one that killed himself. He should've grown thicker skin

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  • It was not these kids fault he killed him self. How selfish of you to blame them for your friends death. The only person to blame for the death of your friend is the one who killed him self.

    If you get pulled over for speeding whos fault is it?
    If you catch your wife cheating on you and you beat the shit out of the guy she was with whos fault is that?

    You should be out celebrating the life of your friend insted of spreading the same type of hate you claim killed him.

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    • Katness

      But, a person being harassed on a daily, constant basis and made to feel sub-human is not at fault for feeling sub-human from the harassment thats the fault of the people doing the harassing.

      That can lead a person to be under enough pressure from depression that they will try or actually commit suicide. So therefore it is the fault of the harassers.

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      • Katness

        To the original poster. My condolences. No one deserves that.

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    • LucidDreamer

      You should just not talk if you can't even see the positive side to his statement Chris Ufe. It's true that people are too hard on kids who are gay and until we change our society these kids are going to be harassed by the little dumb ass kids who don't know anything but the next handball game they're going to play.

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  • SleazyTexan

    I wish all gay people would kill themselves.

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    • gabi123

      i wish u killed urself

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  • callum123933

    im the most hated person in my school, i had a KNIFE thrown at me by a NlGGER and i got done for it, and i was like "WTF" so i got some rope then when i tryed, it broke and now i see all the people who were being cunts being killed in my drawings

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