Gay friend's suicide
My friend killed himself by poison in 2007. He was 16 and was gay. He was tormented on a constant basis. Often he was physically assaulted. He was called "homo" "fag" "queer" and all the usual terms our wonderful socierty has invented to describe people like him. His parents tried to have him fixed by having him meet priests, who were probably molesting boys on the side, that told him his feelings were wrong and an abomination. Schoolmates said he was "shoving his sexuality down their throats" even though he never talked about it unless asked, and certainly wasn't humping people in public like many of the straight kids were doing. He was shunned by the rest of his family, who believed he would grow out of it. And for all you geniouses out there, he didn't.
Whenever I hear someone (usually a male) being harassed (usually by other males) I feel that person has blood on their hand. People like that killed my friend. And I know many people like that are here. You have blood on your hands. Hate kills. That's all there is to it.