Global cooling alarmists are worse than global watming alarmist
You guys may not be aware but there is a group of people claiming we are heading into a new ice age. I for one only see evidence earth is warming, but I do believe it’s been exaggerated and based off dated computer models.
But the global cooling alarmists are no different than the global warming alarmists. They point out a small area of the world, see a cold wave, and say it’s a sign that the world is preparing for a new ice age. They did that two weeks with North American cold wave. Now most of the United States is much warmer than average.
But guess what? Europe two weeks ago and now is experiencing some of its warmest winter temperatures on record. Earth always balances cold and warm weather, but gradually earth has been warming. There have been small pockets where this is not the case, but overall warm records have been beating cold.
Global Cooling fanatics just want to be contrarians.