Girl phobia

since i was a child, i didn't actually had a close relation with girls. .i used 2 b really afraid to talk to them, even 2 say 'hi' to them. .this bad behaviour grew with me and now it's ruining my entire life to the extent that i can't even look them in the eye. I have never talked 2 a girl, never kissed, but my looks were never a reason because i am a good looking guy. .n am 20 yrs old. Help?

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Comments ( 7 )
  • regisphilbin

    womans is scary

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  • Murun

    Practise with girls you don't find sexually attractive which should be easier.. Once you're comfy with conversation you can try talking to girls that you do fancy, because they're exactly the same apart from your reaction to them.

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  • BetaSpectre

    Sit next to a girl. Talk to her about the day. And hang out. Go grab some lunch or coffee. Take her out to see cool things.

    If a girl is single even if you aren't a movie star most will be fine with it.

    Treat a girl as you'd treat a guy. They are different but its minute. And if you can't talk to a girl anyway then just face the fact that you can't and probs won't.

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  • hardguy22

    thank you all. N 4 the record, am really good at chatting with a girl online, i jus couldn't do it in person. N i AM NOT gay.

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  • ArayaLioness

    I think you're just really really shy. That's okay. There are ways to overcome that.

    You could start by talking to a woman online.

    You could start by having an extrovert male friend that's not interested in one his female friends introduce you and guide the conversation with the similarities you two share.

    Whenever you're about to check-out in line and there's a female there, challenge yourself to stare into her eyes and smile.

    You could practice with yourself in the mirror by imagining that you're a female.

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  • thegypsysailor

    Girls are just boys with their plumbing on the inside.
    I mean, if you want to be alone all your life then you are on the right track, but if not, grow a pair and talk to the very next girl you see.
    What is the worst thing you think will happen? Do you think she will run away screaming, "Rape, rape! He tried to rape me" pointing at you? Or maybe you think she'll pull a gun out of her purse and shoot you dead. "He had the nerve to talk to me" she'll tell the police and nobody will care that you are lying there dead. Of course, she might actually talk to you and you might make a friend. Is that any more unreasonable than the above scenarios?
    You are nearly an adult. Don't you think you should stop acting like a that scared little child you used to be and act your age?

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  • flyingnostalgia

    so are you saying you are gay?

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