Getting annoyed with the karma commenting...

When are they going to get rid of it? I hit my post limit (what is this, tumblr?) and I can't reply to comments, when I don't get thumbed up much (not because I don't write helpful things, it's because people are more interested in the comedic value, which is hilarious and I love it, but it's so annoying when I can't post). GET RID OF THE KARMA SHIT. Pleeeease.

Edit: I couldn't agree with you guys more, it sucks that I can't even comment back to you guys because I reached my comment limit, hence the reason behind starting this post.

Yes 7
No 1
I don't care 20
Get rid of it 13
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Comments ( 16 )
  • Shrunk

    Agreed. I had to make a new account because they wouldn't let me post stories anymore for some reason (now it works fine) and it only let me post 1 comment, wtf? How am I supposed to get karma that way? Unless they are going off my IP, but I know other users have multiple accounts as well and don't seem to have this problem.

    Secondly, I noticed a new user that I don't understand. I won't name names, because it will only add to their "popularity" with the way things work around here (e_e)... they get at least 6 upvotes within about 5-10 minutes of commenting (even though their comments are average at best) putting it at the top by far while others with equal or better comments only have the auto 1 vote. Either I'm missing what is considered popular these days, or some shady shit is going on...

    this is bad when the average person online seems to have that bandwagon mentality and will say "oh that person has good comments" simply because they have the 6 upvotes, regardless of how they were acquired... i have actually tested & proven this theory on youtube comments...

    and I know most people who read this will be like "jeez, get over it, it's not that big of a deal" but whatever. I think it's an interesting psychology observation, if nothing

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    • CountessDouche

      I really wish management had some way of making it impossible for people to thumb comments with a matching IP address (ie thumb their own comments). It really does skew the tone of following responses, and it creates soooooo much unnecessary drama in the form of accusations.

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      • charli.m

        There is. Apparently people use multiple devices, thus multiple IPs :/

        You're also limited to how many thumbs up/down you can give any one user within a 24hr period.

        Ooooh look at us, "creeping" this post....definite proof you, me and Shrunk....all the same.


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    • charli.m

      Ignore that reply to you. She's a bullying bitch.

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      • Shrunk

        Oh good, I was hoping I wasn't the only one who thought so. I mean, it wasn't that offensive, it just totally missed the point of my comment. and she isn't who i was originally talking about, but now that i think of it, it might be the same person on one of their alts.

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  • The Karma system is ridiculous in my opinion. Like you said, humor comments will get upvoted a lot moreso over ones of people trying to help, and what's worse in my opinion, it's basically saying "Comment things people will like so you can comment more"...So basically it's peer preasure, say what everyone wants you to say and you'll be able to do what they can do. All this leads to is people realizing that they have to suck up to what the majority want to hear for a very, very long time until they can comment what "they" want to comment on and not be limited in how much they can contribute.

    It's ridiculous.

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    • kupokupo

      If you hover over the thumb-up button it says "Great comment! Helpful, interesting, kind or funny." Funny comments are encouraged here, and I don't see any reason why they shouldn't be thumbed up equally or even moreso than helpful comments. Being someone who tends to post (what I think are) funny comments however, I'm of course in favour of thumbing up humorous comments simply because I like to know I've made someone chuckle. An exceedingly helpful comment generally gets more thumbs in comparison anyhow.

      Aside from that, you can see the obvious intentions of the karma system. It's to filter out trolls on the site and obviously if they're limited to one or two comments per day, they're gonna get bored a whole lot quicker. I do agree there are several flaws with it, but perhaps it's a step in the right direction... A baby step.

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  • gashlover

    Yep, I agree that this new system sucks ass! just bcuz thumb down trolls gang up on you and/or you say something accurate that only really gets honed in by people that are against you, you get banned. it's a load of shit in my opinion.

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  • GiveMeAFuckingNameAlready!

    There is a post limit?.

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    • Yeah. The stupid management made it so I couldn't reply up until 2 hours ago because I "reached a post limit." -_- so stupid.

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      • Riddler

        I have to agree with this. I also seen entire groups of people on the same post getting down-voted for no reason multiple times.

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        • Drawingmud

          I've seen em come and seen em go. But some only have this's sad

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      • GiveMeAFuckingNameAlready!

        Dude, I've been commenting all day and I haven't reached any comment cap. How many do you need to reach it?!.

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        • Riddler

          The posting limit is different for everyone. It depends on how many up votes you get, how long you been here, and how often you get reported for something.

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  • Teh4HorsMen

    Damn comment karma.

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  • Fall_leaves

    I wasn't aware there was a comment cap..well that sucks... I've read a lot of good advice that doesn't get upvoted because it's on older posts or it just doesn't get the same attention as a comment that's been upvoted a lot. It's not always the comment that receives the most attention that is the best advice either.

    Since this is a site that's open to opinions shouldn't all the opinions have a voice even if they are trolls, I like the comedians on this site as well as the more sincere and serious posters. Its just a shame that they've had to implement this system, I can see how there has to be something set up to keep out the people that abuse this site but in your case you don't sound like one of those people.

    That may not be the reason they set up that system though, could it be because there's so many new accounts being made everyday and millions of comments saved on older profiles and new ones? I don't really know how all of that works but is it possible they could just be concerned about being over capacity with all of that data? Idk though lol I'm talking out my ass, the website has a brain of it's own with so much stored information it's amazing.

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