Getting in trouble at work

What do you do if one day your boss is telling you good job! The next hey you need to improve and vice versa while you do the exact same thing everyday. There's only one department during 1 shift I get in trouble in. I work all 3 rotations all departments depending on the day and its only this 1 that has a problem. The others even let me come in and do overtime with them. Boss threatening a discipline if he doesn't see improvement. I literally can't go faster. There's no product to move. I have to help them build the product just so I can do my job of moving it. Frankly I'm at a loss and I don't know what to do. I've been with the company for years with no problems till now

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Comments ( 27 )
  • Wow3986

    This is offensive to people that are in wheelchairs.

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    • GaelicPotato


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      • Wow3986


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        • GaelicPotato


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          • Wow3986

            #Seek help.

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            • GaelicPotato

              U JUST GOT GNOMED!!! 🇮🇪🤣🤣🦠🐵🤡🍮🦊☺️☺️🤭🍉🍉🍐🍺🍷🍦🍮👜🧦🥻☎️☎️📠🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃

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  • hidden.hands

    Ask for a promotion or quit because your manager seems insecure

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  • maeverunner

    It sounds like you do a good job based upon the fact that you've been there for years w no problem and the other managers like your work to the point that you're offered OT. I would document each time he praises your work and which skill he praised. I would also document (each time) he tells you that you need improvement. If you've been there for "years", perhaps you've mastered your skill and would perhaps enjoy upgrading your job. I'm basically saying that maybe you should work on your resume and start putting it out there. I'm not sure what your skillset is regarding resume writing, but there are people who can help you w that. Try getting onto LinkedIn and start networking and doing some job searching. Do not EVER underestimate yourself. Sometimes when we stay in a job for too long, people take advantage of us and just assume that we're so loyal and will stay forever. They rely on people like that to keep the company moving. This guy sounds like an a$$ and he sounds miserable. It also sounds like you're ready for upward mobility in your career. Keep your head up and good luck to you. You got this!

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