Give them stupid names

Instead of cool media coverage like the unibomber got with pictures of him being escorted onto helicopters with federal agents in a bulletproof vest like the fuckin president and all newpapers calling him a genius. Thats not a bad accomplishment to a young impressionable kid thats looking for meaning. I believe instead we should dress them in clown outfits and escort them by abunch of disabled midgets with mobility scooters. And dont give them cool names like unibombed. Rename him the awkward incel bomber.

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Comments ( 5 )
  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    how about the news dicks hafta wear clown suits

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  • PurpleHoneycomb

    Journalists give them cool names until one sticks. In fact, many of the famous serial killers have multiple names until one sticks with the public.

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    The cooler the name, the more people are interested, and the more it sells. Night stalker(RR), for example. Not as many people would have kept up with the reports, or know who he is today if they called him "Bad breathed coke head dude with bad teeth". Even "Jabba the Jihadi" in a title of a news report will have more people tune in/listen/read than if they call him "Fat boy terrorist". All about the views, more viewer's, more money. The media/entertainment people make even more money now by doing the documentaries, and making movies about those cases. Also, if we go by what you posted, what would you call Hiden Biden, and kumala Harris?

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    • I feel that politics "should" be a public service thing to give you both sides. But the word should always invites the question of it should according to who. But in a perfect world the media would have both sides of the political spectrum respectfully debate eachother on the issues without censorship. Because in a democratic republic the people get to decide whats best for them not the rulers. But we dont live in a perfect world and in our world the media is a business. And the purpose of businesses is usually to make money. But if the media did care about society it would be helpful to not abuse its powers to drain every bit of dollar they can to get more views for more money from advertisers.

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      • ZREBELX

        As I said, the cooler the name, the more views said subject's get. The more views they get, equates to more money. I agree with what you said about politics, however I don't agree that we are a Democratic Republic. I feel a Constitutional Republic better fits, but I can see why you chose that term, as no one term exists to define the US Govt. My point about Kumala, and Hiden, is that if we call one group of criminals/a criminal by stupid name's, we should call them all by stupid name's. Don't think I'm one of those people who are butthurt about Trump no longer being in office, he is a criminal, too. My personal favourite nickname for Trump is T-Rump.

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