Get it off your chest

What’s bothering you is it normal people? Get it off your chest!

I’ll go first, I’ve had to resign from a job I only started at in October due to health issues and I feel like I’ve failed. I know this is irrational but I still feel it.

Also I feel I’m trying too hard to like my new cat. I call him nicknames and play with his toys but it’s honestly feeling a bit forced.

Now it’s your turn- let me hear it!

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Comments ( 15 )
  • PurpleHoneycomb

    While there is a sense of grief, I've mostly been frustrated by losing my leg. I'm no longer able to work and I've had to take time off of college. I want to be able to support myself and my girlfriend but I'm currently unable to. I feel so incredibly bad that I've put her in the position of being the sole provider. I want to help somehow but I can't.

    It's also not particularly helpful for my mental health that I haven't heard from either of my parents since my cancer diagnosis. I didn't expect to receive any sort of visit, but I would have hoped they at least cared enough to respond. Unfortunately that wasn't the case.

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  • Boojum

    Sorry to hear about you losing your job. I think your feelings are understandable, but I bet you'd be feeling a lot more negative about yourself if you hadn't even tried.

    As for your cat, maybe you're not really feeling it because you're a bit depressed at the moment. If your health issues involve some level of chronic pain, that can definitely put a damper on our ability to enjoy nice things.

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  • olderdude-xx

    I've been able to manage my frustration over "long Covid" that ended my ability to work any normal job and forced me to close 2 of my businesses, with 2 others suspended with the hopes of being able to restart them someday. It also ended many of my normal recreational activities.

    Of course, it helps a lot that we can still pay all of our bills (all CC's are paid in full every month) although my wife and I had to cut back on some things. The only long term debt I have is my mortgage and a roof loan - and I have never missed a payment.

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  • Grunewald

    If you wanted to hear our stories too, I felt a bit pathetic yesterday because I mislaid my keys and it'll take a 1.5-hour trip to get them back. I had to wait for over half an hour for my flatmate to come home and let me in...

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  • reanetiame

    I want to wear heels in public as a men and I want other men who also like that to do the same so it would me much more normal. Nobody should be forced to wear any type of clothing, people should be 100% free in it. I would be 100% free in my heels and I know there are other man who also have this thing. Because nobody ever is alone with anything.

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  • Mini69

    My bra was bothering me so I got it off my chest. Feels much more comfortable now.

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    • Rocknrolla81

      Nice lol

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  • SmokesTheScrapper

    Fact one: You're not a failure.

    We cannot always prevent health problems. They just happen. Some day you might be fine again and try for another job.

    Fact two: Good relationships do not develop in a few seconds.

    There's a reason you choose your cat and it takes time for both of you to get to know and like each other.

    For me, well....
    I regret the recklessness of my life choices. Their predictable consequences frustrate me, sometimes drive me mad. I almost lost my arm in an accident because I absolutely had to do something stupid just to be cool. I lost my beard to a large extent in a similar incident. I bet on the wrong people who eventually dropped me or who cheated me. I destroyed my physique and health for years by allowing myself to go and drowning my problems in alcohol. And while I'm on the subject of alcohol, I drank away quite a few IQ points and can hardly remember much of the knowledge I had back then.

    I'm completely clean now, still going cold turkey tho, but I wish it had never come to this. I hate myself for it. I lost a big part of me and others with it. I'm just hoping that at least the biopsy and my blood tests will be harmless. I really can't stand having to go to the hospital again and again.
    My job sucks and I don't get paid fairly, but that will change soon. I will quit as soon as I get the commitment from my potential new boss.

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  • bbrown95

    I'm sorry about your job and health issues.

    As far as your cat goes, it will most likely come with time and once you get to know each other. I also agree with Boojum that maybe everything you're going through at the moment is affecting your ability to enjoy things.

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  • Curiouskitten444

    I'm working on a film right now and keep butting heads with the director. It has been pissing me off so much >:c

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    • reanetiame

      Hey filmmaker, filmmaker here to. Do you also have clients who just keep wanting changes and you don’t have the confidence to charge more money for all those change?

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      • Curiouskitten444

        Ouf I've definitely been there. At that point you have a bit of power. You could say " I will do x amount of reworking however after x I need to start charging you" I also suggest that in the future you give a quote that states that additional changes will be charged ❤ it will save your ass later. Good luck and I hope you overcome this struggle. I'm honestly still in it myself but I've learned a few things along the way. Some clients will straight up refuse and that's awkward. Or say they had x budget and can't go over it. So I'd highly recommend just learning from this and quoting differently in the future.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    I just wanna say the N word right now so bad

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  • Ihidabody

    My family are a bunch of annoying idiots.

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  • Grunewald

    I am so sorry for your health. You are not a failure - there are many people who can fill jobs but there is only one of you. You are more than your ability to do a job. If people often define their day in terms of their work, I think many of them only do it because it's 'safe' conversational territory.

    I hope you manage to have fun with your cat soon enough. Sometimes just being/having another presence in the room helps.

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