Greedy fuck businesses

It's probably just me, I'm the one person in this country that thinks the greedy fuck business owners are putting their abundant need for cash above human life. they all started bitching about being closed almost immediately and pushed local governments to reopen way before it was really safe, and I know, people to need to work and make money and spend money and go about life as normal but WHAT THE FUCK is wrong with everyone for rushing around with no masks and causing all of these influxes of covid cases. Is it normal for greed to be so much more important than even human life?

Voting Results
61% Normal
Based on 18 votes (11 yes)
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Comments ( 49 )
  • freakyman69

    i doubt youd be saying this if you owned a small business and your only source of income was forced to be closed by the government. most of the big corps are staying closed because they can afford to. joe down the street with his coffee shop, gym or barber shop cannot afford to go without income for months.

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    • Iluvcox

      maybe if "joe down the street" didn't live way above his means with fancy expensive brand new cars and trips all over the world while paying his employees shit for wages all of the time and actually saved a little of the profits he made throughout off of the backs of his employees, he could go a few months without income. bunch of greedy fuck businesses

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      • Clunk42

        There are many businesses that barely make a profit.

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  • Tommythecaty

    Well maybe when you own a business and are suddenly in the situation of losing it you’d think differently

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  • megadriver

    Big corporations got massive checks from the government and will make it through the corona crisis just fine, hell they'll even make a profit, cause the system favors only big businesses and those with government contracts.

    But you'd be singing a different tune if you had a small business... Especially if you were some poor fecker with a small business, that got no government aid. Someone fecker like me.

    I still have to pay my employees some money to keep them around. Good and loyal employees are hard to come by.

    I'm working half hours at my day job (selling cars, we were allowed to reopen), filling in the rest by driving buses. On a side note, all professional drivers in Europe must NOT wear masks, so they can be identified by police, or when flashed by a speed camera. So we have to wear masks, but not everyone has to wear them, but not wearing them is punishable... Stores get plexiglass walls, yet anyone wanting to buy a ticket can sneeze their guts out at me as much as they want and that's ok. But outside of the bus, I must wear my mask... I've had to dispute 2 tickets for not wearing a mask, because I'm a professional driver. Politicians are IDIOTS!!!

    Anyway, I'm living off money I've saved, keeping my business afloat with my damn savings. So excuse me for trying to not end up bankrupt, hungry, sick and homeless, out on the street!

    If you stop the economy of a country, that country is transported instantly to it's death bed and on the way to it's destruction. 50 MILLION unemployed in the US alone. Virus, or no virus... you need money to survive. Who is gonna give you free money just like that?! Nobody.

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  • Mammal-lover

    How would you feel if you owned 2 apartments with expensive insurance on one. Suddenly loose all your income while still paying those bills.

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  • Boojum

    But... but... but FREEDOM!

    I should be free to drink a fifth of Jack Daniels, get in my car and drive past the local school at 60 mph! I should be free to take my AR-15 into downtown Tulsa or Houston or Memphis, and target practice on the local pigeons! And I should damn well be free to walk around without a mask if the very stable genius in the White House says that's just fine.

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    • Mammal-lover

      Hey, leave the pigeons out of this

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  • litelander8

    Fuck a face mask. If you’re scared, don’t go out.

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    • FromTheSouthWeirdMan

      Exactly always wanna control ppl

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    • Iluvcox

      it has nothing to do with scared, it has to do with common decency for your fellow human beings and I thought people were smarter than this, but nope just a bunch of inconsiderate assholes that think they're to tough for a mask

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      • litelander8

        Go cry somewhere else.

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        • Iluvcox

          fuck off asshole

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          • Clunk42

            Says the guy who's posted about the same thing thrice, possibly four times.

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          • litelander8

            Womp. Be more clever.

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            • Iluvcox

              Womp, might not be clever, but I did mean it from the bottom of my heart:)

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        • Correction

          It amazes me how oblivious people can be to irony. The people terrified of a piece of fabric is telling other people to stay home if they’re scared, people crying about a little piece of fabric telling other people to go cry somewhere else. It’d be hilarious if it were satire, but it seems to be legitimate. Unreal.

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          • litelander8

            Terrified? I’m terrified of open water.

            I work in 90 degree weather and have to verbally communicate With EVERYONE I come in contact with. I can’t hear anyone and people can’t hear me.

            The idea that a piece of fabric is going to help stop the spread of any illness is crap. 🤷🏾‍♀️ It’s merely to make people feel good.

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            • Correction

              “Go cry somewhere else.” 🤷‍♂️

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          • Clunk42

            Fearing and disliking are two different things.

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            • Correction

              Fearing and being considerate of others are two different things too.

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  • JellyBeanBandit

    I completely agree with you.

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  • Piopybutt

    People is stupid

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  • howaminotmyself

    This is the price of capitalism. This is business. The bottom line above all else. People do not factor into the equation. This is why the planet is sick money is the most important thing. This is why society is crumbling. It is unnatural. The world is out of balance.

    But the good news is that there is a tipping point.

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  • clitoriajustice

    although i agree that things should still be shut down and people should take way more precautions, i voted normal because i understand why small business owners would want to reopen. corporate CEOs on the other hand, they're being very greedy and don't need anymore money. but small business owners depend on business for their income, so i don't think they're being greedy, i think they just want to get from day to day. but i still think that things should be shut down and quarantine should be happening

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  • BleedingPain

    People who were pissy about not being able to get haircuts or their nails done value their own appearances over life, and thats messed up

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  • Goldendoodlegirl

    No it's not normal to put it above human life and I'm disgusted by it. I'm even more disgusted by the fact that the government doesn't help these businesses so that we can squash this disease. I'm disgusted by the whole thing. :(

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  • FromTheSouthWeirdMan

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    • Iluvcox

      so I'm confused, are we supposed to shot the stupid fucks without the masks or just be really thankful that good men from the past died so stupid fucks have the freedom to not wear masks

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      • FromTheSouthWeirdMan

        Out of the ppl that get corona only 0.2% die according to the CDC. Im not wearing a mask. You can.

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        • Goldendoodlegirl

          The mortality rate is at just about 5%, not .2%. The lower rate may be for your age group but we should wear masks to protect all the groups. Your mask doesn't protect you, it protects others from you. If you are in a .2% mortality rate group you are more likely to be asymptomatic if you acquire it. Congrats, you'll live but grandpa or that kid that just beat cancer will die.

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          • FromTheSouthWeirdMan

            Not according to the CDC. On June 5 2020 the CDC said the death rate for the people who get covid is 0.2% in the USA.


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            • Correction

              Even your own source debunked the CDC claim by the end of the article.

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        • SmokeEverything

          Idk about CDC but ICP says wicked clowns NEVER die so I think I'll be good.

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        • Iluvcox

          so you're a tough guy fromthesouthweirdman and don't need a mask I guess, aww, but wait not tough enough to wear the fucking thing. people with your mentality should be the folks that all have to go back into quarantine together, in a small space with no masks and then soon enough the world will be safe for all of the rest of us that are smart enough to wear masks to live free once again, fucking idiots, how hard is it to wear a fucking mask

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          • FromTheSouthWeirdMan

            0.2% death rate in America according to the CDC. If you're scared of that you're a pussy.

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            • Iluvcox

              motor vehicle deaths in america amount to like 0.01% each year and that's way, way lower than covid deaths but I bet you wear your seat belt...pussy

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  • TheBlindInquisitor

    greed can play a fact into it for some but I wouldnt say all of them. if your talking big corps then yeah fuck them small ones on the other hand is a bit different.

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