Global cooling alarmists are worse than global watming alarmist

You guys may not be aware but there is a group of people claiming we are heading into a new ice age. I for one only see evidence earth is warming, but I do believe it’s been exaggerated and based off dated computer models.

But the global cooling alarmists are no different than the global warming alarmists. They point out a small area of the world, see a cold wave, and say it’s a sign that the world is preparing for a new ice age. They did that two weeks with North American cold wave. Now most of the United States is much warmer than average.

But guess what? Europe two weeks ago and now is experiencing some of its warmest winter temperatures on record. Earth always balances cold and warm weather, but gradually earth has been warming. There have been small pockets where this is not the case, but overall warm records have been beating cold.

Global Cooling fanatics just want to be contrarians.

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Comments ( 14 )
  • LloydAsher

    Climate change is real, oh yeah. Humans causing a dent in it is of little actual concern though.

    I give a shit about pollution, not carbon emissions. One leads directly in contaminating water sources, the other makes trees grow faster.

    We are humans we'll just adapt around that shit. Sure we are the cause of a mass extinction event but animals are slowly evolving around our intervention. If nature wasnt just as strong as humanity we would have burned the world down long ago.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Why do you think they rebranded it by calling it climate change? They called it global cooling then global warming and now the phrase is climate change. This way whether it cools or heats up they're still right. Any kind of weather event can be blamed on that.

    "Oh look 10 tornados in a year thats a record! Its climate change!"

    Next year: "Oh look 0 tornados this year thats a record. Its climate change!"

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    • LloydAsher

      I mean theres a difference between believing in climate change as a global phenomena and believing that humans are putting a substantial enough of effort in pollution to literally change the entire biosphere of the planet drastically.

      I'm in the middle pretty much. I believe climate change is real, as an actual occurance of nature, believe in the detrimental effects of pollution. But also throw away ideas of cutting down on emissions through ineffective solutions like switching to wind and solar and killing every cow.

      As for carbon emissions, that's a more of a mixed bag. If we are talking about CO2 increasing the earth's ambient tempeture and causing weather fluctuations. It's a maybe on humans being the primary source of that. If we are just strictly referring to the pollutants that are emitted by heavy industry I can see a point in installing filters but not shutting down the factory.

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        i dont believe any of this shit i dont even think theres any decent evidence we have or havent been here 500 million years or they can actually measure co2 that for back. But they say 500 million years ago co2 was 20 times higher than it is today. This is from Nasa. That was supposedly done without humans. Its all bullshit they have no idea what went on 500 million years ago but its funny you can debunk man made climate change by citing their own bullshit evidence. Supposedly they found evidence of palm trees in alaska that were there before humans and then as little as 5000 years ago the sahara desert was a green forest.

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        • LloydAsher

          500 million years ago is older than fungi that could break them down. Leading to piles of non decomposing dead trees and an abundant oxygen rich environment. Creating mass forest fires that make the burning Amazon look like a camp fire in comparison, and this happened very frequently.

          As for the palm trees in alaska that specific timeframe, you do know the continents shift around? Tectonic plates and all that? 30-50 million years ago parts of alaska was tropical. The Sahara desert used to have many rivers running through it. As rivers can pop up and dry up.

          The earth simply changes over time. I'm not an alarmist over global climate change as I see it as a natural occurance. Once again I dont see carbon dioxide as a bad element to be released into the atmosphere.

          You can be ignorant all you want about prehistory. Its vague and often off by a few million uears and the vast, vast majority of subjects do not become fossils. Ironically enough the reason why coal is found in roughly the same layer of the crust is because of said trees that didnt break down. Focilized wood exists because of imprints by minerals, wood breaks down into basic carbon.

          Just because you didnt literally experience the outcome does not mean that it never happened. If a tree falls an no one is around to hear it does it make a sound? Of course it does but just because you didnt hear it doesnt mean it didnt exist. We find evidence of the "echo" of something that once was.

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  • Clunk42

    Global cooling fanatics were around -before- the global warming folks. Global warming is the -new- global cooling.

    I don't remember the exact time period, but it was some time in the late twentieth century in which all the scientists were all like, "We're going into the next Ice Age! A whole bunch of people are going to die!"

    It's no different from the global warming crowd, of course, and they were equally as wrong.

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    • 1WeirdGuy

      Yeah my dad used to tell me when id come home from school scared of global warming that it used to be all about global cooling.

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    • bbrown95

      My parents told me about this, they said that was what everyone was saying was going to happen back in the '70s.

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    • Thanks. I love your wisdom.

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  • raisinbran

    My room is a little cold so the planet is headed for an ice age.

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  • normal-rebellious

    Whaddaya talkin' about? I can go to rural Norway and it'll freeze my balls, there's a global cooling epidemic, like it or not, the sun's getting colder, it's already starting to snow in Adelaide CBD in the winter (in the northern hemisphere, December, in the southern hemisphere, the 4th of July).

    It's however not so cold in Adelaide as it is in Melbourne, Melbourne, closer to New Zealand, is the colder parts of Australasia.

    It turns out the easternmost hemispheres are colder.

    Since it's unusually cold this summer after New Year's, we're nearing the Ice Age.

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    • Well played, Terry, well played.

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      • normal-rebellious

        Thank you very much.

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  • Anonnet

    My area has seen one snowfall all winter. That's not normal.

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