God or big bang? fake?

I don't understand , people believe that God created everything and the universe , but who created god ? God didn't just spawn out of nothingness, and for him to be born there would have already had to have been a universe for him to be born in to? And heaven and hell, as we learned in physics , humans are made up of energy , energy doesn't die , it just transforms into something new, if you were to be in heaven or hell for all of eternity what purpose would that serve? Where is the transformation in that? That would be every one staying the same, never changing. It doesn't add up. And if you believe the big bang put you here , there would have already had to have been a universe and atoms to explode to create this , the universe is still expanding and the 'big bang' is still happening. The Bible was written by humans, nothing makes sense.

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Comments ( 14 )
  • NeofelisNebulosa

    Most of that didn't even make sense. No theist thinks that God was born; they just think he has existed forever. And the Big Bang theory stipulates that matter and time were created at that moment, there wasn't anything before. But mixing these two concepts is impossible to make sense of anyway.

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    • shuggy-chan

      God had a "big bang" when he was fucking around with time and her sister space and BOOM!!!

      He came the universe all over their hair and face.

      Since then they been trying to clean up all that godly cum out, thats why things fail and collapse over time and black holes exsist in space

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  • flyingnostalgia

    i dont remember where i read it , but was something like the concept of God is the he is uncreated and incomprehensible by human mind... there is no way we can even star asking any type of questions.

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  • Steve2.0

    The Big Bang was how the universe was created.

    No matter how many intellectually inferior proles try to tell you otherwise, science is the guiding light of human intel.

    Fact before fiction.

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  • Nokiot9

    The prevailing theory now is that the Big Bang is a continuous event. It was many bangs spread over a wide swath of the universe. And supposedly after the universe spreads apart far enough, it will either reverse and come back in, or just keep going and going till there is nothingness until another set of big bangs goes off

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    • Nokiot9

      The universe is a cyclic kind of being. It wont ever go cold and die.

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  • green_boogers

    If the universe has enough mass, its expansion will slow and it will eventually contract into a Big Crunch, only to explode (bounce) outwardly again. An oscillating universe like this could have gone back to negative infinity. It was always here - there was no beginning of time.

    Astronomers are still trying to determine if there is enough dark matter in the Universe for a Big Crunch. At the moment, it looks like there is not, but nobody knows for sure.

    Perhaps God always existed and there never was a beginning.

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  • Arm0se

    This post made me sad ( つ̥︣﹏╰̥̥)

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  • Short4Words

    Saying God had to be born is ridiculous. You're applying physics to the supernatural. If someone birthed God then what birthed that and so and so forth.

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  • ArmusWasTheFirstTroll

    Atleast the believers of the big bang are attempting to understand how it all began. If evidence disproves the big bang, they will not feel attached to that particular theory. They will leave it behind, without hesitation, and follow the evidence. They are willing to learn.

    The same can not be said for those that have theistic faith.

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    • Short4Words

      Just like you've left behind your generalizations. Lot's of people of faith also believe in the big bang, or something similar.

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      • ArmusWasTheFirstTroll

        The point of my comment was that people that have faith are, by definition, unmoved by evidence. Sure, they can believe in the big bang, but they still have to say "someone" did it despite any evidence to support that theory.

        Anyway, forgive me, you are correct. Next time I will add the phrase "tend to" with regard to believers in scientific theories.

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  • dytrog

    I can understand how you feel. The chicken or the egg. How did everything come from nothing. Nothing requires something to make it something. God where did he come from to make all we can see "which I think is a small part of what is"<BR>Can he have been alone in nothing for an eternity with no toys to play with. Did he make things so big he had to creat other Gods that have to report to him on how thier universe is doing? At thier annual God convention?

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  • Unimportant

    God was created by people before they knew about things like the big bang.

    Take him out of the equation and everything begins to make sense.

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