Gay people give aids so we should shun them!
Before you even say it, it's not me who says this. It's a family member.
I've always wondered why one of my family members was such a homophobe. One day he decides to tell me.
"Well we should shun the gay people because they give aids!"
Even better, I try to tell him that it's been scientifically proven wrong. He say's this:
"Well in the bible it says to shun the gay people. Just say hi to them and move on! Honey I don't want to talk about this, just don't mess with them and it'll be fine."
Yeah, okay then, where exactly in the bible does it say that I- I've never read it in there. (and yes, yes I am Christian)
Is it just me who's angry about this? Do you think the same way? Is it normal to think like this?