Girls: do you play videogames?
I am a girl and i love playing videogames. Anyone else?
Yes, i love playing videogames! | 85 | |
Yes, i like playing videogames and i'm addicted to it | 31 | |
No | 11 | |
No, i hate it also if my boyfriend plays videogames | 11 |
Ask Your Question today
I am a girl and i love playing videogames. Anyone else?
Yes, i love playing videogames! | 85 | |
Yes, i like playing videogames and i'm addicted to it | 31 | |
No | 11 | |
No, i hate it also if my boyfriend plays videogames | 11 |
I'm hooked. I've owned a computer since I was 11. I love all sorts of games too, from flash games to the damned Elder Scrolls. To name some favorites, Zelda, Assassin's Creed, Fable, Fallout 3, Minecraft, American McGee's Alice, lol Pokemon :)
I'm pretty much convinced that I'll meet my husband on a MMORPG... or probably even Minecraft.
Sucks that I quit all the MMOs I used to play. Nice taste in games though!
I'm not a girl but I played along with many of them and it was lots of fun. I like it when they play video games, atleast I'm sure I won't be yelled at for spending some time playing games. :)
i like videogames and i can play them for an hour or two then i get bored lol but i think there fun
people, you should try perfect world, it's freaking awesome! also, AMERICAN MCGEES ALICE FTW!!!!!!!!!!!! (1 and 2)
Yes, doesn't everyone do this now? Like, I've played them since I was an itty bitty little kid.
at school i cant understand why most girls dont like games normal people are weird
come on cant girls like vid games
i like
1) Halo
2) Black ops
3) lets just say alot of war/ Medieval anything with killing people " im such a gr8 person lol NOT" lolololol
I've been gaming since I was 5 playing Super Mario with my older brother. Games have always been a part of my life for some reason lol.
I've played every genre and most likely have favorites in all of them. I have not played all consoles but I have played SNES, N64, Wii, Computer, Turbo Graffix 16, PS2 and now my PS3.
As fate would have it, I met my boyfriend of 3 years playing Warhawk on PS3. Yeah, I'd say I love games.
i love vidoe games and i have the hots for someone in a game.....i have water warfare, ace attorney and cod(maybe) as favorites
Why do guys assume girls don't play video games? Pretty much everyone does/has at some point. It would be not normal if they hadn't.
Plus, there are so many different types of games nowadays, of course the audience can be diverse.
I love playing video games but I don't own any consoles so I don't play it a lot :(
I always go to my friend's house to play.
I kiiiiiiiiind of suck balls at most of the shooting-type games, lol. But any other game I LOVE. I really like Portal, Assassin's Creed (the guy is HOT), N+, Trials HD, TONS of the indie arcade 360 games, all of the Sonic games EXCEPT Unleashed because it was super horrible.
I used to many years ago but kept getting pissed & breaking the joy sticks. So I quit