Good ol' caring of a decent project

It's what you wanna hear, I'm a caring, nerve-busting man who pushes his way through past the ones stopping me to help you out like I just care.
The assignment is to welcome myself to you to do your godforsaken dishes, your charity, help out, and it's about you. So many people similarly help out a derelict in a blanket, correct me if I'm getting the moral dilemma wrong but I think people deserve coffee thrown in their faces from the very fact that they're being difficult, such an activity's illegal but I would do that because I'm red in the stage of spiral dynamics, even though from then on I never threw coffee at anyone since. The intention all the while was to be loyal to my morality, it meant a lot to me but it didn't mean I couldn't wring necks and wave a knife like an Italian. It's called people are misunderstanding a stage red person, pure good was in favour not with the intention to be an idiot, to be a stupid ass, no way, the intention was a rebellion to show the public I'm a quirky human being and that you've got to learn to accept that.

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Comments ( 2 )
  • ospry

    I'm not trying to crap on you writing skills, but I'm genuinely confused here. You start out by saying you're a caring person, that you want to help others out, but when you see someone helping a derelict in a blanket you want to throw coffee in their face? And what is stage red? I haven't heard of that term before

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    • normal-rebellious

      Stage red (part of the spiral dynamics model) is that value system of war and destruction, getting angry, pornography/obscenity (obscene in an illegal or graffiti way), and classiness, and egocentricity even though at stage red you mightn't fit this absolutely. I was stage red when staff were scared because I was believing in monstrous gods, maybe even Luciferianism, belief in the devil, and they thought I was evil, even very recently and I moved past that stage, I thought enough is enough, into stage blue, the stage of holy religion, God, loving my nation, morality, and kingship, where I'm at now, which is more conformist than coffee that wasn't even hot thrown at a woman. Recently I was being unselfish in that way, the coffee dilemma was earlier from pure selfishness, but I'm not on such a journey, known as the hero's journey, to be caring of all but myself, I stopped caring, I'm partially at stage coral, the stage of not interacting with other people, hating the world, and pessimism, and yes I'm warlike. It's not that I want to throw coffee in the face of someone helping a derelict in a blanket, I want to throw coffee in the face of a naughty old woman nitpicking my behaviour like it's evil and bad then yes I'll do it again.

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