Gay sex expectations

What kind of obvious expectations do men have prior to having anal sex with each other whether it be just a hookup or in a relationship? I guess my question is: are there unwritten expectations that a man is supposed to regularly give himself enemas or something? Or is it all just chance and there may even be some sort of arousal if the anus is dirty? I know, generally in a heterosexual situation, the woman may have basic expectations that the man do certain self-care things like wear deodorant and take showers and perhaps keep facial hair groomed. I know these are a bit different on the self-care spectrum, but I'm just wondering if enemas or similar anal care things are expected in the gay community. Do all gay men have anal sex? How does it work?

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Comments ( 13 )
  • 1WeirdGuy

    Im not gay but im assuming no one wants shit on their dicks

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    • Yeah, I thought so, but just trying to understand in case I'm missing something

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  • HornyBIlesta

    Ive fucked many men and some of them are so well groomed and fresh but you get ones that have the spunkyest cocks when it comes to giving them head so i just wank them instead and fuck there ass but tbh if there dirrt i cant get horny

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    • DeadRatKing

      "so i just wank them instead and fuck there ass"

      I badly want to experience this for myself (as the one getting fucked) and think about it all the time, but I haven't done it yet.

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    • I just never thought about self-care of the rear and how all that goes. When you're in high school, for example, and you start to see a gay guy here and there, you don't think that deeply into it. Only as I've gotten older did I start to think about that you'd actually have to take a lot of steps before having intimacy. I guess I'm not giving enough credit to gay men's self awareness and that they just intuitively realize or research what needs to be done

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  • farkelu

    If I was to have gay sex - and I would with the right partner - it would have to involve most of the same things as straight sex. Hugging, kissing, whispering in my partner's ear (and vice versa), lots of tongue action, and maybe oral sex. But the idea of anal frightens me for a variety of both moral and hygienic reasons. It would have to be very carefully done, if at all. And certainly not on the first "date".

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    • I relate to your disposition. Just wondered if these things get talked about beforehand or if there were certain unwritten rules, per se.

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      • farkelu

        I've posted on one or two gay dating sites, and I make my expectations clear in my post. I've found one young man who seems to fit the bill. We've chatted and now exchanged taxts. Getting the nerve to take the next step soon.

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        • What kind of expectations did you lay out?

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          • farkelu

            Respect, patience, sensitivity, thoughtful and meaningful mutual experiences - then MAYBE if the vibe is right, oral. No anal.

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  • GaelicPotato

    You should always have an enema prior to anal sex.

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    • Do these things get talked about beforehand or are they just expected at some point? Or do gay guys have like some oops moments in high school as they figure it out and then they realize they need to enema?

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      • GaelicPotato


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