God told me that my husband was going to die, is that normal?

About five years ago, a lot of things were happening in my life that made me feel like my husband was going to die. After a few months of this happening, I woke up one morning and in my mind I heard the words ... "write it down, write it down, write it down", over and over. As soon as I heard those words I knew it meant to write down my recent experiences that related to my husband dying. Some time passed and I never took the time to write anything down.

Another morning a month or so later, I was praying and said to God "Help me to live your will for my life, and if I am holding up your will in any way please let me know" I got an immediate response that literally stopped me in my tracks... "I already asked you once to write it down", God said to me! The next thought that went trough my mind was "There was no denying that!" it was the most clear message I have ever received.

So, I spent a little time each day for the next week writing it all down. Even though it felt a little crazy; I started out with the words "To be read at Travis's funeral" followed by about five pages of things that have recently happened in our lives that made me feel like he was going to die. I saved the document on a flash drive. Shortly after this I had a feeling that I should print it and put it in an envelope. That seemed a little silly to me, so I did not do it. A month or so later the same thought came to me again, print the document and put it an envelope. So, I decided that even though this seemed weird, it was not going to hurt me to print it and put it in an envelope, so I did and ran it through a postage machine so there was a date on it. I hid the envelope. Not long after this, I lost the flash drive that the document was saved on! Now it made sense as to why God asked me to print the document and put it in an envelope.

It now has been over five years since this happened, and my husband is only 35. I still often feel like my husband is going to die and God is preparing me for it. This is extremely exhausting! I think about it daily and cry at times. I don't understand why God would tell me my husband is going to die. And why have a felt like this for over five years and it has still not happened.

Has anyone else ever experienced something like this? Is this normal?

Voting Results
32% Normal
Based on 50 votes (16 yes)
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Comments ( 20 )
  • MauriceLikesChicks1015

    This is normal because as a Christian or a nonbeliever, God might be trying to send a message to you so that you may know about something that might happen in your future. Eventually everyone is going to die in this world at a certain time but always know that God loves us and that we pray for the world to come.

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  • JustTrynaHelp

    You might be paranoid. If your husband will die, it will be completely coincidental with your religious belief. God would not let your husband die, because he is supposed to be all loving.

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    • Eagerlyawaiting

      We are not immortal and death is a normal human occurrence...

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  • MyDadCalledMeAFreak

    I'm sorry to say but there are 2 possibilities with you predicament:
    1.) Paranoia
    2.) It's all true and to me, what your god is doing to you is a BS move because divine intervention that causes prolonged anxiety can ruin your life. Think about it, doesn't it drive you crazy that you wake up everyday fearing for your husbands life? We all know the inevitability of death and it's better to lowkey it because, how will you live life with that kind of thinking? Also if you get too hooked up and that anxiety gets to you then you'll do things that are unacceptable out of the need to end the torment. What if you end up killing your own husband to just get it over with? I am sorry that you are having such troublesome problems but I do believe that you'll get through it. I wish you well.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Everyone will die eventually.

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    • The_Creep_is_here

      God told me the OP will poop in her pants if she goes to the grocery store.

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      • RoseIsabella

        Now that's a prophesy!

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  • mysistersshadow

    Maybe get a nicer imaginary friend?

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  • Wolverine99

    all 3 of you are making me look like a liar and a monster to him. tell him the truth about using this site please. any geek squad guys out there, please explain how internet history works if 4 other people on lap tops and iphones are sharing the same wifi and a person asks to be sent everything this kid is looking up" how after i reset the ip years ago the history of my sisters and mom is combined? this is not a joke, and life or death serious.

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    • Birdprince

      wtf are you going on about

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  • Eagerlyawaiting

    Hi, I wish I could talk to you... I too feel like God is preparing me for something similar. I was just thinking... What if God was setting me up for a decent future if something happened to him. If this is the case, then everything thing that's been happening over the pat 8months or so makes perfect since... thanks for opening up here.

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  • HalfInsaneFemale

    im sorry i used to be christian and believe things like that but your mind is convincing yourself of it, it is temperamental lingo. god is not telling you that, hope that will lift some weight off your shoulders.

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  • Korengi

    Hello. I strongly suggest consulting a nurse about this issue if it has been affecting your wellbeing for five years. I have a feeling that the issue is more complicated than it appears at face value, and that a nurse may be able to ask the right questions in order to refer you to the right method of help (i.e. counselling, cognitive behavioural therapy, prescription drugs). Do not be afraid of the stigma surrounding seeking professional help. It is the best method for solving a health issue; mental or physical. While viewing this from a religious perspective, are you certain that it is God who is taunting you and causing long-term suffering like this? These perceived warnings seem to be serving little more than prolonged stress and anxiety which is very unhealthy for the mind and body. Again, I strongly urge you to seek help if this is seriously affecting your quality of life. Best wishes.

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  • Rusty-Rider

    You shouldn't listen to those voices in your head.
    There are thousands of gods to choose from.
    Maybe pick a happy one.
    The Indian one with all the arms is cool.

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  • ........

    Yes, i have had similar things, where something
    keeps telling me something..I do believe God has
    ways of speaking to us and he can be preparing us
    for what is to come in life..My Paternal Grandma
    broke her hip on a Sunday at Church, she had surgery
    on Monday, the operation was successful but she kept
    declining with her health..Everyday she kept asking
    her sons if it was Saturday yet and finally Saturday
    came along she passed away 11:00 p.m.

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  • Wolverine99

    maybe i pissed everyone off so much they are willing to lie to my dad?

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  • Wolverine99

    dad thinks that every question on this website is written by me literally because he asked a geek squad guy to make it so everything i type is sent to him. he thinks that i'm saying he's going to die.

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  • Wolverine99

    he thinks this is about him, i'm dead serious anna, please tell him you lied.

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  • Wolverine99

    i did not write this page. i wrote these comments. whoever wrote this question is putting me in danger.

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    • NormaLeeSane

      Your comments aren't making any sense. Why do you think someone is using a computer connected to your wifi to impersonate you...apparently for the purpose of making your father so irrationally angry that he kills you? It sounds like you need some serious help!

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