Godis truly magnificent
To wonder if god exist is very normal in the human expierence, in fact the whole purpose of life is so that one can expierence this life without having direct connection with god. As we grow and expierence this life we have a sense of god. All one needs to do is to just stop, be quiet and pay attention to all that is, If you do,it will become quite apparent that god is real and very present. ask,seek,and it shall be given. to look for absolute proof at our level or discern will not be given. It will only be given on gods terms not ours.This is why he is god and we are not. To those who suppose that we just became from random selection and the try to justify this existense are truly lost and their journey to god is only that much more difficult, I truly feel sorry for these folks, because in their lost state they are angry,confused and in time truly lost.Too spend a life time on this earth and not dicover god and christ, your lives will become a waste of time and effort. The life to come will be as stated in the bible because if it is not then god is a liar. and somehow I just can not grasp that to be case. Good luck brother and god bless