Godis truly magnificent

To wonder if god exist is very normal in the human expierence, in fact the whole purpose of life is so that one can expierence this life without having direct connection with god. As we grow and expierence this life we have a sense of god. All one needs to do is to just stop, be quiet and pay attention to all that is, If you do,it will become quite apparent that god is real and very present. ask,seek,and it shall be given. to look for absolute proof at our level or discern will not be given. It will only be given on gods terms not ours.This is why he is god and we are not. To those who suppose that we just became from random selection and the try to justify this existense are truly lost and their journey to god is only that much more difficult, I truly feel sorry for these folks, because in their lost state they are angry,confused and in time truly lost.Too spend a life time on this earth and not dicover god and christ, your lives will become a waste of time and effort. The life to come will be as stated in the bible because if it is not then god is a liar. and somehow I just can not grasp that to be case. Good luck brother and god bless

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Comments ( 15 )
  • Avant-Garde

    If you want to spread your convoluted cultism propaganda online, please go on another site.

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  • dedlit

    I do pity people who have so little confidence in themselve that they have to go at people who find theirs in religion, others find it in computergames, or in hating something.

    I do not believe in God either but I respect people who do, as long as they don't try to "convert" me, but I don't have the impression you want to do that!

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  • oxenstierna

    Obvious troll is obvious.

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  • Everyone here needs to calm down a bit. It's not that serious; if you do not agree with what the writer is saying, then don't write anything. The writer is just expressing their belief and there is nothing wrong with that. I am sure you would not want anyone to criticize what you believe. I believe in God and I am not a Christian. I don’t like religion because I believe that it has too many rules, but like I said no one here needs to criticize so harshly. If you don’t agree don’t write anything.

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    • Juche1

      His views are reactionary and hold humanity backwards.

      Also it really annoys me that this religious nut case can spew his reactionary views over this website.

      But when I try to express my loyalty to the Dear Leader on this website by posting my story this website always rejects it

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  • Juche1

    As Great Helmsman Chairman Mao Zedong said "Religion is poison".

    Religion keeps sexist,homophobic,reactionary and racist views that make it an enemy to progress and change.

    People like you hold us backwards once the revolution has taken place. Reich wing, religious fundamentalist, fascist pigs like you will be sent to reform camps were such ignorant view can be purged from you mind.


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  • Schythl

    God bless? Makes me laugh! :D

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  • xino00

    trust me...I feel sorry for people who don't believe in him.

    If you have the holy spirit in you, everything will become clear!

    The bible is the answer!

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    • mtnw

      christ is a title, not a name. it's "the christ".

      religion and god are not one in the same. religion is man made.

      there are other religions out there. you are obviously christian because of your reference to the christ and god as one.

      to say that your "invisible guy" is real and other "invisible guys" are not doesn't make any sence to me.

      the bible is used as a weapon just as other religious books are. the worse, in my opinion, are those "bible study housewives" who aren't smart enough to read and remember the whole thing, with all it's contradictions, who point it like a gun at neighbors and other citizens.

      study your bible, then get back to us.

      ps, don't eat any shellfish in the meantime, as that's one of the original commandments.

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  • chunkybongo

    You are truly inspired and i agree with you totally. God is with us at this moment, thanks for reminding me of that and may you stay inspired...

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  • God's not real.

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  • Rhythz

    If you truly believe in God thats your thing and I totally respect that. However, you shouldn't look down on people that have other views I was born and raised Roman Catholic but the day that I went to mass and was looked down on for having tattoos and being mentioned in the homily I got very upset. I was taught that God loves everyone and that is far from true. Religion is a form of hope people cling on to and a way for masses of people to be brought together and technically controlled. I believe that there are angels and spirits who watch over everyone but thats about it. I do not think there is something that needs to be worshiped and followed. I think that there are angels and spirits in this world that guide us and send us messages. (Such as the ones who we love that have passed on). If God was so loving and accepting then he wouldn't have to be shoved down peoples throats everyday.

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  • 123Blahblahblah

    haha im sorry but i just cant help but laugh at people like this. i could write for pages and pages about the existence of God and why i dont but i really cant be bothered because people like you are so closed minded

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  • mtnw

    i have a "no soliciting" sign on my front door for people such as yourself.

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  • Lmfaoatu

    Stop drinking and put down the crack pipe. god is like santa only some of you don't stop believing in the big fairy tale lie. by the Way the no soliciting sign gag absolutely hilarious.

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