Grave decisions iin?

I have always had a hard time making decisions in my life, from the most important ones, like which major to choose in university, to the littlest ones, like which flavor ice cream to order - I always wanted both chocolate and vanilla!

So, ever since I found "grave decisions", this app for my device, I never again took responsibility for my own choices. The zombie does. If it turns out to have been a bad one, I just go back to him and tell him off.

On top of that I don't feel lonely at all, because my decision maker is very much like a constant friend to me. Is it normal?

Voting Results
27% Normal
Based on 41 votes (11 yes)
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Comments ( 16 )
  • nAt2017

    I wouldn't trust him... his brains have been partially consumed...

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  • Awesome... I just do the old school coin flip.

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    • disthing

      All we 'ad back in my day none of these app device thingy-majigs! We'd go down local shop, we'd go in an I'd look at the sweets in the sweety jars an shop keeper Mrs. Hodges would always be like

      "oh you rascal back for more sweets are we? You aint gonna have no teeth by the time you're your pa's age!"

      And I'd stick out my tongue but she wouldn't take no offence at it, I think she liked the naughty kids best, 'ad a kind of, what's that fancy word? Penchant! 'Ad a penchant for 'em!

      So anyway, there I was, lookin' at the sweets, and there was a lemon drop, you know, crunchy with a bit of tang, and there was a fizzy lace, strawberry flavoured, all them tiny sugary bits stuck to it! Oh I couldn't decide! But I couldn't stand there all afternoon with my mouth open umming and aahing could I?

      So I got out the pennies I 'ad in my pockets, gave 'em a count up. I picked a ha'penny out and I thought, heads the lemon drop, tails the strawberry lace. I said,

      "'eads or tails Mrs. Hodge-Podge?"

      "Hodge-Podge?! You little devil!" She said squintin' 'er eyes but smilin' really, "Well once I'm done clippin' you round the 'ead I'll give you a shoe up the tail! So heads first I spose!"

      I flicked the coin up and caught it on the back of my 'and, lifted my other hand off it like it was a big reveal.

      "Tails! I'll 'ave one fizzy lace please Mrs. Hodge!"

      The old coin toss, none of this fancy app nonsense! And that was the best fizzy strawberry lace I ever 'ad!

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      • Hahahah! perfect :P

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  • myboyfriendsbitch

    You are weakening yourself for the zombie apocalypse. You will either be one of the first to be eaten or will become a zombie yourself.

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  • You know, I always make decisions based on how something feels. I'm very indecisive and this is my way of solving that problem.

    What's my favorite color? Well right now I'm really feeling the purple and yellow. My favorite restaurant you ask? Olive Garden because it feels like I'd like it. I said this before I even went to an Olive Garden. (There are better restaurants, I know, but for a regular place I love it.)

    What school should I go to? I will research the school but beforehand I will have already chosen which school I would prefer just by the name or the mascot or something insignificant. This method hasn't failed me yet. I would use this app. :D

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  • "is this normal?"

    My magic 8 ball says "Maybe".

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  • kit291

    get out the house more lol well i would like to talk to a zombie it looks fun

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  • dirtybirdy

    I've decided on cremation :D

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  • Avant-Garde

    No. Why would you put your life in the hands of a dead guy who has a strong craving for brains? This sounds like a recipe for disaster...

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    I went to the shop of a guy that calls himself "Crazy Fred", he's essentially our town's comic book guy.

    I was in his shop the other day when I faced a dilemma, small in nature. Go to the mall or visit Mother in law. The coil flip said go to the mall and I ended up finding a Japanese mall which was 10x better than visiting my crazy ass Mother in law.

    Then I asked him if I should change my major, The coin flip said that I should, and I have recently changed my major to Business Management. Turns out, my GPA is good enough for me to transfer to University with no trouble once I am done taking pre-requisites.

    Then, this morning, the coin flip predicted that my car would be out of the shop after my appointment. Freaky.

    What I am trying to say is that even when a certain method of decision making appears to work well, always be wary of it. Chances are, there will be a limited number of answers to your problem and you have your heart set on the solution anyway, either the decision making method will reinforce your decision or prompt you to reconsider it thus making the real decision more clear.

    By using that as a sole device to make decisions, you're essentially playing into the hands of chance. Keep using it if it makes you think about your decisions, but don't use it to literally decide for you.

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  • Unfabulous

    But how did you choose when you had to choose whether or not to install the ''Grave Decisions'' app? And how did you choose whether or not to submit this post?
    I'm just messing, but please don't let an app determine what Uni you go to.

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  • VioletTrees

    Is this an ad for this app? Regardless, do you always go with the decision the zombie makes? If you don't, that can actually be a good exercise. If you don't know what choice to make, you can flip a coin, for example. If you're happy with the result, go with that. If you're not, then you know what you really want.

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  • Captain_Kegstand

    The little things are just fine to leave to chance, or a zombie in this case. But as far as major life changing decisions, I would put a little more thought into it!

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  • BurnaBaby27

    I agree with bananaface. Plus, he's scaryyy ooooo!

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  • bananaface

    Hmmm, I don't know. Ice cream maybe, but you shouldn't use an app to choose something as huge as the university you'll go to. There are so many things to consider, it's complicated.

    Your behaviour seems reckless to me, although understandable.

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